Public speaking

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Club Legend
Jul 17, 2001
West Melbourne
AFL Club
When have you done it, and how did it go? Do you sh*t your pants or does it not bother you?

Probably my biggest 'audience' was my wedding day where there were about 70 people, and I was making the only speech of the night. I'd had a few by then and when i got up there i pretty much insulted my inlaws and referred to Mrs Pornstar as my first wife, and plenty of other stuff along those lines. But everyone loved it and said it was the best wedding speech they'd ever heard, so i was happy with that.
Doesn't bother me at all. I speak in front of groups of people all the time.

If you get a little bit of the butterflies, that's only natural, I guess. But loving to get in front of an audience, that's a start...


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Had a presentation yesterday, absolutely packing it beforehand but managed to relax a bit as it went's one thing worrying about the actual speaking part but I was worried about being exposed for knowing SFA about what I was talking about. Fortunately it didn't come to that :cool:
I don't like public speaking much at all. If I have a presentation to do at school, I stress over it for ages. But once you're up there, it goes heaps quick and then you realise it's not such a big deal. What I don't understand is, why people in my class just sit there and refuse to do them...I mean yeah, they would never even write one to save their lives :eek: but still, it isn't THAT much of a big deal! It's over and done with after a few minutes and then you can watch others **** their pants up there ;)
I am fine doing it as long as I'm reading someone else's work. If it is my own actual work then I get nervous because not only can you stuff up, but also your information can make you look like a total and utter goose.
I am not a shy person, but I am a quiet person. In my former job I had to, on occasions, speak to groups of journos or media representatives. The first time I had to do it, I was scared $hitless. After the first couple of times of doing it I realised that the best method to deal with nerves, is humour.
I find that I am okay and less nervous if it is something I am well versed in. If I have to talk on something I am unsure of, then I get nervous and panicky.
I have done a number of speeches at 21sts relatively recently and did one in front of 80 people. I had them on the floor with my witty sense of humour.

My public speaking skills stem from my private school education.
I actually don't mind public speaking. However it goes against my character; believe it or not I'm a very shy and quiet person. You just follow a few simple rules like making eye contact with your audience and not reading from "the paper".

One of my favorite memories in life was doing a speech for my best mate at his 21st. Absolutely r*ped them, had the parents and my mates asking for more.

But it did all stem from being able to carry yourself well in public with grace and flair, all derived from my private school education.
I've always been the loudmouth attention-seeking sort. For me, giving a speech in school was doing nothing more than what I always did - only with the teachers permission.

I've taught a lot of CPR classes to large groups. My partners always insisted I give the lecture. Loved it. Also Fire & EMS groups are always throwing conventions and seminars. You can't escape them. I don't mind going if I get to be a lecturer.

The thing to remember is what it's like to be in the audience. Bored. You don't care if the speaker is nervous, and it makes no sense that he should be. So when it's your turn to speak, remember that the audience doesn't care. They want you to shut up as soon as possible so they can go get more coffee and take a ****. It helps to have interesting material and have something interactive. Smile and have a good time.

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I love public speaking - at school we had to do oral responses to stuff . . . some of mine included a news report complete with ads, sung a rap about soil erosion and reviewed a book like a Demtel ad.

In Year 12 I was a state finalist in the Rostrum Voice of Youth public speaking competition - I loved it - for me it was like stand-up comedy. Plus I won cash and a natty medallion!!

Every year at the work Christmas Party, I'd give the "That Was The Season That Was" wrap-up . . . basically I'll yoink any opportunity to stand in front of people with a microphone and entertain them.
I was nominal captain of my high school's senior debating team.

In fact, my team was the first ever to lose against the inter-collegiate debate against Assumption College Kilmore. The footy team got belted too :)

Being involved in debating taught me a lot of things - one of which was how to get up in front of a room full of people and feel good about making an arse out of yourself. It's a skill which you don't ever lose.
I'm normally a pretty shy, quiet type of person so I used to always dread doing talks at school but after being at uni (for a couple of different stints) they are so regular that you get used to them and they aren't as big a deal. Nowdays I'm more worried about whether what I'm presenting is ok and fits within the criteria for the assessment rather than the actual public speaking part of the talk.

I always find it good to throw in a middle of witty lines to keep the audience listening and hopefully get a couple of laughs ... it's always good for me when I see people in the audience laughing because it helps me relax more and loosen up while doing the talk. I wouldn't say I'm a great public speaker but nowdays I'm more confident and don't get as nervous before them. It's ok to be slightly nervous before the talk, it's natural but if you get too nervous it can affect your performance.

I also work part-time at a supermarket, the best thing about that job (or should I say the only good thing ;)) is being able to get on the PA and make some smark arse, witty remarks in the guise of trying to sell items to shoppers, it's fun also good public speaking practice!
I came 4th in the recent Murdoch Uni Student Law Society/Clayton Utz Public Speaking Comp, and that included a very brief Kylie singalong :D Was captain of debating and mock trials in high school too (oh I was such a nerd....)

I am one of those sickos that loves writing speeches and speaking in public even though it always scares the crap out of me beforehand. But being a law student, speaking is something you have to be gifted at or your career in litigation is dead in the water.

(and yes, I am a product of private schooling ;))
Hate it, absolutely despise speaking in public. Love an arguement mind you, but not with people who don't care. Managed to help get our debating team to the finals, but as the silent 4th member :) I'd write the arguments, and my louder & more extroverted teamates would deliver them. (We made the Perth College team cry :))

I've just always spoken really quietly, and although working with old (and therefore half deaf) people is helping, I just don't like talking any louder than I have to.

Disgrace to public schooling I guess :( ;)
Yeah I like it.
I debate for school... I love debating, just standing up fighting your case... heaps of fun... especially when you win :D
Biggest audience would probably be a little more then 1000 my school and parents and stuff... in year six... had to make a speech reflecting the year at our speech night... I was scared sh*tless... I had lost my voice two days before too which didn't help my nerves cos I though it'd go any minute! But once I started talking it was fine.
Got no problem with it now which i am sure has come from one of the biggest challenges i had to complete in one of my courses. Had to get up and speak with no notes for 20 mins and weren't allowed to know when time was up just had to guess that it was 20 minutes. Frikken hard!!! Taught everyone how to use the internet but and got the highest mark in the class and if i was to be given a talk now it wouldn't phase me the slightest :)
I have no problem with public speaking. I have spoken at school assemblies, debates, etc...I actually enjoy it too. My friends think this is weird, I just think I'm lucky that I'm able to do it. I guess coz everyone is paying attention to ME for once :D
I don't mind it - do quite a bit in my job. If I know my topic I can rattle on with no worries.

Absolutely detested debating at school though - I always seemed to draw the short straw to talk on the side I disagreed with. I really can't do that.
I don't like public speaking when it has to be presented formally. I'm far more comfortable when I can crack a joke and the audience would laugh (at the joke, not me!).
I do like watching other people do their presentations at school. Some faces go tomato red and some voices break. :p
Well I've only had to speak at school orals. Before I go up I always dread them but when I'm up there, you get into things and enjoy it. I sound funny when I start though because I'm all nervous! But afterwards, you don't really care and I always feel like I could get up and do it again.

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Public speaking

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