Poll on Essendon's Official AFL Punishment 27/8

Did Essendon Get

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The Official Essendon Punishment Poll as of the conclusion of the AFL/ Essendon Press Conferences 27/8.

Big Footy, vote away. Responses can be viewed publicly.
I think it was certainly on the soft side: would be genuinely frustrated if I was a Carlton or Adelaide supporter right now. On the face of it, the fact that Essendon had no records of what was injected into their players is extremely serious, and should have led to even bigger penalties as you don't have to be Einstein to think that evidence of illegal injections were destroyed before the investigation. Those in charge of setting up programs like Essendon did aren't exactly honest and shouldn't be believed if no evidence - or only circumstantial evidence- turned up.

I would say though I expect McKenzie, Baker and Caro to turn up the heat so ASADA will feel compelled to act on the Thymosin issue and potentially AOD. Essendon players are far from out of the woods yet.

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I think its about right as far as bringing the game into disrepute goes.

The players would be gutted. Every training session, every effort, every recovery session, every win is for nothing. The draft picks are a real punishment as well. Hird getting suspended had to happen and did as well. The fine is meh either way.

ASADA needs to do it's job now and demonstrate that the players don't deserve infractions. If they do then the pain isn't over for Essendon but this remains to be seen.
Would be interesting if players got 12 months+.

Would the wider football public have any sympathy for them now? I don't think so. They have been good little soldiers for the club towing the line and keeping their mouths shut. Had the players openly revolted, Essendon would be in heaps of shit. So, in keeping with pawns in a game, they are expendable. 2 years. Bang!

Would there be sympathy for Jobe if he got 2 years and then squealed like a stuck pig?
I think its about right as far as bringing the game into disrepute goes.

The players would be gutted. Every training session, every effort, every recovery session, every win is for nothing. The draft picks are a real punishment as well. Hird getting suspended had to happen and did as well. The fine is meh either way.

ASADA needs to do it's job now and demonstrate that the players don't deserve infractions. If they do then the pain isn't over for Essendon but this remains to be seen.
If (I'm 99% sure they were) they had Thymosin injected they deserve to be suspended and I hope they are, in fact I will love it. Maybe then players will read what they sign.
Are posters allowed to start/continue discussions from other threads that are locked, if the discussions were to be about specifically about punishments?

If not, happy to apologise to Tippett2Goal and delete post.

Someone needs to ask why the draft penalties are more lenient than adelaides and Carltons, if this is the most serious issue the game has seen

In my opinion, the punishments are harsher than any other, and I believe rightly so. The club has been banned from finals (unprecedented) and has a fine 4x the size of any other club has received. The coach has been suspended for 12 months. The draft picks are additional.

Additionally, it being the most serious issue does not mean Essendon are guilty of the particular serious issue (PED's). They are guilty of bringing the game into disrepute (rule 1.6). The reason why it was so serious is because of player welfare concerns and PED's, which are accusations yet to have been proven. The AFL was understandably very concerned about what they were hearing, and treated the accusations with great concern, but they can't destroy EFC when the charges are yet to be proven.
Too light. Should have no "compensation" at all, relegated to last on the ladder with no points and two of their top picks stripped for the next two years. Twelve months is a joke, but remember there's still ASADA to whack things. They could very well hand out more punishments based on new evidence.
The Essendon football club should be thanking its lucky stars.

What a joke the AFL is, first the tanking saga and now the Essendon saga. Their inability to take control of the teams they should control is a horrible look for the organisation. The fact that Hird can coach in the 2014 Finals Series* is disgusting. How they let the Dons get what is essentially a compensation pick at the end of the 1st round in the 2014 draft is beyond me.

The AFL is piss weak.

*Should Essendon make the finals, unlikely with ASADA band/suspensions

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I think they have got off a bit lightly.
But if ASADA throw down some punishments, that would almost definitely change my take on things.
As a Crows supporter I am ****ing unbelievably angry. Crows were destroyed by a "we will pay shortfall of your 3rd party agreement" which they didn't do and even if they did they "still WOULD NOT HAVE breached the salary cap", and agreed to trade a player to his preferred club, well, whoop de do!
I don't need to list what Essendon have done wrong, yet they will cop LESS sanctions and only an increased fine. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am not one to normally bring this up, but I do wonder if some of the SA people who go on about the inequity of the AFL to us here compared to SA, then they must have a point. UN****INGBELIEVEABLE!!! **** the AFL and Essendon. And **** my useless clubs board and CEO. JOKE.
Got what they deserved. Second part of the punishment will be determined by the final ASADA report. If mass sanctions are handed down it will be very severe, if they all get off it will be light. Either way it will be justified.
As I said months ago, this should have been used by the AFL to put the fear of god into all clubs so they didn't try such things themselves.

I dare say other clubs are looking at this and planning to lose their paperwork.
Given what they have been charged with, it is about right, although I'm surprised they negotiated the pick 18 in 2014. I'd be pissed if I followed Adelaide or Carlton though.
The Essendon football club should be thanking its lucky stars.

What a joke the AFL is, first the tanking saga and now the Essendon saga. Their inability to take control of the teams they should control is a horrible look for the organisation. The fact that Hird can coach in the 2014 Finals Series* is disgusting. How they let the Dons get what is essentially a compensation pick at the end of the 1st round in the 2014 draft is beyond me.

The AFL is piss weak.

*Should Essendon make the finals, unlikely with ASADA band/suspensions

That would've been so hird still isn't under suspension when his contract expires, otherwise he'd have no chance of returning.

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Poll on Essendon's Official AFL Punishment 27/8
