Review Open thread - Grand Final Review

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I don't think we can make excuses
The team that beat us was simply far better on the day, and would have still won handily had they copped the umpiring we have all year.
Definitely an element of one big game too many, but they earned their run and we did ours..

I expect the group to be very very hungry next year, and if they aren't that's when I am going to really start worrying
Momentum is a big big thing and that non free kick for holding the ball right at the end of the 1st 1/4 which would have prevented rioli goaling on the siren from that passage of play and then that shocker of a free in front of goal to reiwoldt for phil davis' bodywork right at the start of the 2nd 1/4 gave richmond a huge lift. From there with tails up infront of a massive home crowd they surged. Just don't overcorrect next year like our club did in 2018. Your club will be around the mark for some time to come imo
When Cameron kicked that first goal and you refused to let them pull away in that first quarter, we were so hopeful.
Then pedal to the metal they went, momentum helped by another borderline decision at the start of the second.
Yes they were too good, but you guys did a champion job, and this sting will get you back up there again.

Keep on punching you lot. Your supporters were great at the ground swamped as they were with Richmung feral noise.

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It is about the journey ... today you came second but you seen the light at the end of the tunnel, 16 other teams didn't ... forget the margin that is always irrelivant a point or 20 goals means nothing next year. Sometimes you need to walk before you can run. Congratulations on being where 16 other clubs wanted to be ... believe in yourselves, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot move forward from here and go one better. 3 Suns got to experience the the premiership ... with Richmond ... this year, you have managed to hold the cream of your side with exceptional players signing on where the Suns failed. See you next year, I am certain the Giants of 2020 will be better for 2019.
GWS you did great to come from outside the 8 and do that all that travelling to win a semi and a prelim against fancied teams. Unfortunately it looked like you were running on fumes by the time you got to the big one. Invaluable experience for a side still peaking for sure. I see many top four finishes making your chances of winning one soon even better. Not a bad season at all.
Congrats on getting there guys, as an apprehensive tiger supporter I must say your team on paper made me more than a little nervous. You have an exceptional list and I believe you have a good administration and a coach ideal for building a family club.

Tuning a Ferrari is no easy matter even for a Clarkson. The measure of a man is how he handles adversity ... you have held the cup and had it dashed from your hands ... you still have that same formidable roster and Callan Ward returns in 2020 ... I am not looking forward to meeting you in 2020. Congratulations on a great season, don't for a moment decry your achievement in 2019, it was incredible.
Need to put the the Tigers GF win in perspective.

GWS played their last 11 games at the G over 4 years, 2016-2019

Tigers player their last 11 games at the G since May of this year and played their last 9/10 games at home at the G.

#balance :drunk:
Loved watching the Giants knock the pies out last week, came up against a great side today. Davis playing was a disgrace, Keeffe was fantastic last week and sorely missed today. Deledio also needs to remember it's not about him. Selfish players kill the culture. Move forward with Coniglio, Ward and Cameron as the leaders. They lead by actions

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Not here to comment on the game or the result guys and know its a no opposition thread so happy if you delete

Just like to congratulate your fans and your team for the way you guys carried yourself's throught the finals series and your supporters in melbourne were all brilliant and friendly - So keep chins up and keep up the love for the club and the players

have a great off season
Badluck to all Giants fans and the team... Just want to say I respect you blokes a lot more after today, gracious in defeat and contributed well to the atmosphere and spectacle... Loved the united march to the G!
Was at the game supporting you guys yesterday, the hate from a small amount of Richmond flogs was unbearable especially after the game, fingers and screaming at Giants supporters. It was ****ing disgraceful
Was at the game supporting you guys yesterday, the hate from a small amount of Richmond flogs was unbearable especially after the game, fingers and screaming at Giants supporters. It was ******* disgraceful
Unfortunately if you put a hundred thousand people in a stadium chances are at least 15000 of them will be filth. Shouldn't take away from the 85000 civilised human beings
Unfortunately if you put a hundred thousand people in a stadium chances are at least 15000 of them will be filth. Shouldn't take away from the 85000 civilised human beings
Unfortunately it does if that 85000 doesn’t react. It was nothing short of disgusting. I saw one poor guy get a tigers scarf literally rubbed in his face and a bunch imbeciles laugh the perpetrator on
Unfortunately it does if that 85000 doesn’t react. It was nothing short of disgusting. I saw one poor guy get a tigers scarf literally rubbed in his face and a bunch imbeciles laugh the perpetrator on
I hear you but that's what security guards and police are for. Those 85000 civilised people pay good money to watch the game and keep to themselves. Not their job to police the ferals. I will say this though and i hope you agree with me, there is a consensus that lots of these scumbags are repeat offenders. If they want to be antisocial and they get videoed or pictured fighting or intimidating others I reckon they get slapped with a life ban, end of story.
In defense of the 85000, I'm pretty sure they all didn't see it. Also, did you react?

If what you said is true then those tiger supporters should feel ****ing ashamed.
Unfortunately it does if that 85000 doesn’t react. It was nothing short of disgusting. I saw one poor guy get a tigers scarf literally rubbed in his face and a bunch imbeciles laugh the perpetrator on
No point carrying on too much about any of that. Most here had positive reactions from the Tigers fans - my family did: we stayed for most of the post-match to soak up the atmosphere and of course got swamped by Tigers fans surging forward but didn't get anything untoward said at all. And on the walk back and dinner at most it was a minor crack but quite a few 'well done' or 'you'll be back' sentiments. I'd say every club has a few who'll always react shittily in either victory or defeat.

BTW, same for Pies and Brisbane fans the last two weeks. Pies fans last week were mostly chatty and complimentary apart from a few drunk 20-something lads (i.e. the profile you'd expect to misbehave).

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