Palmer - Botched Surgery

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Colin Young (Rhys's Manager) was on Ch 7 news last night and said he will be out of hospital in the next couple of days - after the op there was a little bit more swelling than normal and they are just being careful - won't hamper recovery - will definitely be playing round 1.

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Thought I'd throw my $0.02 in here (I treat patients with serious infections, including lots of cases of post-operative knee joint infection).

Early post-op infections are uncommon after arthroscopy. When infection does occur, as long as the joint is washed out early and appropriate high dose IV antibiotics are given, the risk of permanent damage is low.

The real concern would be if a part of the metal component of the repair (eg the screws that hold the repaired ligament in the femur or tibia) becomes involved in the infection.

Infection is rearly a result of "botched" surgery - its usually just bad luck, and an accepted risk of the procedure which the surgeon would have made clear before getting consent for the operation.

Drain insertion following a straightforward ACL repair would be unusual; drains can act as a source for infection, so they are usually taken out pretty quickly anyway.

BTW, if I had the choice of having my ACL repair in Perth or in Melbourne, I would choose Perth every time. We don't see hospital -acquired MRSA infection in Perth, but its not uncommon on the East Coast....
Sorry, disagree entirely with this, apart from the last two lines.
Blood thinners eg Clexane are often/always used post-operatively in lower limb surgery to prevent clots. As this is given as an injection form usually into the abdominal wall twice daily, it is usually ceased within days of being mobile.
IF Palmer has developed blood clots anywhere in his leg, then the treatment changes from preventive to active and he will need Warfarin for 3 - 6 months depending on recovery. It is only Warfarin treatment that requires blood tests, and not necessarily weekly once his 'level' is stable.
Sorry to appear pedantic but I have a dislike of misinformation...:)

Sorry for the misinformation. A relative of mine developed clots on the lung after a routine procedure due to clotting agents given pre-op. He was on Clexane injections for months with regular blood tests to monitor his clotting times.
To the crux of the real issue, is there any word on how Rhys has progressed, is he out of hospital yet?
I heard he came out of hospital yesterday and is doing ok.

(from a pretty reliable source)
Glad he is doing okay guys.

IF he had ANY post op complications, then he was in the best place to be treated.

To me it sounds like the original poster got things way way wrong. He even admitted he had his information from a non health professional.

IF he had a clot of any sort, he would have been heparnised in some manner, either clexane or heparin and then warfarin, to stabilise his inr levels.

These things happen, ALL surgeries carry these risks. A fact of life.

He is fine now, which is brilliant, a long rehab for him and a wonderful season next year to look forward to for your supporters.

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Palmer - Botched Surgery

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