Opinion Politics (warning, may contain political views you disagree with)

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You have to be careful with this sort of thing.
I'm looking into it slowly. Again as I noted in my response to Kuhni, the statistical breakdowns are often rather difficult to find.

At its core, the statement is likely to be true - if you're a refugee, you're going to head to those countries which will look after you. Bit of a no-brainer really.
But it's not any real indication of why those refugees left their country of origin in the first place - only why Germany might have been chosen as an eventual destination, particularly when one bears in mind the Italy thing I mentioned above. The lines between actual refugees and economic migrants are becoming increasingly blurred.

There are a couple of points of interest I've come across though.
Often, this sort of rhetoric fails to take into account the Ukrainians, and mostly centres around refugees of African and Middle Eastern origin.
Of particular interest with regard to this point is that the Ukrainians in Denmark have an almost 80% rate of employment after arriving since 2022 after the Russian invasion. One could infer from that alone that they're settling in quite well.
There might be several reasons for this, importantly among which is the fact that the Ukrainians are, generally speaking, in possession of better educational qualifications, and the language barriers aren't going to be as difficult as they might be for those from other areas. Those qualifications may be in many instances leading to higher paying employment, where the comparison between remaining on benefits and taking a job isn't as important.
And then there's the cultural aspect.

In Germany, however, they're not doing nearly so well - around 50% employment rates.
Some reasons for that difference might be the rate at which asylum seekers and refugees are accepted by both countries, the flat numbers, the economic environment (obviously, the jobs have to be there in the first place) and restrictions around educational requirements... and there are others. There are significant issues with the repatriation of asylum seekers and refugees after they have been refused - it's not so simple as putting someone on a boat home, with laws in place preventing refugees from being sent back to where they came from if that country of origin is deemed by the EU to be an area in which they might face harm or discrimination if they were to be sent back.
So, in Germany again, those refugees which have been refused asylum but can neither be deported nor legally obtain work in Germany just sort of ... hang around. On benefits.
It's a bowl of spaghetti.

Not as simple as that tweet would suggest, though. Keep it in mind.

Not simple at all. In Germany's case they are the most influential EU member so they have created a rod for their own back.

It is interesting that other EU countries like Poland are refusing to accept illegal immigrants. They have accepted many refugees from Ukraine though. I don't know what the figure is now but last I heard, 8 months ago it was getting close to a million. There are some good organisations taking clothing and other items to help once they are in Poland.
Crazy that I can't find links from western sources. It has very real potential long term effects.

Not many results from a Google search. I heard it first on a business podcast.

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Saudi Arabia refused to renew the 'petrodollars' deal established on June 8, 1974

For 50 years Saudi agreed only to accept US dollars for their oil, now they'll accept any currency.

There should be concerns for the US dollar with the US $34 trillion in debt and the Fed Reserve insolvent.

Invest in Gold and bitcoin?

The Federal Reserve is already insolvent. According to its most recent annual financial statements, the Fed has just $51 billion in equity, versus a whopping $948 billion in mark-to-market losses. This means the Fed is insolvent by roughly $900 billion.

This is funny and also so sad at the same time.

Is it possible he still makes it to the election? How long would a new candidate need to be on the ticket before the election?
No one is officially on the ticket as yet.

Republicans officially announce their candidate in July two days after trump is sentenced in NY.

Democrats mid August, although Ohio has to announce their candidate earlier.

Still time to swap Biden.

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Yep, it is going to take a very long time. Which is why it is foolish when people talk in absolutes about Covid. As it is with most medical treatments.

That is why they create lists of indications and contraindications for every registered TGA medicine, product, machine etc.
It's now becoming hard for mainstream news to avoid.

When the US Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in December 2020 – long before it was largely rolled out in Australia – it admitted there was no “evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person”.
About $7 million worth of WorkCover claims have been paid to vaccine-injured people in Victoria who were required to be jabbed by their workplaces.

The last regular report of Covid vaccine safety by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, in November last year, showed 139,654 known adverse reactions.

And Dutch researchers have now sounded the alarm about a possible link between Covid vaccines and excess deaths.

The academics, in a paper published in BMJ Public Health this month, wrote that excess mortality following the introduction of Covid vaccines was “unprecedented and raises serious concerns”, that data on deaths linked to the vaccines was murky and “simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid-19 vaccination in Germany provides a safety signal warranting further investigation”.
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It's now becoming hard for mainstream news to avoid.

When the US Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in December 2020 – long before it was largely rolled out in Australia – it admitted there was no “evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person”.
About $7 million worth of WorkCover claims have been paid to vaccine-injured people in Victoria who were required to be jabbed by their workplaces.

The last regular report of Covid vaccine safety by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, in November last year, showed 139,654 known adverse reactions.

And Dutch researchers have now sounded the alarm about a possible link between Covid vaccines and excess deaths.

The academics, in a paper published in BMJ Public Health this month, wrote that excess mortality following the introduction of Covid vaccines was “unprecedented and raises serious concerns”, that data on deaths linked to the vaccines was murky and “simultaneous onset of excess mortality and Covid-19 vaccination in Germany provides a safety signal warranting further investigation”.

And although this became an ideological thing I hope more people will start to wake up to the massive overreach that happened.

Fauci admitted they made up social distancing and it had nothing to do with science. I know people I couldn't say good bye to in the hospital because of those rules... does anyone care?

Restaurants that closed, businesses that went under, families that had finances and a lifetime of work destroyed... but never mind... Baffling.
No, you keep saying that he said he had insufficient evidence to charge Biden. Which isn't true. I can copy and paste again for you if you like?

He said it was to do with 'beyond reasonable doubt' which you and I know is different to just 'insufficient to charge'.

Then he gave the reasons why and chief among them was Bidens cognitive issues.

For posterity:

Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military andforeign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's hand written entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods. FBI agents recovered these materials from the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home. However, for the reasons summarized below, we conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Biden "willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice Presidency when he was a private citizen". He not only knowingly kept information he was not allowed to keep, he knowingly disclosed it to people he was not allowed to disclose it to.

Why? His motive was a $8mil advance for a book.

But Hur declined to Prosecute because Biden "was a sympathetic, well meaning elderly man with a poor memory".

The committees need the audio recordings of Hur's transcript (which has been modified), to determine whether the Justice Department appropriately carried out Justice by not prosecuting the President. Will clear

Both Judiciary committee and Oversight committee issued subpoenas to require AG Garland ordering him to turn over video evidence of Hur's interview. AG has refused without constitutional or legal basis.

This seems to be the same reason they've thrown 74 year old Peter Narvarro and others in prison.

I think the audio would show whether this is just poor memory or late stages of dementia and have refused to release it.

And although this became an ideological thing I hope more people will start to wake up to the massive overreach that happened.

Fauci admitted they made up social distancing and it had nothing to do with science. I know people I couldn't say good bye to in the hospital because of those rules... does anyone care?

Restaurants that closed, businesses that went under, families that had finances and a lifetime of work destroyed... but never mind... Baffling.
I linked the wrong article, but quoted from the correct one. It was supposed to be this.

While there were financial and business repercussions, it's the safety one that the main stream news is now highlighting with new research that's coming out.

It's frightening with other research linking turbo cancers, as well as blood clots and heart issues already identified.
Cue hysterical hyperbole from Bowen.
Yeah it would be terrible to know:
Cost to build?
How they expect to build a reactor in 10 years? UAE took 13 years with central planning and no community consultation
What the cost of the sites they propose to purchase will cost? The latest UK reactor cost $92 bill, not $16 bill as suggested by Dutt's
How do you convince the states?
How much ex-coal remediation of those sites will cost?
What happens to the coal plants while nukes are being built?
What the **** is a SMR and how the hell do we use something that doesn't exist?
Where is waste kept?
Why should the Australian people pay much higher power bills?
Why have the LNP given the Greens such a great deal of assistance electorally?
Why would you release such little detail and allow your opponents to use your line - If you don't know, vote no. ??
I think you can make the case that since Australia's carbon output has statistically no impact globally, we may as well burn cheap coal and have low power prices.

If low emissions is the goal, and you accurately put a price on the costs associated with reliability as well as the costs of improving distribution systems which are both conveniently ignored when comparing renewables to nuclear then you're at least comparing apples to apples.

Current nuclear waste in Australia is stored right next to the reactor in a shipping container, you can see it on the satellite image - I wouldn't suggest the same is appropriate for larger scale, but that's how it's currently handled.

Nuclear material from submarines will also end up muddying the waters in regards to costs and efficiencies on nuclear power.
Yeah it would be terrible to know:
Cost to build?
How they expect to build a reactor in 10 years? UAE took 13 years with central planning and no community consultation
What the cost of the sites they propose to purchase will cost? The latest UK reactor cost $92 bill, not $16 bill as suggested by Dutt's
How do you convince the states?
How much ex-coal remediation of those sites will cost?
What happens to the coal plants while nukes are being built?
What the **** is a SMR and how the hell do we use something that doesn't exist?
Where is waste kept?
Why should the Australian people pay much higher power bills?
Why have the LNP given the Greens such a great deal of assistance electorally?
Why would you release such little detail and allow your opponents to use your line - If you don't know, vote no. ??
The latest UK reactor was built in 1995, and it is not an SMR.
SMR's do actually exist (apparently) in Russia and China. The USA were going to build one until the money ran out.
Details regarding conception are being released. It's a bit early to ask for a detailed design and concept plan at this stage though.

Asking questions is good, and some of your other questions are damned pertinent, but be sure to compare apples with apples when discussing plausibility.

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I think you can make the case that since Australia's carbon output has statistically no impact globally, we may as well burn cheap coal and have low power prices.

If low emissions is the goal, and you accurately put a price on the costs associated with reliability as well as the costs of improving distribution systems which are both conveniently ignored when comparing renewables to nuclear then you're at least comparing apples to apples.

Current nuclear waste in Australia is stored right next to the reactor in a shipping container, you can see it on the satellite image - I wouldn't suggest the same is appropriate for larger scale, but that's how it's currently handled.

Nuclear material from submarines will also end up muddying the waters in regards to costs and efficiencies on nuclear power.

We should also do everything we can to export as much of everything as possible, given we mine with less Carbon output than developing nations.
It's fair to have questions and entirely appropriate to. I would want to see quite a comprehensive package of information prior to an election.

Especially when this nuclear plan, should it work, will end the climate change debate in Australia.

It won't work and is a waste of time.
WA Labor are in massive trouble next election. Crime is massively out of control in my area. I have no idea why this issue isn't front and centre for Cook as it's going to cost him.
WA Labor are in massive trouble next election. Crime is massively out of control in my area. I have no idea why this issue isn't front and centre for Cook as it's going to cost him.
Currently we look to be heading for a hung parliament with the Greens, One Nation and independents all getting a massive increase in votes. Last opinion poll I saw Labor's first preference vote was at 28% which is staggeringly low for a first term government. Even Morrison Government was way higher in their first term.
Currently we look to be heading for a hung parliament with the Greens, One Nation and independents all getting a massive increase in votes. Last opinion poll I saw Labor's first preference vote was at 28% which is staggeringly low for a first term government. Even Morrison Government was way higher in their first term.

Hung parliament for Federal Labor and I would not be surprised if Cook barely holds onto power in WA.

In my area, there's been close to 50+ cars and houses hit in the last fortnight. Talking to the Police they are frustrated when it comes to property crime, and in the past I have been on the fence about Mandatory minimums but we need sentencing reform for Property crime.

I was told by my local member that "the prisons are full" so there's not much they can do. It was a staggering cop out.
If you do any reading on nuclear, it becomes clearer that is a waste of time/money for Australia. We don't need it with our combination of climate, sun, wind and land mass with no population. Along with plentiful natural gas reserves, which is still much better than coal and will be around for a while, whether you like it or not.

I want a Liberal government with a leader more aligned to Julie Bishop. She would have been a great PM. But that ship has unfortunately sailed. So now all I can hope for is that Labor actually increases their votes relative to the Greens, so that lunatic fringe can be held steady or ideally pushed back where they belong in the shadows.

The greatest threat to this country is from the Greens, and it honestly feels like Dutton is some kind of plant to send Liberal voters to Labor, knowing there is no chance of victory for Liberal next year. Then they can change their leader and reload for the next one.

I think this nuclear idea might just do that. It is interesting to see the last polls I can find had it roughly a 60-40 split in favour of nuclear. However, I suspect this will be much like the referendum, where that's how it started in favour of Yes, and basically flipped by the end of the campaign. Labor can even use the Liberal "don't know, vote no" campaign back at them.
I guess the workforce problems should be solved by about the time the first watt is delivered 2045 to 2050. There'll be plenty of climate refugees able to fill any shortfalls we have.
I don't get Dutton

I don't have a problem with nuclear. 33 countries already make power from reactors and have done for many years, including 19 of the 20 biggest economies, and countries far more advanced technologically than ours. Plus we have uranium, and plenty of geologically stable rock in the desert to store the waste. We could make 'green hydrogen' from it to power all manner of things away from the sites.

But politically in this country it's a massive gamble, particularly putting out 7 sites making it in most people's backyards on an energy source we are generally fearful of, and in mostly Labor states who were always going to oppose it. I think Dutton has ruled himself out from ever getting voted in as PM. I just don't get why he thought it was a good idea. All he had to do to get voted in was to keep saying how Albanese was achieving nothing except new forms of taxation, even his tokenistic gestures weren't working, and Liberals would help with the cost of living. Albanese would have done the rest.

We live in interesting times, and I don't agree that that is a good thing.
WA Labor are in massive trouble next election. Crime is massively out of control in my area. I have no idea why this issue isn't front and centre for Cook as it's going to cost him.
Cook destroyed the WA health system a little girl died on his watch her father wanted him sacked so what does sneakers do, hides him the tourism portfolio, and now he’s premier think you might be right about the WA election will be closely fought.

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