Please Help - What are the advantages of a stack amp?

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Premiership Player
Apr 13, 2005
Toronto, ON
AFL Club
St Kilda
I feel terrible asking a question like this, I sound like a bloody no-nothing newbie that is buying their first amp right after learning to play Bah Bah Black Sheep on a classical guitar (which I'm not), but I'm looking to buy an amp with a bit more power than my current one (atm I've got a pathetic little 15 watt marshall. Yes, I know its crap, but I haven't needed anything bigger before now. It does sound alright with my Digitech RP300A though).

Anyway, I'm getting catalogues from Venue Music, and they have great prices on all guitars/equipment, but I'm not sure what kind of amp to get.

There's a 100-Watt Fender Stack for $999 and there's also a normal Fender 100w amp for $550. There isn't any info on any extra effects or anything, just a massive price difference.

Living amoungst my fellow country-bumpkins in Warrnambool, I can't say there are alot of keen musicians around, so I haven't got a great source for music info.

So, I ask the musicians of BigFooty, what are the advantages/disadvantages of Stack Amps compared to normal amps? Why the huge price difference?

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Please Help - What are the advantages of a stack amp?

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