Old Xavs player in girls undies

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Benny MOF said:
I can assure you there is a girl who supplied this information, you can come and meet her on Friday if you like.

Also, you're defeating the purpose of your posts by constantly mocking this forum.

If you don't like the content, kindly heck off, nobody is forcing you to read it.

If you can tell me the girls name, I can tell you who the player is!
Marns said:
I'm not arguing about the fact that "she might've been telling the truth", I simply dont believe there is a "she".

And yes, its me :rolleyes: You heard it here first on BF everyone, I am the lingerie wearing Old Xav. Wow.

Marns mate, why are you making such a big deal of this?

The MOF is not accusing him of taking drugs, receiving match paymnets, being gay or breaking the law. It's just a bit of fun mate and you're blowing it way out of proportion.

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jackaman said:
Why is it that so many players have/want to leave skob over the past few years? They seem to have a bigger turnover than other clubs and there must be a reason.

No such problems down at jackaland. Get on boys, this is our year and the best squad we have had for over a decade. A big celebration for our 50th year!
Go jackas!!

50 years and still under achieving!! The boys at Parkdale gave you a bath in the last round when there was a finals spot on the line, why would it be different in 2006?
sammyg said:
Firstly, you do realise you can catch Gayness just by been near other ****?

Secondly, why do you think they went to Old Xavs to play? I can tell you it just wasn't for the cash, they also wanted to be in a club where all the players were free to flaunt their sick perversions. Especially Blood.

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Supa Frank said:
Not sure why everyone is picking on Xavs, there are way worse clubs out there.

Not picking on Xavs at all, it's just coincidental that the lingerie wearing freakshow plays for them. Or is it?
The Big Pineapple said:
Marns mate, why are you making such a big deal of this?

The MOF is not accusing him of taking drugs, receiving match paymnets, being gay or breaking the law. It's just a bit of fun mate and you're blowing it way out of proportion.
Sure it may've been just a bit of fun, and I had a chuckle when I read it, but it turned into sh1t like this:
sammyg said:
Considering some of the stories I have heard about the Priests at Barkers Rd encouraging students to put their hands in the Priests pockets and "touch the rabbit", it is no wonder the whole of Old Xavs are a bunch of cross-dressing ****.

The xavier bashing is ********ing me off. Sammyg, what school did you go to?
Marns said:
Sure it may've been just a bit of fun, and I had a chuckle when I read it, but it turned into sh1t like this:

The xavier bashing is ********ing me off. Sammyg, what school did you go to?


Please refer to my earlier post, nobody is forcing you to read this.

Many clubs and schools have been picked on, most unfairly, on these forums.

Be thankful that your club has enjoyed so much success and try not to take things to heart so much in the future. We're all here for a bit of fun and light hearted banter to get us through the day. Unfotunately for you, Xavier bashing is as much a part of the VAFA as tomato sauce is to a pie, get used to it and get over it.
Benny MOF said:
Not picking on Xavs at all, it's just coincidental that the lingerie wearing freakshow plays for them. Or is it?

They/He might be at a level you/we do not understand Benny, wearing lingerie may help you win Premiership, we should all try it!!!
Benny MOF said:

Please refer to my earlier post, nobody is forcing you to read this.

Many clubs and schools have been picked on, most unfairly, on these forums.

Be thankful that your club has enjoyed so much success and try not to take things to heart so much in the future. We're all here for a bit of fun and light hearted banter to get us through the day. Unfotunately for you, Xavier bashing is as much a part of the VAFA as tomato sauce is to a pie, get used to it and get over it.
Hey, I'm just sticking up for my club. I know that bashing other schools is all part and parcel of things, yet you dont expect people to stick up for their team? Hell, I enjoy a good rival bashing here and there too, and if I post something against another team, I'll expect someone from that team to have a shot back at me. It's natural.

And its not as if I overdid my response to the thread either (see here). I responded sticking up for my team as I think most people would've for theirs.
Marns said:
Hey, I'm just sticking up for my club. I know that bashing other schools is all part and parcel of things, yet you dont expect people to stick up for their team? Hell, I enjoy a good rival bashing here and there too, and if I post something against another team, I'll expect someone from that team to have a shot back at me. It's natural.

And its not as if I overdid my response to the thread either (see here). I responded sticking up for my team as I think most people would've for theirs.
They're just jealous marns.
Benny MOF said:
Not picking on Xavs at all, it's just coincidental that the lingerie wearing freakshow plays for them. Or is it?

Still waiting for that name Bennyboy!

Let's put this crap thread to bed!
Marns said:
Jealousy. Read before posting.

I don't think anybody on this forum is jealous of a bloke that broke up with his girlfriend necause of his fetish for guirls underwear.

PK, name of my source will be witheld due to self interest.
Benny MOF said:
I don't think anybody on this forum is jealous of a bloke that broke up with his girlfriend necause of his fetish for guirls underwear.

PK, name of my source will be witheld due to self interest.

Benny - I think you need to lighten up. Sounds like you and this Xav's player's ex-girlfriend are both very prudish. Perhaps you need to expand your horizons - get out and live a little. Nothing wrong with a bit of dressing up in the bedroom (have you considered that you might be in the minority here pal?)

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Old Xavs player in girls undies

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