Mega Thread Non-Freo AFL Discussion 2024

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The question becomes who in their right mind would actually want to take the job? I can't remember who said it yesterday (maybe King) but re-build coaches don't survive the re-build. With the list needing to be gutted and re-built it is a shit situation to walk into.
It's funny, I said the same thing about Collingwood's position. Their turn around totally shocked me and most others. They had no draft picks to work with, an aging list and dropping down the ladder like a stone.

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It's funny, I said the same thing about Collingwood's position. Their turn around totally shocked me and most others. They had no draft picks to work with, an aging list and dropping down the ladder like a stone.

Now they are suffering. They got the new coach bounce and one last effort from the old guys but are finding out this season that their list ain't shit when the old guys can't go.

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