Question. It was the player's choice to fight this together. CAS heard this as a collective defence. How can an individual appeal a decision that went against the group? Nobody forced him to fight this as a here. This is correct. Clearly egregious negligence occurred and the players have a legitimate grievance and a prima facie cause of action, despite being incredibly naive. I suspect hypothetically even if a player at an AFL club had known they were doping but had done so at the direction of their club in the context of professionals at the club administering the drug, some players would still have a prima facie case against the employer.
The loss (damages), foreseeability of harm and circumstances of each player are different. They'll probably build an argument around losses arising from lost income, reputational damage, stress (particularly if any have a psychological injury). In the end it's unlikely the loss will ever be tested by a court, as the $ will be reached at settlement. They might also have a cause of action in breach of contract worth exploring.
My real question is why the players allow themselves to be herded like sheep with the AFLPA, and have done so the whole time? Separate to any cause of action in negligence they almost certainly have against Essendon, the AFL and perhaps some player managers, it may be in the interest of some individual players to appeal the CASA decision too. They don't have to do everything together. Where has that gotten them?
Each player should be getting independent legal advice. Approaching it as a group by letting the AFLPA call the shots conceded a shared responsibility premise that enabled CASA to tar individual players with the one brush, and made the prosecution case much simpler to argue by allowing them to cherry pick details from each player's evidence to build a larger narrative, which then applied to the lot.
What we should be seeing is 34 separate letters of demand being sent from the representatives of each player. Of those 34, I doubt many if any will make it to a court. The AFL and Essendon will be under a huge incentive to settle.