Race in football

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As for people responding to "Tar" (if that is your real nick), not only are you pointlessly upsetting yourself, but you're giving him something to whack off over. He's loving it. Every bite gives him another opportunity to spout off another round of utter drivel (typing one-handed of course).

If you didn't switch off after this ...

Originally posted by Tar
Winmar was a bloody disgrace to football when he lifted his shirt and carried on like a fool.
... then you weren't really paying attention.

Leave him alone, and he'll go home, dragging his hate behind him.

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When I was attending Mildura West Primary School, there were a lot of aboriginies who had some sickening comments told to them about the colour of their skin.
I have a couple of friends who are aboriginal and they were teased too much. One of my friends used to get into trouble for fighting because of the verbal abuse that she copped.

I have met a few aboriginals and I can tell you that they all hate racism so if we all stop being racist and ask our folks to stop being racist then we might be able to set the right example for the younger people.
I find it funny now aboriginals talk about equality and yet they get stuff like lower entrance scores to some instituitions, have to pay less for them, etc. Could that be to give them more opportunity?? Now why not do it for all other 'types' in Australia? I know of chinese/italians and that who have come here with basically bugger all and work their a$$ off for a better life for their kids, so they should get something too. Now some people might talk about racial stereotypes, let's say aboriginals are dirty and steal. I know better in that i was freinds with aboriginals off high school and they were top people.

Sometimes you know better than to put such stereotypes on aboriginals, but sometimes you cannot blame them. Some people may be shopkeepers or homeowners may have had bad experiences with them like getting their house broken into, have stuff stolen from shops, etc AND they know it was aboriginals because the have seem them in action, seem them hanging around etc. This frustration leads them to come up with stereotyping for aboriginals, which i have to admit you cannot blame them for. I myself have been to shops and in the city where i see aboriginals acting like animals, louts, and trying to steal stuff (says a shopkeeper), but i still don't stereotype against them coz i know better.

So it's true in that sense, but only for that particular instance. Therefore while i myself do not stereotype against race, sometimes the otherside contributes to this like with the example i gave. They may be also acting out of defense at how they are labelled as they feel threatened.

Anyone else got similar examples to share?
Originally posted by suzi_olsen
When I was attending Mildura West Primary School for the Mentally Handicapped, there were a lot of aboriginies who had some sickening comments told to them about the colour of their lunchboxes.

I have a couple of friends who are aboriginal and they were teased too much until I came along and drew the focus away from them. One of my friends used to get into trouble for beating me up because of the verbal abuse that she copped from me.

I have a few aboriginal cousins (Long, Winmar et all) and I can tell you that they all hate racism so if we all stop being racist and tell the moderators then we might be able to set the right example for the rest of my cousins.
Too true
Originally posted by CharlieG
OldLion, that's low. You don't have a right to compare me with the KKK and Nazi Party. That's sick and I expect it to be withdrawn, with an apology, or your post will be reported to a moderator by 6pm tomorrow.

What I meant was that Anglo-Saxons don't seem to have racial rights, unlike just about every minority. The lawyer representing the tent "embassy" which stole the coat of arms called all white Australians genocidal! He said that all white Australians are genocidal by intent because they have benefited by the genocide of aboriginals. If I was to stand outside that courtroom and protest what is blatant slander, I'd be labelled in the media as a right-wing white supremicist! I feel disenfranchised of my rights as a member of society, by what I feel is an orchestrated guilt campaign.

And I am sure you can't sleep at night as a result of such terrible racism directed at you!!

You poor thing.

White people don't need such "rights" becuase white people in Australia are not discriminated against becasue they are white to any great or meaningful extent.

Postiive discrimination may affect some, but by no means in a way large enough to outweigh the worthy goal of attempting to equalise the opportunities available to Aboriginees in our society.

The Aboriginal people have been discrminated and persecuted for a long time. The balance needs to be redressed.

Equality is a myth. That's why positive discrimination is necessary.

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Race in football

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