I find that when I have a conversation with people about politics and something conrentious comes up, those that say, "yeah well both are as bad as each other, seem to be Liberals.This is the part that concerns me in WA. We want strong opposition no matter who is in government. We haven't had it here for a long time. And there have been near misses already.. hopefully it is relatively status quo until we get strong opposition.
The Liberals here in WA have shot hemselves in the foot to many time in latter years.
Before the election there was the constant cry of both houses being in Labors hands, Where were they when Liberal held the same han for many runs of power.
Even when Labor have been in power, seldom have they held control in both houses at once.
Not one polly has stepped up to say that the way Labor changed the voting system for the Upper house worked out for everyone.
Labor have the most in numbers in the house, but the Green will hold the trump card.
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Liberals to become a working party again.