Premium DT - how did we go?

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If I've got a player who will average 80 for the rest of the season (ie. Waite), and he misses a game, so I trade him out for the best Defender I can get (Someone averaging 50ish), then if I *don't* get Waite back on Sunday night, suddenly I'm 30 points per game behind, for every game, for the rest of the season...

Which adds up to a lot more than the initial 50 point wack you are going to cop...

Heck, it's why people would have picked up Hall, as he *is* that much better, over the season, than someone who average 50...
Our league is 47th (after people said how awesome they were doing in the normal DT). Idiots kept players like hodge / chapman / waite who were DEFINATELY out. God knows why... whats the point of copping a zero because they might score well next week??

Blah. I got a zero but it was due to a late withdrawal. I dont understand naming people who arent playing purely to have them the following week.

Smart thinking by them as Walesy pointed out. If they are going for the overall win, then they have done well.
scored about 1560 and won.. i was an unfortanate one who got put into a draft without knowing so i had to pick some scaby players.. the guy i versed got about 1530 and had heater and johncok:p

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My brother took Hodge in the draft, traded him out for Boyd 30 seconds before cutoff, and traded him straight back in the minute it re-opened.

Good tactic, won his game by 5 points and held a 100 ppw player.

A similar thing could be done with say Chappy or JBrown if you're willing to take the risk.
I've actaully heard there are some professional gamblers that have got together to win the individual money.

Team stacking

The individual prize is only $5000.

But the bloke that came 2nd this week has a midfield of Swan, Ablett, Corey, Cross, Hayes and Thompson.

Forward line is Brown, Didak, Reiwoldt, Franklin, Richardson, O'Keefe and Pavlich.

That's a team he either paid the $12 10 times or he got 9 mates to register and they are going to split the cash.

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Premium DT - how did we go?

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