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Dec 7, 2001
AFL Club
Brisbane Lions
Just wondering who has what. If any.

we have a little foxy/jack russell called Rusty. he is a nut.A lovable one though.

plus we have 2 cocklateils. macgyver and maxine.They have never seen footy before, so today is their baptism of fire.Our last birds, one of them loved the Sydney Swans, she would go mad when Sydney were on, no other team.

My main man Butkuss.

He's not dead... just relaxed.

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Our family has two dogs and a cockatiel. Our dogs names are Charlie (14) and Zed (10), they are both boys and are German Short-Haired Pointers. Our cockatiel is called Bundy and is a girl and is 5 years old.
Yes folks. In The Brown Dog's post up above, is my pet Myrtle the Turtle.

I wrote a loan for a lady about 6 months ago. She had this turtle who went by the name of Terry the Turtle.

Jokingly I said to her that if she ever contemplated selling Terry, to give me a call. I'd buy him if he was available.

So guess what ? I got a call 6 months later. Terry was out of favour. Me & my big mouth!!! He was mine if I wanted him. My wife said, "no way are you putting a smelly turtle in my lounge room".

Well I persuaded my wife that he would not be a burden. I brought him from the lady. I took him to the vet for a check up. Lo & behold, Terry was in fact a female!!! So we named her Myrtle the Turtle. She is a great pet. Very clean too. The tank has a great filter & the water is clean. My wife just adores her now!
Here are my other pets. Bernie (Named after Bernie Quinlan) & Ossie (Named after Richard Osborne).

They are in their favourite spots...on my desk & in my Intray! They are with me all day & provide great company. They also act as my Admin. Assistant's.

I just love them heaps.

Ideally, I wouldn't mind owning a turtle or heck, I know a place where I can buy me a Frill-Neck Lizard.... that'd be sweeeet!

Pet shop near me sells bearded dragons, bluetongues, skinks etc etc...

Not sure if I approve... but they are cool animals.

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Pet shop near me sells bearded dragons, bluetongues, skinks etc etc...

Not sure if I approve... but they are cool animals.

yeah same here but I have always thought it would be cool to have an Iguana!!

I have an 8 year old Jack Russell called Max. He is a pure bred pedigree but has a manufacturing fault - I can't find the off switch!!
We have just brought home our little staffy pup Dude to keep our other staffy Polly (10y.o) company.
Having only recently lost our 14y.o male, Bud to cancer she was moping around (as were all of us) and this little fella has really put a spark back in our lives.
I have an 8 year old Jack Russell called Max. He is a pure bred pedigree but has a manufacturing fault - I can't find the off switch!!

:D:D Hehe LL I'm pretty sure no off switch is part of the manufacturing standard for Jack Russells! :p
We have just brought home our little staffy pup Dude to keep our other staffy Polly (10y.o) company.
Having only recently lost our 14y.o male, Bud to cancer she was moping around (as were all of us) and this little fella has really put a spark back in our lives.

Sorry to hear about Bud Lionsman - it's never easy is it.

Pics of Dude and Polly are required tho! :thumbsu:
At the moment we have a beautiful grey black tabby cat called Tom who is 3 and a bit. We also have 2 gorgeous puppies. Matilda is a Jack Russell (also has no off button) and Charlie is a Maltese. They are both 5 months and keep us very busy and entertained. :D:D
I don't know how to put photos onto here!!
Ruby & Penelope- 3 year and year old cats, both strays that I took in.

Merv, Bitch, Roger, Floaty- Sister's Goldfish.

Chomps- Murray Cod fingerling had a silver perch friend, but he ate him.

Daisy- A duck, 18 years old.

George- Eastern Funnel Web that lives in a tank, feed him silverfish, wingless moths and beetles.
My cat is named Fitzroy, can't remember where I got the name from:D

Pet Member of the Lions, and enjoys watching Friday Night Footy with me.:thumbsu:
I have a Foxy terrier cross, White with black patches/head called Dynamo about 4years old.

And a Poodle/ terrier cross 5 months old called Billy, he's Black with tan paws....looks like a little doberman...i have no idea why:confused:
Our family has two dogs and a cockatiel. Our dogs names are Charlie (14) and Zed (10), they are both boys and are German Short-Haired Pointers. Our cockatiel is called Bundy and is a girl and is 5 years old.

This morning, our family had Charlie put down at 14 and a half years of age. Been a sad day for the family as we all loved him so much and felt like he was one of us.

For the past few months he started to forget things, got cysts and noncancerous tumors, was falling over all the time, had weak legs and had pain in his joints. So we put his pain away. RIP Charlie The Wonderdog xxx

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