3DS Pokemon Sun/Moon [3DS]

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Sep 17, 2011
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Coming late 2016

Presumably the beginning of Gen 7.

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I added the announce teaser.

I must say I like Nintendo's current marketing path with Pokemon in this 20th year. It is recognising that there are people who have been playing these games for 20 years and it is choosing to incorporate that into its marketing. It's a nice touch, even if its bread and butter will be 7-12.

My 9 year old cousin loves the stuff.
The official site confirms that it is a new world with new Pokemon.

Also that an update for Pokemon Bank will come later in the year allowing us to send Pokemon from the VC games to the bank.

The Pokebank update will open up a new raft of competitive possibilities I'm sure.
So lunatone and solrock are our new deities?

If they don't get megas it's a crime against humanity.

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It makes playing the VC games more worthwhile now that we can keep the ones we train and see them move over to the new games.

Glitches still exist in the VC games - means we can Mew Glitch and then transfer it over?

Unless they block it as if it was a hacked pokemon.
Very interesting making RBY compatible with Pokemon Bank. More of an incentive to play it now. I just got Yellow, nostalgia overload!!!

2 features I'd love in Sun and Moon:

More than one region. I'm playing Soul Silver again and it's so cool being able to explore a whole new region. Adds so much. Imagine Kanto as the second region. A gen 6 or 7 remake of the Kanto region OMFG

Be a gym leader. Similar to the hideouts in ORAS. Customize your gym, select from a couple locations, set up your type, make your badge and battle random NPC's.
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A little disappointed that with all that talk of bringing the world together they failed to mention Pokémon Go.

But I digress. Sun and Moon

Not so sure on the titles but I reckon they will be called that for a reason. Love the tiny little snippet so far. Hoping this is a somewhat more mature game with a bit more for the older audience who has grown up with Pokemon.


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