Media PugMedia - Welcome DemurePrincess and goodbye gab213

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May 19, 2014
AFL Club
It was a rainy day in more ways than one yesterday as we said goodbye to gab213 but sunshine prevailed as we welcome DemurePrincess.

DemurePrincess or DP as she is affectionately known around Baghdad has been secured via trade after trying to recruit her for the past few seasons.
She brings exceptional banter and looking at her on-field performance will make Baghdad stronger.
We are pleased to welcome DP to Baghdad with her caravan of camels and hope she carves out a great career in Baghdad.

gab213 now departs us for the Ophidian Old Boys.
He was a very popular teammate. A winner of the TFLUA, Fred and premiership player.

gab213 leaves Baghdad with our best wishes and will be greatly missed on and off the field as he was a valuable contributor in the LG and as a committee rep whilst he was in Baghdad.
The Ophidian Old Boys have a quality human and qooty player.
All the best gab213.

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Media PugMedia - Welcome DemurePrincess and goodbye gab213

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