Player in legal action against the AFL and Essendon - Hal Hunter

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Our angles aren't as different as you think.

They most certainly conspired to try and save our bacon from ASADA. And still probably are right now as we type.

They gave us a fair spanking for the privilege though. Within the confines of the industry they control, they have burnt us. And they started planning it, well before they had any real idea what had happened, and without even listening to anything we had to say.
Yes because your club's drug cheating affects their image and integrity.
Ok, we are poles apart. I'm comfortable with that.

Whether they knew we would have a case to answer is irrelevant; they didn't know if we were guilty or not at that point. It's the assumption of guilt two years before we still even have an answer, that I have an issue with. And please, don't tell me you honestly think the AFL went into code red because they thought there might be a chance that the Thymosin on our consent forms was the bad one? It was all about Hexarelin.
But even you think they're guilty.
And I also think that for a short period of time, Stephen Dank gave 7(8?) of our players Thymosin beta 4.
Lol - nowhere near as crazy as some of the stuff Essendon supporters have spouted since this saga blew up! I'm passionate about North Melbourne and yes I despise Essendon as a club for what was done to North Melbourne for admission to the VFL (look up the history).

Essendon are my Great Satan in the football world and some Schadenfreude over something Essendon brought on themselves is from my perspective a wonderful thing. I don't want to see Essendon kicked from the league but will be happy to see them languish at the bottom of the ladder and as the laughing stock of the AFL for years to come.

It's nothing like the comparison Lance Uppercut made earlier about religious zealots slaughtering each other for generations.
intergenerational hate is nothing like intergenerational hate?

Ok then, if you say so

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The problem is, this isn't going to stop here. Players will sue, pushing this out further unfortunately
Yeah it looks that way, it should make clubs think twice in future before they try and gain an advantage, this is where it is so different to rorting the cap at least once punishments are applied for that there is no more fall out in regards litigation.
Remember this with the Mexican supplements? Has this been resolved?

Has Hird got that same red sickly look as Dank, in this photo?

My Dad was in World War 2... and until the day he died, he despised Japanese people. When I say he was IN world war 2, he was 16 and lied about his age to get into the war. He sailed on his first ship after the bombs had been dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Their first port of call? Hiroshima - to help with the clean up. Could never understand his hate. Not to this day.

For me... I develop an anti-feeling against a particular club if something nasty has happened generally between our two clubs, but sometimes when I think a club/players may have crossed the line generally. Never really worried about Essendon - despite they fact they had the most amazing come back to beat us in our very first preliminary final. In fact I mostly admired them. Safe to say that is no longer the case.
Maybe your Dad saw the condition of some of the POW's?
I do feel that holding on to a grudge is pointless but having said that Im still pissed off about '93 but I hold no real ill feeling to Essendon supporters hard too blame them for sticking by their club.
Forgot about that one. Another disgusting example of what went on. Going to take a long time for the entire truth to be squeezed out of the Donnie's Drug Experiment

During the AFL propoganda war the media led you to believe that eFC/Dank sourced supplements from Mexico.

They infact came from America, but the place where they came from sounded mexican hence the Communication specialists/ content providers /AFL / Asada were fooled and thought it was from mexico. so made a big story about it....

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During the AFL propoganda war the media led you to believe that eFC/Dank sourced supplements from Mexico.

They infact came from America, but the place where they came from sounded mexican hence the Communication specialists/ content providers /AFL / Asada were fooled and thought it was from mexico. so made a big story about it....
Really? So when the EFC legal representative came out and said in public it was from New Mexico not Mexico, then the very next day a legal representative from the EFC retracted that statement and said it was in fact from Mexico you fail to see that it was actually from mexico and just ignore the fact that a legal representative of EFC confirmed it indeed was from Mexico.
During the AFL propoganda war the media led you to believe that eFC/Dank sourced supplements from Mexico.

They infact came from America, but the place where they came from sounded mexican hence the Communication specialists/ content providers /AFL / Asada were fooled and thought it was from mexico. so made a big story about it....

Essendon lawyer Tony Hargreaves initially said that the muscular dystrophy drug was sourced in New Mexico and then subsequently retracted that statement.

But this afternoon, Mr Hargreaves said he had received fresh information today.

"The information I based the request for a retraction on was based on a conversation I had [with a party closely involved in this matter] on Thursday. Since that time, further information has arrived that cast some doubt on whether what I was told was accurate.’’
During the AFL propoganda war the media led you to believe that eFC/Dank sourced supplements from Mexico.

They infact came from America, but the place where they came from sounded mexican hence the Communication specialists/ content providers /AFL / Asada were fooled and thought it was from mexico. so made a big story about it....
does it even matter where it came from?
The club still can't say what it was
During the AFL propoganda war the media led you to believe that eFC/Dank sourced supplements from Mexico.

They infact came from America, but the place where they came from sounded mexican hence the Communication specialists/ content providers /AFL / Asada were fooled and thought it was from mexico. so made a big story about it....

Wow. If it was my team I'd want to make sure I knew, as far as reasonably possible, what was really going on. Kiddies, this is the danger of only hanging with people who'll tell you what you want hear - you end up looking like a dill at some point.
It doesn't have to be an assumption of guilt, it only has to be an acknowledgement that there is a possibility of guilt. But Little doesn't just deny that anything untoward happened, he even denies that it could have happened.

I for one can allow for a situation where no-one at Essendon quite knew what was going on (though that in itself is a problem ...). But when the known facts and information were made available to them, why did they go into batten-down-the-hatches mode, rather than being open and honest, even if the openness and honesty only extended as far as "we don't know"? When ASADA turned up with a "we think this might have happened", why did Essendon not respond with "could be dodgy, let's look into it"?

Because if they had, the whole no significant fault/providing assistance conditions could have come into play, and this could have all been over with a lot, lot quicker, and with minimal or no penalties.

I may be misunderstanding you, but haven't you described the exact happenings of the press conference in feb 2013? Like, isn't that exactly what happened?
Unless you mean something else.
By June / July when they were begging ASADA for an interim report the AFL had sat through all the interviews and seen most of the evidence. They will have had their own off-the-record chats with journos and people in the know.

What the AFL knew was that Essendon could not be allowed to compete in the 2013 finals series, and in June / July 2013 there was a very real chance that Essendon could be premiers. The idea that a club with those allegations, and so much on-and-off the record evidence winning the premiership would make a farce of football for decades.

If this scandal happened this week to St Kilda, the AFL would just let it run it's course. That wasn't an option in July 2013. Had Essendon had anything to say that any way cleared their name the AFL would have lapped it up like a dog in the desert. You had nothing, the AFL's dilemma was clear and pressing; do we let Essendon play in the 2013 finals series. Everything else could wait, but that needed to be resolved.

I agree with one aspect; we were victims of our own form in 2013. Because we got kicked out of finals at a stage when the charge sheet - and the interim report it was copy/pasted from - stated that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with a doping charge.

Yet 12 months later, with the case against us further progressed, and actual SCN's presented to the players... we were allowed to play finals.

I have no issue with all the other sanctions given to us, they were reasonable punishment for our failings. But being kicked out of the finals at a time when no doping offence had been even close to being established, was a farce. And unreasonable.

We got booted out of a finals series because of the 'vibe' of it. And Mabo.

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Player in legal action against the AFL and Essendon - Hal Hunter

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