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Scientist have tested for the first time if antimatter behaves the same as matter in gravitational fields - it should and it did. The article is by one of the experimenters and involves some 'Big Science'.

First time? I definitely remember hearing about antimatter falling down many years ago :think:
First time? I definitely remember hearing about antimatter falling down many years ago :think:
According the article, it's the first time. I was a little surprised, too. As detailed in the article there are significant difficulties with making and handling antimatter so it may be no one has actually been able to check accurately. There was the story of the late Prof Spiggot, who is alleged to have tipped his antimatter containment vessel over and perhaps in the last few milliseconds of his life he knew it was affected by gravity the same way as normal matter.

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Australian researchers believe 'Dark Photons' are the are responsible for Dark Matter. This is mathematical work out of collider data NOT direct evidence of the existence of dark photons. They seem pretty confident of the result.
Australian researchers claim to have detected ‘dark photons’
I have expressed the belief before that Dark Matter is nothing more than pixie dust and other explanations for gravitational anomalies of galactic movement are more likely and attractive - whoops, accidental pun there.
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An interview with Roger Penrose in Forbes about reality and consciousness. He's 92 years old now. Very interesting and well worth a read if you have an interest in the area. As a young person I read his book 'Emperors New Mind' which impressed me at the time, exactly how I can't remember, it's a long time ago! I think it was the first time I had seen it suggested consciousness is a quantum phenomena, a concept which has gained considerable traction in subsequent decades.

He doesn't like the 'multiple worlds' interpretation of quantum physics, neither do I, it's just seems a little excessive to split off another universe or 2 anytime the wave function collapses and a bit of classical reality is resolved. Gravity is the key in his theory to collapsing the quantum wave function to a single classical physics object. How he suggests it happens is fascinating, I won't spoil it, you'll have to read the article.
illusion shmillusion...

so if I take a screengrab on my PC (shift + Win + S)...yes it is one grey level
Screenshot 2023-10-28 095450.png

however if I take a pic with my phone then crop out the borders...the illusion is there !!! WTF, try it with your phone.

further diggin'...on my portrait monitor...seems the illusion is there with the phone, if I throw the page onto my landscape monitor, illusion is not there on phone.
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Clever robot, probably should say clever people, what a neat body form.

Being wheeled it does suffer from the first generation of Daleks problem

That's quick for something like a mutton bird. I looked up the Peregrine Falcon, its speed record is safe, 390 kph in a dive.

An article about a group from Sydney developing a true artificial neural network with nanowires that function similar to how the brain learns and remembers. This could be a real breakthrough. Current AI systems emulate neural networks on silicon, vast server farms that eat up energy.


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An article about a group from Sydney developing a true artificial neural network with nanowires that function similar to how the brain learns and remembers. This could be a real breakthrough. Current AI systems emulate neural networks on silicon, vast server farms that eat up energy.

Could this - in time - lead to fusing wires to the brain or is it specifically AI use?

my personal exp is that the odd sleep deprivation, 1 night, makes me grumpy for days...not 'happy'

my personal exp is that the odd sleep deprivation, 1 night, makes me grumpy for days...not 'happy'
I have worked thousands of nights and I can tell you there is a manic sort of feel you can get when you get sleep deprived, I don't know if this has anything to do with an antidepressant effect. Mind you, working nights is generally bad for your health.

On a slightly different note, this process for capturing CO2 and turning it into material for making batteries looks hopeful. It is much less energy intense than other methods. I have always been a bit sceptical of CO2 capture because of the scale it's needed and that it is so energy inefficient.

We don't have a thread for the upcoming AI Apocalypse and Robot Rebellion, so I have posted this rather sad story here.
41 people have been killed by industrial robots in the last 30 years or so, 75% of deaths have occurred during maintenance rather than normal operation.
We don't have a thread for the upcoming AI Apocalypse and Robot Rebellion, so I have posted this rather sad story here.
41 people have been killed by industrial robots in the last 30 years or so, 75% of deaths have occurred during maintenance rather than normal operation.
my 'guess' at this is that it is probably another cost cutting tragedy ala crused sub using game controller. So there's nothing sinister on the Robot's side, the Designer is the problem, if they value human life rather than the bottom line, using top shelf tech probably wouldn't have mistook person for a box of vegies

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Random Science news and articles

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