Random Thoughts the 13th

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went to the scg this morning to get the run down for running AUSKICK on saturday night im a little nervous but so excited i cant wait everyone look out for me
What exactly are you doing? Umpiring? Goal umpiring? If you're around the Brewongle stand I'll give you a shout and a wave.
I'm the ultimate noob with iPhone's. I need to get a decent phone now and I was thinking about getting an iPhone but I have always preferred pre paid phones. Played 1 to 50 on a mates iPhone today and it was addictive. That was probably the clincher.
The original Snake on Nokia ftw. My mate managed to fill every single pixel on the screen, took him months but it was worth it.
went to the scg this morning to get the run down for running AUSKICK on saturday night im a little nervous but so excited i cant wait everyone look out for me

good luck with it, something special about stepping onto the ground for whatever reason you can feel it...:thumbsu:

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What exactly are you doing? Umpiring? Goal umpiring? If you're around the Brewongle stand I'll give you a shout and a wave.

im working with the head of auskick he and i will greet the clubs on arrival give them tickets and such then get them when they need 2 get ready and take them out on the ground and help set up im a little scared but cant wait for the end of the game when they all line up and the players run out will enjoy that

and yes super excited to stand of the scg

now to make trackies and a polo look cute haha
A friend of mine is seriously depressed and extremely anxious, he has been so unwell physically too with lung problems and a heart condition. His life has been turned upside down and he is so down, I don't know what I can do to help him. He's talking about going to stay in a mental clinic for a while, it would be so beneficial, get him out of his big lonely house for a while and get some treatment. He really needs to focus on himself for a while and not have to worry about anything else. In saying that though, the best way to take your mind off things is to help other people, maybe I could tee up some volunteer work for us both somewhere...good for the soul. Have you guys have any experiences with a friend when you just didn't know what to do? I mean he says he can't get through the night, thinks about suicide all the time but is scared of not doing it properly. It scares the shit out of me.
A friend of mine is seriously depressed and extremely anxious, he has been so unwell physically too with lung problems and a heart condition. His life has been turned upside down and he is so down, I don't know what I can do to help him. He's talking about going to stay in a mental clinic for a while, it would be so beneficial, get him out of his big lonely house for a while and get some treatment. He really needs to focus on himself for a while and not have to worry about anything else. In saying that though, the best way to take your mind off things is to help other people, maybe I could tee up some volunteer work for us both somewhere...good for the soul. Have you guys have any experiences with a friend when you just didn't know what to do? I mean he says he can't get through the night, thinks about suicide all the time but is scared of not doing it properly. It scares the shit out of me.

OK Hooley and bigfooty world it's confession time.

The person I come home to and wake up next to every morning suffers depression. And talk of suicide should scare the shit out of you because the more they talk about it the is a cry for help. Without that help they may just do it, we often think it is a cry for attention but the statistics on suicide are real.

Now despite what is often said by the sufferer, that it is clinical and there is nothing you can do it is not always true, there is often a route cause and it needs addressing.

There is nothing wrong with going to a mental clinic unless he Smokes-Drinks a lot in the company of others, because sadly these places are awash with smokers and alcoholics and no matter what the say they the drink gets smuggled in aplenty. (For alcoholism issues attend a specialist Alcohol program, not mental assistance). If he already somkes a lot regardless it wont matter.

Now If he can withstand the pressure to smoke/drink while in said place the assistance and the group training may be what's he looking for.

I've never been inside but yes my partner has a few years ago, I wont say all is perfect with the world but afterward she returned to full time work and associated herself with some friends and a semblance of a social life.

I cant sum this up all in one post and I want to say that every case has it's differences and own challenges, you as a nurse in training are probably aware, but a lot can be similar as well and I know the fear and anxiousness you feel for your friend only too well.

If you want to ask questions here or PM go for it because friends/partners go through the stress of the illness too if not the actual depression.

A lot of people in his position lose their friends and without them it's a slow burn into hell on earth.

Good luck with it Hooley.
Jamie has lost all his friends, there is one girl who he's totally obsessed with who's still on the scene. He's 32, she's 20. She wants to have a baby, he doesn't, but he's been trying with her because he doesn't want to lose her! It's crazy. What if she actually falls pregnant, ****, the only reason a 20 year old girl would want a baby is because she is desperate for love and affection and feels a baby will constantly need and love her. And he can't even look after himself, let alone a kid, I mean he's not eating or anything. He'll have sex with her and then call me in tears saying how much he's hoping she's not pregnant! Argh!!!

He has no friends now, never goes out, barely even talks to his mother and brother. I keep telling him that his family are the ones who love him and will support him, but telling mentally ill people these things doesn't help, they somehow have to figure it out for themselves before it's too late. About the suicide/cry for help, I just have to keep telling him I'm here for him, and hopefully one day he will let me help him.

He doesn't smoke or drink, which is good. He was a personal trainer for years but after his long stint in hospital he's in no condition to train people. He's lost 12 kilos of muscle. He's been thinking about doing an apprenticeship but he's still too physically weak to take anything up, it's really sad. Being fit and healthy was his livelihood for years and years and now he can barely get the to gym at all, let alone do a decent workout.

Anyway, he's in a clinic tonight and will be there for a few days. Hopefully he can get some sleep and find a little clarity soon.
I couldn't get a desire HD on a decent provider so I joined the dark side and purchased an iPhone 4.

iPhone junkies... Which apps & games should I get?

I got the Desire HD on the Vodafone Infinite Plan, loving it. :thumbsu:

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if you assumed i wasnt excited about the awesome present my girlfriend just gave me - tickets to the friday night match at the scg against carlton - you would be sorely mistaken!!!!

cant wait!
Was a shock, she was fine this morning when I left for Uni, and was sitting in a bar at Uni and heard she'd been rushed to the Vet... Got to say goodbye before they put her to sleep, pretty distressing how quickly it happened. :(
I nodded off a bit and was daydreaming today(whilst operating a crane) that Richmond did the unthinkable and beat Collingwood and we beat Geelong, top of the ladder here we come.

the stars are aligning, someone knee capped Jolly and Vickery is goin alright starting to get a bit angry like his old man.
Was a shock, she was fine this morning when I left for Uni, and was sitting in a bar at Uni and heard she'd been rushed to the Vet... Got to say goodbye before they put her to sleep, pretty distressing how quickly it happened. :(

how old was she mate, what kind of dog?
13, so not exactly young, but they were saying even if a younger dog had had these types of seizures there wouldn't have been much they could do. She was a border collie.

beautiful dogs border collies, 13 is a good innings she must have been well looked after.
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