Opinion Potting our own players

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Brownlow Medallist
10k Posts Armchair Endzone Minor Comp Winner Armchair Endzone Participant
Oct 27, 2007
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
Swan Districts, Everton
This has long frustrated me about football supporters, myself included with certain Swan Districts players, in particular, although they do deserve it. :p Although I can admit when they are playing well, sometimes. :eek:

I remember some clown who sits behind me at Subi, bagging the crap out of Jakovich and Matera in their twilight years.

So, the question is, why do we do it? Is it only some clubs supporters(Carlton are a big one for doing it) that do it, or is it all clubs?

Is it because certain players don't play the style we like in players? We don't like their look, name, or they snogged our current girlfriend years ago?

It's just an interesting side to sport, which I don't like, yet I find myself focussing negatively towards certain players at Swans. :confused:
Its not in any way unique to West Coast. Swift gets pottered because some fans still have in their minds that he is some gun player, when he isn't, and so they think he just isn't trying. Injuries have really ruined him, the parallels with McManus are uncanny.
I have no problem potting the players of the team I support if I feel as though their game deserves such. It happens at all clubs, in all sports.

I praise when they do well, and deride when they don't do well. What's acceptable in this regard is subjective.

We pot because we're passionate fans, that desperately want to see the team do well, but so much so that failure, errors, mistakes become unacceptable. We fans become unforgiving of certain players because of preference and ego.

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people think because you pay your money that you can throw abuse. yes its entertainment, not a place to vent your frustrations at home. i would like to see a player sue a fan one day. any abuse anywhere is not allowed.

however, realistically, abusing own players or opposition players will go on forever.
I have no issue with fans getting frustrated when player x does something poorly - it is natural to get annoyed and although I don't personally ever yell abuse to our own players I can see why some do. What I hate more than anything though is when fans go in with a pre-conceived hatred of a player and said player cannot then do anything right (in that fans eyes) all day. I have never been more ashamed to be an Eagles supporter than to watch some of the treatment dished out to Rojo in his final year.
I have no issue with fans getting frustrated when player x does something poorly - it is natural to get annoyed and although I don't personally ever yell abuse to our own players I can see why some do. What I hate more than anything though is when fans go in with a pre-conceived hatred of a player and said player cannot then do anything right (in that fans eyes) all day. I have never been more ashamed to be an Eagles supporter than to watch some of the treatment dished out to Rojo in his final year.

Completely agree, great post.
I don't mind someone getting angry when a player does something poorly, what I hate is the people who hold grudges against certain players and look for every opportunity to air them. And beyond that, the people who only have negative things to say.

EDIT: Pretty much what Rids said.
There's an almost child-like infatuation with the stars of the side as these heroes who can do no wrong, so if something goes off script then it's either the umpires/coach/fringe players fault. Also agree entirely with rids.

Think that comes from some peanut supporters not actually watching the whole game, and commenting on said players for the sake of commenting. Agree with this and what rids said.
It is a common human trait to criticise those closest to us when we are frustrated.

Following a team sport is a very passionate emotion. People tend to take it very personally when their team loses.

I think the majority of the fans react emotively in the moment when a player makes a mistake.

It is human nature to have your favourite players and not so favourite players.

I think what frustrates fans the most is when they feel players aren't trying or their are players more worthy of a spot.

There is no doubt that most of us wish we were playing out there but unfortunately we don't have the ability.

Yesterday was a classic example of one team (West Coast) looking flat and lethargic while the other team (Brisbane) sensing the opportunity that they could steal a victory.

Too many West Coast players yesterday were waiting for someone else to win the game and that is what brings over the top criticism from fans.

Whilst I don't go to the footy to sledge individual players on either side, I do vent my frustrations at individuals who continually make the same mistakes or are unable to execute basic skills under no pressure.

So, in summary. We are all human and it is easier to criticize than praise.
This has long frustrated me about football supporters, myself included with certain Swan Districts players, in particular, although they do deserve it. :p Although I can admit when they are playing well, sometimes. :eek:

I remember some clown who sits behind me at Subi, bagging the crap out of Jakovich and Matera in their twilight years.

So, the question is, why do we do it? Is it only some clubs supporters(Carlton are a big one for doing it) that do it, or is it all clubs?

Is it because certain players don't play the style we like in players? We don't like their look, name, or they snogged our current girlfriend years ago?

It's just an interesting side to sport, which I don't like, yet I find myself focussing negatively towards certain players at Swans. :confused:

i love you swannies
It's also interesting to me that we all, myself included, think that our opinions on players, coaches and anything in football are important. Who am I to criticise an AFL listed player who I've never met, and who is working to try and deliver the football club I love success? Of course I get frustrated at mistakes that players make, but just as it seems pointless for them to have a crack at my uni work, I can't see the point in having a crack at their footy.
I do vent my frustrations at individuals who continually make the same mistakes or are unable to execute basic skills under no pressure.

This is subjective, you're not on the field, nor can you see what's coming. I didn't see many instances of errors with absolutely no pressure at all. Pressure can come from finding a target, when there is none, knowing you have someone coming in to tackle.

Unless we are in the game we will never know exactly what "pressure", if any, actually exists.

I used to pot the players when I was younger, but now I take each on its merit. Swift and Priddis for mine were important yesterday as an example; these are players who seem to cop a fair bit of flak on here.

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definitely not unique to west coast, should have gone to some tigers games in the past couple of years...wow, there was some colourful adjectives used.

wce supporters at your home games do have a particular image about them, its quite an older demographic and i wouldnt class the majority as overly knowledgeable in regards to football and its current strategies, most of the people are stuck in the 90s style of game plan and dont know many of the players names...not every supporter of course but thats the feel ive got from going to quite a few tiggers games at subi over the years.
wce supporters at your home games do have a particular image about them, its quite an older demographic and i wouldnt class the majority as overly knowledgeable in regards to football and its current strategies, most of the people are stuck in the 90s style of game plan

"Just KICK IT!" .. *shudder*
The worst people are those few who sit near the interchange, wait for the player to come to the bench and then yell abuse at them. A lot was directed at Masten last year, disgusting behaviour that wouldn't happen outside of the stadium
I've got a bunch of mates (well, mates of mates really) who bag Masto no end, doesn't matter whether he's had a good game or not. I've actually asked them to stop copying me on he emails when they do it now, I don't find it funny and it's certainly not informative or informed....
A lot was directed at Masten last year, disgusting behaviour that wouldn't happen outside of the stadium
I've got a bunch of mates (well, mates of mates really) who bag Masto no end, doesn't matter whether he's had a good game or not. I've actually asked them to stop copying me on he emails when they do it now, I don't find it funny and it's certainly not informative or informed....

Maybe I was a tad naive :D
I generally won't yell abuse at games though. Sometimes to the TV.

Same here, ill give the odd facepalm at the games but sitting on the couch i get a bit angry at the screen. Maybe because we nowhere near as good away and they are the games im watching on tv. Its just what happens when we invest so much of our emotion to the club.
I have no issue with fans getting frustrated when player x does something poorly - it is natural to get annoyed and although I don't personally ever yell abuse to our own players I can see why some do. What I hate more than anything though is when fans go in with a pre-conceived hatred of a player and said player cannot then do anything right (in that fans eyes) all day. I have never been more ashamed to be an Eagles supporter than to watch some of the treatment dished out to Rojo in his final year.

Agree. "That moment" in the 2006 Grand Final when the game was on a knife-edge as Kerr kicked the ball through the centre square, who else but Rowan Jones busting his gut to make a contest when three Sydney players were closing in. A lot of RoJo's work around the ground went unnoticed, particularly as he was used in the stoppages as a block for the likes of Cuzz, Kerr and Judd. Stats don't always tell the full tale.
I'd rather be upfront and honest about our players and their deficiencies than sit back and think the sun shines out of everyone's asses.

There's nothing wrong with always wanting your team to be better, and if that means taking certain players to task, then so be it.

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Opinion Potting our own players

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