Health Quit Smoking - all mental

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Hi all just thought i would share my story and hopefully track it down the future, On monday i got diagnosed with late stages Whooping Cough so i thought i would give up smoking. I did give up for 2010 the whole year then personal problems led by stress made me take it up again. I am currently on day 5 of quitting which im glad i did because whenever i smell it now i cant stand it. Also had to quit coz im giving footy a run this year. Good luck to anyone quitting it isnt easy but its achievable.

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I started when I was 14 living in China but I ended it when I moved back here a couple of months later because of the inaccessibility to tobacco here with the strict laws. :thumbsu:

VCE and family problems plus a horrible breakup with a certain lady led me to pick it up again back this year.

Last night I was caught by a friends mother and another friend while having a smoke on the way to the train station. Never been more embarrassed in my life.

I'm obviously still a young'un and still have time to correct myself, and nearly all my friends are staunchly anti-smoking and have shown their concerns. Youth is obviously on my side, and I seriously do not want to end up with a host of health problems down the track.

All mental - I must admit I'm mentally weak. But all these stories about all of you with challenges far greater than mine, humbles me and inspires me to change.

Thanks. :)
3 weeks now. Doing well. Cut down the drinking which obviously helps and I've lost over a kilo too which is a nice benefit.

For the most part I used to associate having a coffee when I went for a smoke - the benefit - I now have a morning coffee rather than the 8 or 9 I used to have along with the sugar that also went with those coffees. Lots of pluses to be had
Unfortunately I put on about 5kgs when I quit as a cigarette was no longer a food substitute.
For the most part I used to associate having a coffee when I went for a smoke - the benefit - I now have a morning coffee rather than the 8 or 9 I used to have along with the sugar that also went with those coffees. Lots of pluses to be had
Unfortunately I put on about 5kgs when I quit as a cigarette was no longer a food substitute.

That's no good! Still, a few kilos wouldn't be as bad for your health as smoking. I tend to associate smoking with having a few beers. Cutting down the drinking has helped.
I decided to quit on a whim last wednesday. I bummed one on the weekend after some drinks but otherwise smoke free for the week. The biggest problem I am having is how ****ing hungry I am all the time. I've gone from having something light for lunch and a reasonably sized dinner to pretty much grazing all day long. Some days I'll wear the patch and some days I'll forget, it doesn't seem to make much difference but I paid for the things so I feel like a might as well use them. Think I might avoid the drinks this weekend just to avoid unnecessary temptation but who knows.

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Here's a question...

So one of my close mates seems to smoke pretty much every time he's out. He always has to bum two or three cigs a night, but probably only once a week.

Now, the only reason I'm asking is because I don't want to. I feel as though I should when I'm drunk – or not should, but "why not?" You don't realise what it is you're actually doing. That risk assessment goes when you've had a few beers, and if he's addicted and smoking all the time, there's a chance I might. Or at least second hand so much that I'll get addicted.

Basically, how long does it take for people to get addicted, on average?
Here's a question...

So one of my close mates seems to smoke pretty much every time he's out. He always has to bum two or three cigs a night, but probably only once a week.

Now, the only reason I'm asking is because I don't want to. I feel as though I should when I'm drunk – or not should, but "why not?" You don't realise what it is you're actually doing. That risk assessment goes when you've had a few beers, and if he's addicted and smoking all the time, there's a chance I might. Or at least second hand so much that I'll get addicted.

Basically, how long does it take for people to get addicted, on average?
I pretty much did this for about 18 months. Never thought I would get sucked in but inevitabley I did. Id just steer clear if I were you.
Here's a question...

So one of my close mates seems to smoke pretty much every time he's out. He always has to bum two or three cigs a night, but probably only once a week.

Now, the only reason I'm asking is because I don't want to. I feel as though I should when I'm drunk – or not should, but "why not?" You don't realise what it is you're actually doing. That risk assessment goes when you've had a few beers, and if he's addicted and smoking all the time, there's a chance I might. Or at least second hand so much that I'll get addicted.

Basically, how long does it take for people to get addicted, on average?

Hang on you don't want to smoke all together or you actually wouldn't mind a puff but don't due to the fear of addiction and are worried that alcohol will kill your impulse control?

If the former don't worry too much as you will probably not be inclined. If the latter you will have to make a conscious decision to avoid. Maybe mention to a mate when sober you are quitting or something. Cutting bad habits etc If out just try and avoid the smokers corner before you get too sloshed. If someone asks also don't give a reason. No need to justify your own choices.
Hang on you don't want to smoke all together or you actually wouldn't mind a puff but don't due to the fear of addiction and are worried that alcohol will kill your impulse control?

If the former don't worry too much as you will probably not be inclined. If the latter you will have to make a conscious decision to avoid. Maybe mention to a mate when sober you are quitting or something. Cutting bad habits etc If out just try and avoid the smokers corner before you get too sloshed. If someone asks also don't give a reason. No need to justify your own choices.
I don't smoke at all, but I have a friend who's addicted. We always head outside for a drink and a few mates have picked up doing it on night's out. Basically, I'm worried that I'll start picking up the habit because I'll be drunk in an environment where everyone's smoking, y'know?
I don't smoke at all, but I have a friend who's addicted. We always head outside for a drink and a few mates have picked up doing it on night's out. Basically, I'm worried that I'll start picking up the habit because I'll be drunk in an environment where everyone's smoking, y'know?
In my opinion, tobacco is worth trying mate. Just to kill off the curiosity that floods teenager's minds. What DO cigarettes taste like?...A lot of my non-smoking peers wonder.

Personally, my inquisitive personality got the better of me and in year 10 I had my first durry. It's not bad, not good. But the social side of it is pretty decent if you ask me. I'm an idiot of course, and find myself going through half a pack on most nights out.
I don't smoke at all, but I have a friend who's addicted. We always head outside for a drink and a few mates have picked up doing it on night's out. Basically, I'm worried that I'll start picking up the habit because I'll be drunk in an environment where everyone's smoking, y'know?

I was in a similar situation a few years ago. It got to a point where I would smoke a few cigarettes if I went out on the piss with certain friends, but I never became addicted because I always regretted it the next day.

Imagine this: you wake up to realise a drunk gorilla destroyed your room last night, ate all your snacks, and left his hideous and similarly simian daughter in your bed. Normal Sunday morning, you might be thinking? NO. Because that dirty great ape also left a dirty great turd in your mouth as a parting gift. Social smoking. Not even once.

I'm not sure how regular smokers handle that horrific aftertaste. I imagine it gets better with time.

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Health Quit Smoking - all mental

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