Ovens and King Football League 2013

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4 years ago the league was reasonably healthy in the quality of players running around, games worth watching on a weekend these days it's rabble i would be interested to see the figures of gate takings from the last 4 years. I would think it would have dropped by at least 30% due to the one sided games etc anyone agree disagree
4 years ago the league was reasonably healthy in the quality of players running around, games worth watching on a weekend these days it's rabble i would be interested to see the figures of gate takings from the last 4 years. I would think it would have dropped by at least 30% due to the one sided games etc anyone agree disagree

I agree most of the top sides rest their stars when faceing the B&D sides to save on injuries and um match payments. They are still lop sided and boring to watch. It was a stronger league with Beechworth, Chiltern, and Rutherglen in it. The thirds comp was decent too. Times have changed
I had a stint with swanny couple of years ago before I decided to play for a more competitive team in a more competitive league and I mentioned a merger to some swanny people and they were strongly opposed and what ive been hearing from swanny surrpporters their not happy at all and wont join with goorambat they literally hate them im saddened by all this. but swanpool,tatong,goorambat, have to much pride and arrogance to merge so Imho their will be no merger

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why not the all blacks too...Then they can become the STAG's ..... seen plenty of Samba ones over Tatong way over the years so would be a great team name.... :p
nah the all blacks are the only good benalla team in the league SO although great idea (stag's) but sadly it wont go ahead :( bahaha
4 years ago the league was reasonably healthy in the quality of players running around, games worth watching on a weekend these days it's rabble i would be interested to see the figures of gate takings from the last 4 years. I would think it would have dropped by at least 30% due to the one sided games etc anyone agree disagree
I know that whenever the cave play all blacks our gate takings are no good because no one wants to watch those rabble
Showtime I don't know if you where at the Bats v Blacks this year but there was cars all the way around the ground and parked up behind the change rooms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I don't think I saw your head at the Sportsmans night ?
Cruising you are entitled to your take on things mate and no I was not directly involved with the meetings that were held between the 3 clubs. When meetings were held with Tatong, Swanpool, Doon, Alexander, Yea and Goorambat in regards to doing there own thing, when the pressure was applied to start and put some things on paper and to own some actions the three most southern sides were not interested. This was a good concept but was never going to get off the ground.

Since when has what the three clubs wanted been on the agenda. If you know the process that has taken place then you would know that this has not been a negotiation. I will repeat from my earlier post " Goorambat was told that a three way merger with Goorambat to be the main hub of this consolidation was THE ONLY OPTION for Goorambat to be playing football next year. If we refused we would have to fold.

As far as I know we were not invited to the meeting on Monday night as the NEAFL were delivering the decision that THEY had made. It was not negotiating an outcome.

I do not like this result and as I said earlier do not support the process or the agenda of the review.

No worries crackerjack. Thanks for being honest saying you weren't at meetings. I was, so that's why we have differing views but understand your points. Still would like you to answer my questions that weren't answered. Why when it was proposed to goorambat about the three way merger why didn't they consult Tatong and swanpool? And if it is an equal merger why weren't goorambat represented at meeting? Honestly I believe the merger should happen but the way your club has handled itself by no bringing this up with swanny and tat looks pretty poor and I'm sure you can agree with that. Hopefully it gets worked out soon for all clubs involved otherwise it will be a very sad day in football if all three clubs go under.
Cracerjack - like said, "If what i'm hearing is true"
If it's not true then I am happy to withdraw my previous comments. I, like you wish the best of luck to all the clubs involved in this mess and when I'd heard that Goorambat may have been under cutting I was quite taken aback.
Thanks for clearing it up. You may need to do the same with the Presidents of Swanny and Tatong also.
is true that Goorambat shafted the rest but that said how will they now pay 3 lots of bills for the upkeep of gronds and facillities no compansation ?
Exactly, how can you justify maintaining a ground/facilities for two games a season.

I really felt that this whole review issue was building good relationships between Tatong, Swanpool, Goorambat and even Bonnie Doon. We were all open and transparent with all our dealings, or so we thought before we were shafted by Goorambat. Rumour has it that this was all decided upon over 9 weeks ago.
What are the other O&K clubs opinions, we have received alot of support from a number of original o&k clubs. It just seems to be to board and John that have the agenda.
From what I'm reading the basic message to the 3 clubs is merge or fold is that correct?...If all 3 sides refuse to merge and have to fold then that would leave 11 teams...Would one of the clubs then be allowed to stand alone again to make the 12th team..... Is it a possibilty?? If so which one??.
From what I'm reading the basic message to the 3 clubs is merge or fold is that correct?...If all 3 sides refuse to merge and have to fold then that would leave 11 teams...Would one of the clubs then be allowed to stand alone again to make the 12th team..... Is it a possibilty?? If so which one??.

Apparently Goorambat will be supported by the league with or without the merger going ahead!
Exactly, how can you justify maintaining a ground/facilities for two games a season.

I really felt that this whole review issue was building good relationships between Tatong, Swanpool, Goorambat and even Bonnie Doon. We were all open and transparent with all our dealings, or so we thought before we were shafted by Goorambat. Rumour has it that this was all decided upon over 9 weeks ago.
What are the other O&K clubs opinions, we have received alot of support from a number of original o&k clubs. It just seems to be to board and John that have the agenda.

Divide and conquer - the ultimate art of war. I daresay the AFLNEB knew they wouldn't break the 4 without some serious manoeuvrings and they look to have come the goods. It's a pretty big carrot to try to turn down as being a standalone club if Tatong & Swanpool remain steadfast in their belief & vision to continue standalone. Don't blame Goorambat, but don't be surprised if not many players from other clubs turn their backs as a result.

Whatever the League/AFLNEB decide. It doesn't feel like footy (or netty) is winning here.
Whatever the League/AFLNEB decide. It doesn't feel like footy (or netty) is winning here.[/quote]

Football and Netball are definately not the winner. AFL Vic have just forked out probibly $200,000 a year to employ football development officers for the area, and what is their first action under the new regieme, try and close clubs down. I might be niave but shouldn't the role of a football development officer be to address the issues of declining participation rates, rather than reduce the opportunities for participation!

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would this be an option goorambat stand alone (as they think they are good enough) tatong swanpool merge(better to keep two clubs then not have a club at all) that's what I think divide games etc ??
would this be an option goorambat stand alone (as they think they are good enough) tatong swanpool merge(better to keep two clubs then not have a club at all) that's what I think divide games etc ??

got told today that the panel have canned the Tat/Swan merger, no longer an option...plan "A" is the only plan apparently...TM is that right??
got told today that the panel have canned the Tat/Swan merger, no longer an option...plan "A" is the only plan apparently...TM is that right??

Thast correct Slim the Goorambat takeover is the only option left on the table, if you can consider that an option.
Seems like there's some mixed stories. On one hand I have cracerjack telling me GBAT didn't undercut Tatong and Swanpool but every one else seems to think they did? Sounds like Tatong and Swanny will under no circumstances side with GBAT after what they've supposedly done, so it might've backfired. If Tatong and Swanny decided not to merge with GBAT, with the NEAFL allow Goorambat to stand alone again?
From what I'm reading the basic message to the 3 clubs is merge or fold is that correct?...If all 3 sides refuse to merge and have to fold then that would leave 11 teams...Would one of the clubs then be allowed to stand alone again to make the 12th team..... Is it a possibilty?? If so which one??.
ong are spending the most time and money on their future in infrastructure for the whole community perhaps they should of just spent it on players I see other clubs have not improved anything since the 1990s when they were built for them by the goverment after the highway went through their old tin shed not a good lesson for our kids?
Thast correct Slim the Goorambat takeover is the only option left on the table, if you can consider that an option.
Why is the first and only option to fix the lack of players is to cut clubs why not reduce the numbers needed why do we need 3 on the bench in seniors and 4 in reserves it may not fix the whole problem but it would be better to try little things first would it not??
Did anyone attend tonight's crisis meetings will any news to tell? pretty sure both tatong & swan pool were having one tonight.
What is wrong with you 3 clubs you need to pull your heads outta yah arses and merge and be done with it, Youv'e had 4 years to get it right and it hasn't happened. Its 2013 times have changed stop flogging a dead horse and move on. Whats going to change if the 3 clubs went stand alone next year you would still be in the same situation as the last 4 years, Tatong and Goorambat havn't even got coaches for god sakes, let alone money or players. Get over yourselfs and move on......
What is wrong with you 3 clubs you need to pull your heads outta yah arses and merge and be done with it, Youv'e had 4 years to get it right and it hasn't happened. Its 2013 times have changed stop flogging a dead horse and move on. Whats going to change if the 3 clubs went stand alone next year you would still be in the same situation as the last 4 years, Tatong and Goorambat havn't even got coaches for god sakes, let alone money or players. Get over yourselfs and move on......

COULD NOT AGREE MORE BISCOE from what I hear some Benalla councillor has drum up support from other council member to fight NEAFL findings, where have all these people been
before when these clubs have needed help in the last 4 years. Same as when these clubs first come in
they where all behind these clubs . There help soon fall away unless there is another 60 football players move into the Benalla area there is not enough numbers for all the clubs Tatongmagpie said they have had alot of support from other O&K clubs I find that hard to belive most other O&K club
official I talk to want them to merge so the standed of the O&K dosnt slip any further .
If these clubs dont get on with working together to form one club they will end up with nothing
because I am sure NEAFL wont change there mind and I am sure the O&K board would have the support
from the rest of the clubs for the merger to happen

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Ovens and King Football League 2013

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