Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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Trump didn't get lucky he campaigned smarter. He won the working class white votes which won him those pivotal states. Hillary may have won the popular vote but only succeeded in consolidating the base.

It's also funny how those same democrats who were up in arms about tEh PoPuLaR VoTe are happy to go to a brokered convention if Bernie gets the most delegates but not enough to lock in the nomination.

Clinton spent $1.8 Billion dollars in 2016 compared to Trump's $980 Million dollars. Hillary found out money can't buy you happiness after all. Trumps expenditure was the lowest since John McCain in 2008. He had to campaign in a more targeted and smarter manner with his lesser resources and he pulled it off against all odds.

Bloomberg has already spent $600 Million dollars on his unconvincing run at the top job and with $100 Billion behind him is likely to throw much more money at it before November. Money is everything at the beginning of a presidential race but at the end it doesn't guarantee a win unfortunately.
Money is everything at the beginning of a presidential race but at the end it doesn't guarantee a win unfortunately.

Nothing unfortunate about it. One shouldn't be able to buy their way into the Presidency. Only the best memes wins office.

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Enough of this USA bull crap, what are your opinions on the WA Deputy Premier retiring from politics at the next election ?.
If you're going to be an ass at least be right. Roger Cook is our deputy premier, not Ben Wyatt.
Devastating loss for this State. The most talented person in WA parliament and could have also been our first indigenous Premier.

Thought he might be following his mate Christian (and his Uncle Ken) into Federal politics at some point as well.

Likes his footy too - long suffering Perth Demons supporter.

When was the last time we had a leader who could do this?

Devastating loss for this State. The most talented person in WA parliament and could have also been our first indigenous Premier.

Thought he might be following his mate Christian (and his Uncle Ken) into Federal politics at some point as well.

Likes his footy too - long suffering Perth Demons supporter.

When was the last time we had a leader who could do this?

Hopefully in a few years when his kids are older and his wife is ok he can make a comeback of some form, massive loss to WA politics.

be interesting who steps up for Labor, someone like Papalia would be a decent choice for a promotion (from the bits I’ve see of him at least) though I think Saffioti is more likely.
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Papalia is a complete dud.
Wyatt had his spot because even the left of the alp could spot his extreme talent. Now that he is going it will be the left that choose the treasurer. Likely will be Roger Cook
If you're going to be an ass at least be right. Roger Cook is our deputy premier, not Ben Wyatt.

Not an ass, just sick of all this talk about USA politics. Money buys power, more money buys more power.

Thought I’d throw up a local topic, sorry about calling him the Deputy Premier. Treasurer is the correct title, Premier in Waiting would be his other title.

Thought he’s done a pretty good job, and is leaving for family reasons. Going of his own accord, and praised by both sides of the house.
be interesting who steps up for Labor, someone like Papalia would be a decent choice for a promotion
I've read that Rita Saffioti is favourite to take over as treasurer while Hannah Beazley fresh off losing the seat of Swan to an empty chair will be parachuted into Vic Park.

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I've read that Rita Saffioti is favourite to take over as treasurer while Hannah Beazley fresh off losing the seat of Swan to an empty chair will be parachuted into Vic Park.
Steve Irons is an empty chair? He's been there 12 years. I do know a few people who think an empty chair may have achieved more in that time :) It's a pretty safe Liberal seat these days and gets safer as the density in South Perth becomes higher - which is somewhat ironic as most of those voters don't want higher density. Hannah did ok considering the other results in WA.

The NIMBYS will be pissed off finding out this news only days after their Nedlands get together to complain about their views being jeopardised by Saffioti. If she becomes Treasurer they'll have to shift that outrage quickly.
Biden overperforms in South Carolina and Pete drops out. Warren and Klobuchar staying ensures they win (and Bernie doesn't win) Massachusetts and Minnesota. They're now finally all consolidating against Bernie.
Serious question, does anyone actually give a fu** what happens in the American elections?

Yes, but I'm a dork. Regardless of your views on Trump the person or where you sit in the political spectrum, no one with a serious interest in politics or history can look away from the phenomenon he is.
Serious question, does anyone actually give a fu** what happens in the American elections?
I find the Primaries far more interesting that any Australian election campaign. Having primary elections exposes the candidates much, much more than our system where candidate decisions are restricted to private votes of party memberships.

This time round the Democratic Party Primaries (and the Presidential Election later on) could also have a long-lasting impact on the Democrats. If they nominate a centrist candidate and that candidate loses then deep divisions in the left-of-centre voter base could emerge. Enough for a new progressive party? Who knows, it depends on how much progressives feel ripped off by the process.

For the record, I reckon Biden wins the nomination but loses the Presidential Election to Trump. And rather than there being a groundswell of younger, more progressive voters who go off to form a new more progressive alt-Democrat Party, the younger voters just get disillusioned with politics and give up. The Democrats become a diminishing party of Boomers more worried about the superannuation than anything else. The result? There is another two-term Republican President after Trump.
I find the Primaries far more interesting that any Australian election campaign. Having primary elections exposes the candidates much, much more than our system where candidate decisions are restricted to private votes of party memberships.

This time round the Democratic Party Primaries (and the Presidential Election later on) could also have a long-lasting impact on the Democrats. If they nominate a centrist candidate and that candidate loses then deep divisions in the left-of-centre voter base could emerge. Enough for a new progressive party? Who knows, it depends on how much progressives feel ripped off by the process.

For the record, I reckon Biden wins the nomination but loses the Presidential Election to Trump. And rather than there being a groundswell of younger, more progressive voters who go off to form a new more progressive alt-Democrat Party, the younger voters just get disillusioned with politics and give up. The Democrats become a diminishing party of Boomers more worried about the superannuation than anything else. The result? There is another two-term Republican President after Trump.
Yeah, I get what you're saying, but I have no idea why people find that interesting. It's like saying watching grass grow is more interesting than watching paint dry. I guess it's just become entertainment for the masses, which explains why you get a comedian in charge. o_O
Shifting to something more local... What a contrast in WA politics atm. You have the ex-Liberal Treasurer in court on Domestic Violence charges, whilst the current Labor Treasurer is stepping down and sacrificing his career for his wife and family. The Libs really need to clean house - I still don't understand how people can just ignore their complete lack of morals and ethics and vote for them. I would consider them again if they cleaned house but they are just too toxic atm.
Shifting to something more local... What a contrast in WA politics atm. You have the ex-Liberal Treasurer in court on Domestic Violence charges, whilst the current Labor Treasurer is stepping down and sacrificing his career for his wife and family. The Libs really need to clean house - I still don't understand how people can just ignore their complete lack of morals and ethics and vote for them. I would consider them again if they cleaned house but they are just too toxic atm.
Can they clean house at the federal level too? I beg.
They have? Buswell isnt a Liberal anymore. Ridiculous to use Buswell's current problems to tarnish the Libs.
Yeah sure they have :eyes: And yes Buswell's problems are only current and didn't exist when he was a member of the Libs and definitely weren't fostered by any of his Liberal colleagues in that environment? :rainbow: I suppose they are very gradually weeding them out - plonking in Harvey as leader is a good distraction I suppose. Like I said once they finish cleaning house I will consider voting for them again.
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