News Phil Walsh RIP

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I've had all day to get my head around this and I still really can't comprehend it. When I first heard the news it honestly could not sink in. Yeah but not that Phil Walsh.

I will never be able to understand what happened.

A terrible tragedy that should never be visited upon any family.


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I've been gutted today but haven't shed big tears. Processing it. It'll come. Probably when I see Tex lead the team out.
Everyone's different and you never know what will trigger a response. I walked around after Phil Hughes passed for a few days thinking it was sad but it didn't affect me. Then I saw footage of an interview which he'd done a while back - had to shut my door for an hour - mess
I think what's most saddening, is that a man has lost his life under a tragic set of circumstances that are sure to completely rip his family apart.

I'd like to make clear what I meant by my post. It wasn't in a 'oh no, now we won't ever know how successful we could have been under him' way, but regret that we and Phil Walsh will never know how far he could have gone, what his his full potential could have been.

When someone dies prematurely one of the sad things about it is that they never had the opportunity to continue their work and fulfil all their goals.

Sorry if my initial post offended anyone.
Still feel so numb. And I know tonight I will forget, and wake up in the morning and it will hit me again.

You and me both. There's been a few times today that it slipped my mind, and I was looking forward to going to the game on Sunday afternoon. Then I get back online and see all the stuff everyone's posting, and it all hits again.
It still doesn't seem real. All day the news headline "Phil Walsh Murdered" just kept appearing in my head. Just felt sick to my stomach.

It doesn't feel like he's only been our coach for 12 games. It feels like 12 years. He made such a profound impact on our club in such a short space of time. You just felt like we were heading in the right direction under him.

I feel for the players. In the space of 18 months, they've lost Bails, watched their team mate have a life threatening accident during training, and now this.

And the family, god the family. My thoughts and prayers will be with them tonight.

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I've had all day to get my head around this and I still really can't comprehend it. When I first heard the news it honestly could not sink in. Yeah but not that Phil Walsh.

I will never be able to understand what happened.

A terrible tragedy that should never be visited upon any family.


I saw it on the Adelaide Now website at 7.45 my time (Tassie) and thought it was some joke or something. Tears all day, and still more whilst I type this.
Really miss home right now! Just want to be there and be with all, even Port supporters!
WTF we gonna do in 2 weeks time???
Incredibly sad to hear the news, i love footy and have a spot for all the clubs as friends support these clubs, sure we carry on a bit when the matches are on but as a whole we care for all in the footy community, today's news has united one and all. #weflyasone #RIPPhilWalsh #GoCrows condolences to all the family and friends affected by this tragic event.
I feel for the players. In the space of 18 months, they've lost Bails, watched their team mate have a life threatening accident during training, and now this.

I hope the saying is true that things go in threes.

I have just read the news and am still coming to terms with it all. I feel deeply sad for all those who were close to him. Such a tragedy.

Rest in peace.
Huge loss, Vale Phil. Will be hanging my scarf from the second tier rail at Domain Sunday arvo. Tragic times.
RIP Walshy

Everything that has needed to be said has been said already. We all know how tragic it is, and we've all been reminded as a football community that it is just a game. What's makes it matter is the people involved, and the commitment they bring to something that brings us the fans so much joy (and despair) week in week out. You will be remembered forever walshy, a true football tragic who was obsessed with the game.

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News Phil Walsh RIP

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