Toast Parabéns GremioPower

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I wish...
Or a professor of English who enjoys going on various web sites and using obscure words that most people have never heard of. ;)
You would be great having a conversation with Donald Trump, you'd have him totally bamboozled in less than 60 seconds GP, and he'd be calling for a translation from English to English. :cool:
Gremio fans celebrate this

Did you notice how the crowd reacts after a goal? In England, they scream "YYYEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!"

In South America, we scream "GOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLL!!!!"

After a miss, in England, the sound is "OOOOHHH!" In Brazil, it's "UUUUUUHHHHHH!!!!" (like a very long "oo").

I found these differences really interesting.

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Guys, sorry for my abscence.

I’m alive. I just won’t be as present as usual, at least, in the foreseeable future.

Still, I will be around more than I have been lately. 🙂

P.S.: Do not worry about me. There’s nothing much out of the ordinary going on. A few issues here and there, but who doesn't have those?

Truly, I have been away because of the elections. I have been working more trying to both make sense of our mess and explain it to others.

Besides that, I'm also trying to be more present for the kids. So, I have less time to spare.

I have been using my diminished spare time in other ways, but I don't want to be away from BF completely. I like it here!
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Guys, sorry for my abscence.

I’m alive. I just won’t be as present as usual, at least, in the foreseeable future.

Still, I will be around more than I have been lately. 🙂

P.S.: Do not worry about me. There’s nothing much out of the ordinary happening to me. A few issues here and there, but who doesn't have those?

Truly, I have been away because of the elections. I have been working more trying to both make sense of our mess and explain it to others.

Besides that, I'm also trying to be more present for the kids. So, I have less time to spare.

I have been using my diminished spare time in other ways, but I don't want to be away from BF completely. I like it here!
I was talking about your absence on BF to Stephen about 30 minutes ago GP when he came here to take `his' dog for a walk, and he was of the opinion it may have had something to do with the recent election.

Great to hear all is well with you and yours! :thumbsu:
He hasn't been posting because the fascist lost the election?
Not at all. I’ve stopped posting before the election (moreover, one could argue that the choice was between two fascists. One lost, but the other won — as it would happen with any result).

The issues continue here. As sad as it is, people are delusional — in both sides. The struggle is to preserve one’s sanity.

The atmosphere has been bad. Yet, it’s an improvement. We can’t pretend it’s good anymore.

That’s why I’ve been away.
Not at all. I’ve stopped posting before the election (moreover, one could argue that the choice was between two fascists. One lost, but the other won — as it would happen with any result).

The issues continue here. As sad as it is, people are delusional — in both sides. The struggle is to preserve one’s sanity.

The atmosphere has been bad. Yet, it’s an improvement. We can’t pretend it’s good anymore.

That’s why I’ve been away.

such a shame as brazil has everything under the sun to be a powerhouse economy, enabling everyone to prosper

if all else fails.........come to Perth

there is more opportunity than you could ever imagine possible
such a shame as brazil has everything under the sun to be a powerhouse economy, enabling everyone to prosper

if all else fails.........come to Perth

there is more opportunity than you could ever imagine possible

We have almost everything. Geopolitically, our location sucks. If we go bankrupt, no one cares. That’s a big problem.

Foreign money promotes corruption, we gladly comply, and all goes nice and well for a while. When things eventually start failing, the investors vanish, we go broke, and the country goes into turmoil. Eventually, we begin to set it all straight again. Then, the money comes back; and the cycle starts again.

This has been our history for more than a century now. We never learn.

One may say we aren’t the only place that this happens, and it’s true. But we are the 5th biggest and the 5th most-populous country in the world. The scale here is bigger.
We have almost everything. Geopolitically, our location sucks. If we go bankrupt, no one cares. That’s a big problem.

Foreign money promotes corruption, we gladly comply, and all goes nice and well for a while. When things eventually start failing, the investors vanish, we go broke, and the country goes into turmoil. Eventually, we begin to set it all straight again. Then, the money comes back; and the cycle starts again.

This has been our history for more than a century now. We never learn.

One may say we aren’t the only place that this happens, and it’s true. But we are the 5th biggest and the 5th most-populous country in the world. The scale here is bigger.

the Aussie mining industry is very cautious on Sth America at the moment. They say a similar thing.........Sth America says and does all the right things.......and then once the money is in, it goes full Sth America and the assets are stolen. Then everything goes bankrupt and the cycle begins again.

Brazil has everything but corruption and population growth are big challenges. Challenges that are rarely resolved without a tumultuous event such as a big war. Just look what Europe had to go through, to come out the other side.

A beautiful country nevertheless

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We have almost everything. Geopolitically, our location sucks. If we go bankrupt, no one cares. That’s a big problem.

Foreign money promotes corruption, we gladly comply, and all goes nice and well for a while. When things eventually start failing, the investors vanish, we go broke, and the country goes into turmoil. Eventually, we begin to set it all straight again. Then, the money comes back; and the cycle starts again.

This has been our history for more than a century now. We never learn.

One may say we aren’t the only place that this happens, and it’s true. But we are the 5th biggest and the 5th most-populous country in the world. The scale here is bigger.

Can see why you’re so attracted to Ken Kochley’s “stability” mantra here then.


Welcome back ;)

On iPhone using recycled electrons, via mobile app
We have almost everything. Geopolitically, our location sucks. If we go bankrupt, no one cares. That’s a big problem.

Foreign money promotes corruption, we gladly comply, and all goes nice and well for a while. When things eventually start failing, the investors vanish, we go broke, and the country goes into turmoil. Eventually, we begin to set it all straight again. Then, the money comes back; and the cycle starts again.

This has been our history for more than a century now. We never learn.

One may say we aren’t the only place that this happens, and it’s true. But we are the 5th biggest and the 5th most-populous country in the world. The scale here is bigger.
We don't get a lot of information about Brazil in this country, but I assume the opposite re Australia would be happening at your end.

When Brazil does get a mention here it is almost always on a documentary about the deforestation of the rain forest, the greed for the quick buck that drives it, and its projected ultimate effect on world climate change.
The loss of traditional lands for the indigenous people and habitat for endangered species is also mentioned in those documentaries which are usually made by or for the Discovery Channel or National Geographic and don't often appear on free to air tv.

Are things as bad as reported, and do governments both locally and federally appear to do little to nothing to remedy the situation due to what is apparently large scale corruption?
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Toast Parabéns GremioPower

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