Scandal Pies Captain gets gropey with young teammate

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Again, how is this relevant? They're not in a relationship.
I don't know the nature of their relationship, nor do you. But as I went on to point out, yes indeed it is irrelevant because neither are currently employed by the AFL.

That is just one of the several ways this is different from the Jordan DeGoey thing alluded to in the OP. If you can't figure that out, you might be stupid.

And if you want to be the relevant police, there are a few earlier posts you forgot to interrogate. I'm sure you'll get to it.
I don't know the nature of their relationship, nor do you.

The third woman in the photo is her partner. Not the one she's groping.

That is just one of the several ways this is different from the Jordan DeGoey thing alluded to in the OP. If you can't figure that out, you might be stupid.

The mental gymnastics that you're going through to make this seem like it's all cool and dandy is impressive. You should contact her and let her know she didn't need to delete the image because its different from DeGoey's 'thing'.

And if you want to be the relevant police, there are a few earlier posts you forgot to interrogate. I'm sure you'll get to it.

Yours was the most egregiously sanctimonious, hence my response.
The third woman in the photo is her partner. Not the one she's groping.
Keep making assumptions about footballers' lives off the field, it doesn't make you look like an uninformed creep at all.

The mental gymnastics that you're going through to make this seem like it's all cool and dandy is impressive. You should contact her and let her know she didn't need to delete the image because its different from DeGoey's 'thing'.
Maybe her employer (which isn't the AFL/Collingwood) told her to delete it. Maybe you're just old and don't understand that Instagram stories are automatically deleted after 24 hours. I don't know.

Yours was the most egregiously sanctimonious, hence my response.
It was the one that hit a little too close to home and got you real mad, eh.

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Keep making assumptions about footballers' lives off the field, it doesn't make you look like an uninformed creep at all.

You were the one who brought the topic of a relationship between them up:

Certain relationships between senior and junior AFL employees are permitted as long as transparency protocols are followed.
Jordy's incidents were dumb, stupid and he lacked emotional intelligence to be found in the same situation twice.
Ultimately, he was not convicted of any sexual assault, and rightly so.
He was dragged through the mud and effectively stood down from the club whilst the issues were resolved. The AFL and the media hounded him relentlessly.
I sincerely hope he has learned his lesson to avoid situations that have the potential to get him into trouble. As for his medical diagnosis, I do believe the ADHD outcome and this now explains a hell of a lot.
As for Chiocci, for a foundation player and Captain, leader of the club, to be found to do this is stupid and almost exactly the same as what Jordy was guilty of in Bali. Both females appeared consensual and both players are attracted to women. Why would Jordy's behaviour be assumed as predatory and Chiocci's not? She's 14 years older than the other player in the picture, this is a gross abuse of trust and leadership. Whether the other player was fine with it or not is completely beside the point. It would be akin to a Manager/Employee situation where to speak up or refuse may be out of fear or to have her future options for her career denied. The amount of team swapping and partner swapping in the AFLW that I have heard of is out of control, so why would bullying or intimidation not also be a part of the culture?
She must stand down

Context is important …

DeGoey: Got in a bar fight, broke his hand, got caught lying to the club about it and made his President look like an idiot, trashed a rental property, got busted for a wide range of driving offences (DUI, riding motorbike without a helmet, riding a motorbike whilst unlicensed, high range speeding offences, texting whilst driving multiple times), got into another bar fight overseas, … and sure there’s plenty of stuff I’ve forgotten, and I haven’t included any of the stuff that he’s been accused of but is unproven. He’s been read the riot act multilple times that if he so much sneezes the wrong way he’ll be turfed. He goes to Bali during the mid-season break with media calling it out as a bad idea … and he then allows himself to be videoed having a consenting grope in public.

Crime: much the same as if Cotchin fails to kick 25 goals this season: giving the media an “I told you so” moment.

Ciocci: Got called out for the cultural appropriation faux pas of dressing up as an American Indian at a fancy dress party around 14 years ago before cultural appropriation was even a thing. Apart from that has a squeaky clean rap sheet over 7 seasons. Now there is a still photo showing that her left hand was momentarily in the vicinity of a team-mate’s left breast at a social event.

These things are not even remotely in the same ball park
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Something I've asked others, if you think you asked the young woman involved in De Goey's incident at the start of the night if she'd consent to having her top pulled down on a live stream she'd have said yes?

I’ve defined “consent” going by what she said the next day, not by what I think she might have thought at the start of the night. Have I got that wrong?

Besides, imagine the fun and exciting world we would be living in if nobody ever changed their mind on anything during a night out..
I’ve defined “consent” going by what she said the next day, not by what I think she might have thought at the start of the night. Have I got that wrong?
She said it's all fine, nothing to see here, which is a pretty vague comment and not "I said it was okay to expose me in public"
It's a pretty safe assumption that a woman wouldn't suddenly want her top yanked down in public while being streamed live.

Besides, imagine the fun and exciting world we would be living in if nobody ever changed their mind on anything after a few drinks in a night.
Consent can't be assumed (or technically even given) when drunk.
She said it's all fine, nothing to see here, which is a pretty vague comment and not "I said it was okay to expose me in public"
It's a pretty safe assumption that a woman wouldn't suddenly want her top yanked down in public while being streamed live.

Consent can't be assumed (or technically even given) when drunk.

Pretty safe to say the women in the picture in the OP had a few drinks

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She's shut down her twitter account because of the backlash.

Weak as piss.
Yeah, should’ve been super keen to get abuse from anonymous keyboard warriors. What?
Pretty safe to say the women in the picture in the OP had a few drinks
Yeah I agree. I think this is pretty shit too. I think all footballers should stop posting or doing shit like this. People can whine about puritanism and no one being able to take a joke, but power imbalances like this where "it's a joke" or "they were just mucking around" leads to behaviour like this being accepted in situations where the victim isn't willing or in on the "joke".
Half you idjuts have no clue. Drinking piss and having a laugh does not mean it's sexual in nature when dicking around with friends.
DeGoey did it to a girl he was seeing at the time.
Only the media sees issue and especially when it's Collingwood.
Sells papers you see.

Doing it to a complete stranger is wrong.
As per my previous discussion in here, you think if someone had asked that girl at the start of the night if she would be okay having her top pulled down in public and her **** shown on live stream she would have said yes?
She had no issue. So no issue to see here.
Half you idjuts have no clue. Drinking piss and having a laugh does not mean it's sexual in nature when dicking around with friends.
DeGoey did it to a girl he was seeing at the time.
Only the media sees issue and especially when it's Collingwood.
Sells papers you see.

Doing it to a complete stranger is wrong.
Finally someone talking sense.
Sporting clubs, pubs, bbq's, parties - seen it a thousand times, and both ways.
Blokes grabbing blokes ***** and women grabbing the occasional T**ty in a photo when on the turps - nothing new to see here folks.
Do you think at the start of the night she would have said yes if someone had asked her if she wanted her top pulled down in those circumstances?

It's a yes or no question.
If she's his flame with no problem of it. No

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Scandal Pies Captain gets gropey with young teammate

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