RDFL Thread 2010 (Part 2)

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Memo: Sunbury Kangaroos Senior Football side

Before I give a review of yesterday's wonderful day at Boardman Reserve I would just like to vent a little outside of that review so not to take up all of that space with this rant...

Att: Sunbury Kangaroos senior football side.

MAKE A CHOICE - You are at the stage now where you are either premiership contenders or premiership pretenders. At this point in time, after poor losses to the top two sides you only fit into one of these two categories, luckily, YOU have the chance to turn things around...

The performance in the second half yesterday was pitiful. There was no drive to compete, there was only drive for individual influence, no side can win a premiership with that being a driving motivation... Listening to the message that your coach delivered (which you followed in the first half), then watching what you dished up was painful...

First of all - you were led to the ball, you allowed the opposition to completely dictate the tempo, pace and style of the game and save for 2 or 3 players, no one stood up to make a difference, rather, there were too many passengers that stood back and waited to see what their direct opponent was going to do, that allows the opposition to dictate..

Secondly - You can either play as individuals or play to the message that you are being delivered. When you played to the style of play that you were directed to play in the first half you controlled the game, took Riddell out of their comfort zone and even had the best team in the competition asking questions of themselves. In the 2nd half, you backflipped, you refused to follow instruction and gave Riddell not only control of the game, but control of you.

Thirdly - You have potentially the most potent forward line in the competition, options are a valued commodity, but the value is lost when you are not willing to try something different when certain things are not working, there was only one forward willing to change it up, push up to the half forward line without being told, only one forward willing to put true pressure on when the ball hit the ground, that forward will be crucified because he didn't kick a goal.. Nick Ash is a very good defender, but Chris Meacham's toughest opponent yesterday, as it has been for the past 5 weeks was his fellow forwards.

Finally - Aggresion and discipline, there is a fine line, but seriously, aggression is impressive, ill discipline is not - collecting someone high in an agressive manner only gives the opposition free kicks and momentum, agression at the contest only gives yourselves momentum and when this side is up and about, they are very very hard to match - go back to winning the contest with agression..

Reality shows that in the second half you were second to the contest, second to the ball and completely outplayed.. It also shows that in the first half you were dominant, creating several opportunities and putting your opponent's on the back foot. You are given a game style by the coaching staff, follow it, you have an opportunity, take it... Don't let 2010 become another season that was... Make it the season that started it all...
Wonderful day at Boardman Reserve yesterday, a big crowd and a couple of spirited contests..

The Reserves contest to kick off the day was one of the best games of two's football I have seen in a long time, the attack on the ball and the movement of the ball wasn't far off Senior football from two years ago, both sides went goal for goal for most of the day, in the end it was the Kangaroos big men that probably tipped the balance in their favor, but it really was a ripping contest...

The senior game kicked off with an air of excitement in the big crowd at boardman. Everyone that was there fully expected to see two premiership contenders take each other on and a classic match on our hands and in the first half that is exactly what the crowd got.

The first quarter saw the Roos well and truly on top, they had the Bombers on the back foot, open and fast paced football, the Kangaroos moved the ball with purpose and the key players were standing out. Darragh McGovern and Leigh McInerney were excellent and getting great feed from Fishenden and Cuffe. Matt Welsh was exciting on the wing while young Mitchell Strieff was everywhere. The Bombers early seemed as though they had no answers as the Roos kicked 3 goals to 1 in the opening term.
The second quarter became a more stoppage orientated arm wrestle with most of the play between the two forward 50's. Brenton Sutherland was on top of Matt Baird at one end, while Nick Ash was covering Chris Meacham at the other. The Roos had their chances, but blew them, inaccurate shots at goal when they had control of the game kept the Bombers in it, at one stage the Roos could have been 4 or 5 goals in front, but the Bombers kept working. Matt Sammut was racking up plenty of the ball and Brayden Allen was having just as much impact as whoever his opponent was at the time. A send off for the Roos half way through the quarter halted their momentum though and the rest of the quarter remained an arm wrestle as a Brayden Allen long goal and a goal to Cam Casson reduced the margin to only 4 points at the break.
The half time break proved to be the momentum breaker and maker. The Bombers came out firing, first to every contest while the Roos simply let them make the run of play. Fishenden dominated the hitouts, but the Bomber midfield players made the centre stoppages a procession, this made it almost impossible for the Kangaroos defenders as Mick Allen put on a third quarter masterclass, booting 4 goals for the term as the Bombers blew the game apart. The ball was just coming through the middle with no pressure, it gave the Roos defenders no chance.
The last term was much the same, a procession as the Bomber midfield continued on their merry way, the Roos ruck dominance was all for nothing as the Bomber midfield started to become involved in the goal scoring side of the game, it was well and truly game over and in the end a disappointing finish to the day as the Roos were truly outplayed.

My votes
3 - T.Towers (Riddell)
2 - J.Cuffe (SK)
1 - M.Sammut (Riddell)

What I have learned from Round 10
  • Feel like I say this almost every week, but the Bombers are clearly the standout side in the competition, the battle for top spot will only be on due to Lancefield having a comparitively soft run home.
  • The Sunbury Roos are at the crossroads, from here they can lift and become contenders or will just be known as pretenders, a massive clash against the Cats this week.
  • Macedon are slowly working their way back into the season, Al Meldrum played his first game yesterday and will be better for the run and surely Andrew McArthur isn't far away.
  • Wallan is now out of the race for the finals, they needed to win yesterday and didn't have a better opportunity. Unfortunately for the Magpies they can only play spoiler now.
  • The Redbacks have put themselves right in the mix.
  • Diggers Rest look like they are the side in danger, a massive few weeks coming up for the Burra.
Performance Ladder - Round 10


Diggers Rest
Melton Centrals
Sunbury Kangaroos

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Have a re-think did we pal ? Or just getting good sound advice ? :cool:

Had a rethink...

Thought the umpires at the Kangaroos Vs Riddell game did a reasonable job also.... :thumbsu:
You feeling a little off color pal, or has someone else gotten hold of your password ??? :eek:

Care to name the offending man in orange that has so impressed you ?

I dont know his name, but Semmo was not bad either. They both paid the frees that were there consistently through out the game. It was a good game from both sides but in particular Jimmy Carrol very impressive young player.
IMS. WTF man?? I'm sure you were at the game yesterday. Your rant is way off. Injuries and send off's clearly hurt them. Riddell had no answer for them in he first quarter, Injuries to mcgovern and ploog before halftime. Plus caca's (sorry don't know his real name) clearly hurt them. And still we they were up at halftime. Don't have time to go into it right now. But will in the next couple of days
IMS. WTF man?? I'm sure you were at the game yesterday. Your rant is way off. Injuries and send off's clearly hurt them. Riddell had no answer for them in he first quarter, Injuries to mcgovern and ploog before halftime. Plus caca's (sorry don't know his real name) clearly hurt them. And still we they were up at halftime. Don't have time to go into it right now. But will in the next couple of days

cacas would be david caccamo
IMS. WTF man?? I'm sure you were at the game yesterday. Your rant is way off. Injuries and send off's clearly hurt them. Riddell had no answer for them in he first quarter, Injuries to mcgovern and ploog before halftime. Plus caca's (sorry don't know his real name) clearly hurt them. And still we they were up at halftime. Don't have time to go into it right now. But will in the next couple of days

My rant is a long way from way off... The second half was dismal, yep, the injuries to McGovern and Ploog no doubt hindered the side, but the reality is that too few were left to do the job.. Riddell had injuries too....

I did say though, that the first half they were the dominant side on the ground... Which they were, but the second half performance was abysml...
My rant is a long way from way off... The second half was dismal, yep, the injuries to McGovern and Ploog no doubt hindered the side, but the reality is that too few were left to do the job.. Riddell had injuries too....

I did say though, that the first half they were the dominant side on the ground... Which they were, but the second half performance was abysml...

I recall Blade going off in the third when Cuffee fell on what looked to be his knee, and he Blade was literally running rings around the sunbury players up until that stage Sunbury did well in the first half but clearly the Bombers are a superior outfit, Ryan Leitch also missed the second half so both teams clearly were down men
IMS, Every one is entitled to thier opinion and I respect yours but can you elaborate on a few things for me?
1) Meach and Helmers run a two man forward line, with the ruckman dropping back, Mostly Cuffe but sometimes Fish. So the other forward you refer to that needs to make more effort is Fenno. Why not say his name? Meach dropped almost every mark on Saturday and would be the first to admit he was below his best. Him and Fenno chase and tackle every time and give off at nearly every option. You said so yourself in pregame. Fenno wasn't his best either. The big question should be how come the mids can't hit the targets regularly or at least choose the right option (kicking the ball to the boundry line just because a forward led there is a poor choice, there has to be a better option)

2) A ten goal loss an abysmal second half as you rightly stated but yet you found 2 votes for Cuffe.:eek: Now I love the old war horse and he has played like a gazzillion games. But even he would tell you he was below par. He had about six kicks on saturday and nearly all were clangers!!! Kicked into the man on the mark Twice!!!! Missed at least three other targets!!!! But i'll cut him some slack cos he has played some brilliant footy, not only this year but over his decorated career. NO ONE from the Kangas deserved a vote. M Allen should of got at least 1.

3) Inaccurate kicking for goal cost them dearly it should of been 9.2 at half time and the game almost over. But Riddell showed why they are the best team in the comp and why you don't give sucker an even break.

Every thing else you said I agree with.

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IMS, Every one is entitled to thier opinion and I respect yours but can you elaborate on a few things for me?
1) Meach and Helmers run a two man forward line, with the ruckman dropping back, Mostly Cuffe but sometimes Fish. So the other forward you refer to that needs to make more effort is Fenno. Why not say his name? Meach dropped almost every mark on Saturday and would be the first to admit he was below his best. Him and Fenno chase and tackle every time and give off at nearly every option. You said so yourself in pregame. Fenno wasn't his best either. The big question should be how come the mids can't hit the targets regularly or at least choose the right option (kicking the ball to the boundry line just because a forward led there is a poor choice, there has to be a better option)

2) A ten goal loss an abysmal second half as you rightly stated but yet you found 2 votes for Cuffe.:eek: Now I love the old war horse and he has played like a gazzillion games. But even he would tell you he was below par. He had about six kicks on saturday and nearly all were clangers!!! Kicked into the man on the mark Twice!!!! Missed at least three other targets!!!! But i'll cut him some slack cos he has played some brilliant footy, not only this year but over his decorated career. NO ONE from the Kangas deserved a vote. M Allen should of got at least 1.

3) Inaccurate kicking for goal cost them dearly it should of been 9.2 at half time and the game almost over. But Riddell showed why they are the best team in the comp and why you don't give sucker an even break.

Every thing else you said I agree with.

Some very good points there RMFO...

So only fair I respond with my views, like you said, it is only each to his own views, so my explination is..

1 - Meach chased and worked hard when the ball hit the ground, his pressure when the ball hits the ground even when he isn't having a good day is probably the best of any forward in the competition, you are right, the midfield has to choose better options going forward, but they can only kick to where the lead is placed, to be honest, forward leads should almost be dead and buried anyways, it is the players bringing the ball inside forward 50 that should dictate the lead these days, but we are yet to see that happen in this competition. Fenno didn't put enough pressure on when the ball hit the deck, he didn't work to the right spots and in the end he and Meach just got in each others way. Fenno's impact was restricted to when he went into the midfield in the last quarter.

2 - Yep, Cuffey kicked into the man on the mark twice, he also took near on 15 marks, he had many more than 6 kicks, his first half was outstanding and he was clearly the best player with the most influence on the ground. It was disappointing to see him sitting as a loose man back after half time rather than play the role he played in the first quarter, but all in all, his performance was clearly the best of the Roos... To rate him otherwise you are falling into the old "expectations" trap, he might not have played his greatest game ever, but he was still better than everyone else. (Mick Allen kicked 5 for the game, including 4 in 10 mins, outside of that he didn't have an influence).

3 - Bad kicking is bad football - the Roos had 4 shots on goal in the opening 9 minutes of the 2nd quarter - they kicked poorly, should have been 5 or 6 goals up, but they were not.. They had Riddell on the back foot and could have turned the screws, a few undisciplined acts later, the game was in the balance... The fact is, the Roos had a game plan, they didn't follow it in the 2nd half, there were too many running about doing their own thing. Riddell are indeed the best side in the comp, especially if you want to let them do their own thing - the Kangaroos let them do whatever they wanted...
I recall Blade going off in the third when Cuffee fell on what looked to be his knee, and he Blade was literally running rings around the sunbury players up until that stage Sunbury did well in the first half but clearly the Bombers are a superior outfit, Ryan Leitch also missed the second half so both teams clearly were down men

I think youll find monkey69 that most of the sunbury players and supporters are just disappointed with the way the game ended. Two completely contrasting halves of footy. When you totally outplay a team like riddell in the first half, and lay down terribly in the second it is very disappointing. Whether or not injuries etc. contributed, WHO CARES. riddell were hungrier in the second half and thoroughly deserved to win.
ALSO i was the first to tell my players at 3 quater time that they blew it. We should have been 5 or 6 goals up at half time, However bad kicking and send offs is BAD FOOTY. The umpires were very good all day, and its back to the drawing board for the kangas:mad:
I have just watched a side throw away a game. Wallan should have beaten Romsey but some undisiplined play just showed everyone when the chips are down, Wallan resort to get angry. By angry I mean throwing punches and just being stupid. I saw the first 2 games of the year and havent seen any since due to work, and its NOT the same Wallan I saw back then. For 3 quarters, they were in it then boom out came the agro. Curly did get Semmo going in the 4th quarter (Semmo was umpiring fairly well for 3 quarters then he found his man to pick on) and that was Wallan gooooonnnnnneeeeeeee. The Pies lost a man in the last due to stupidity. He was penalised and he went on with it and the Romsey player pointed to the scoreboard and then the punches started and bye bye Wallan.
Time to start to rebuild for next year Wallan.
You have pretty well summed it up Archie, i'm not going to pot the umpire's, i thought they did a good job for the majority of the game, the players know how they umpire and have been reminded to keep their mouths shut!!! and when your one or two goals down, and you have to play the rest of the game with 17 players; well your not going to win are you! Very disapointed as i thought the game was ours at three quarter time! was a good game and Romsey deserved the win.
Archie, i'm not going to pot the umpire's, i thought they did a good job for the majority of the game,
The umpires were very good all day.....whats going on here i feel a little bit of umpire love hapenning here...
umpire appreciattion day was a few weeks ago........to kangas the sammos after each game were much appreciated
Riddell, the clear premiership favourite in the RDFL, defeated the Kangas by 10 goals today.

Matty – this is why you are such an inspiration to the Kilmore boys. Just remind me who Riddell lost to? I don’t mind you saying Riddell are favourites, but ‘Clear’???? I think the Lancefield boys might have other opinions as well.
Some very good points there RMFO...

So only fair I respond with my views, like you said, it is only each to his own views, so my explination is..

1 - Meach chased and worked hard when the ball hit the ground, his pressure when the ball hits the ground even when he isn't having a good day is probably the best of any forward in the competition, you are right, the midfield has to choose better options going forward, but they can only kick to where the lead is placed, to be honest, forward leads should almost be dead and buried anyways, it is the players bringing the ball inside forward 50 that should dictate the lead these days, but we are yet to see that happen in this competition. Fenno didn't put enough pressure on when the ball hit the deck, he didn't work to the right spots and in the end he and Meach just got in each others way. Fenno's impact was restricted to when he went into the midfield in the last quarter.

2 - Yep, Cuffey kicked into the man on the mark twice, he also took near on 15 marks, he had many more than 6 kicks, his first half was outstanding and he was clearly the best player with the most influence on the ground. It was disappointing to see him sitting as a loose man back after half time rather than play the role he played in the first quarter, but all in all, his performance was clearly the best of the Roos... To rate him otherwise you are falling into the old "expectations" trap, he might not have played his greatest game ever, but he was still better than everyone else. (Mick Allen kicked 5 for the game, including 4 in 10 mins, outside of that he didn't have an influence).

3 - Bad kicking is bad football - the Roos had 4 shots on goal in the opening 9 minutes of the 2nd quarter - they kicked poorly, should have been 5 or 6 goals up, but they were not.. They had Riddell on the back foot and could have turned the screws, a few undisciplined acts later, the game was in the balance... The fact is, the Roos had a game plan, they didn't follow it in the 2nd half, there were too many running about doing their own thing. Riddell are indeed the best side in the comp, especially if you want to let them do their own thing - the Kangaroos let them do whatever they wanted...

Cuffe had 15 marks?:eek: What game where you watching? Sunbury would be lucky if they took 15 marks combined! I don't wan't to be seen on here slagging Cuffe cos some nuffy's will see it that way. So I guess we will just have agree to disagree.

Interesting that Mongrel gave Mick Allen 3 votes. Yet you couldn't find a vote for him. ;)
Cuffe had 15 marks?:eek: What game where you watching? Sunbury would be lucky if they took 15 marks combined! I don't wan't to be seen on here slagging Cuffe cos some nuffy's will see it that way. So I guess we will just have agree to disagree.

Interesting that Mongrel gave Mick Allen 3 votes. Yet you couldn't find a vote for him. ;)

Everyone sees it differently and Mongrel might have been preoccupied with other things on the day... Lol...

Others may rate Mick's game as outstanding and he was the difference maker for that 10 minute period in the third...
RDFL 2010 Season - Round 11

With the second half of the season well underway a couple of sides face massive challenges this week in the battle for top six spots.

Diggers Rest FNC Vs Lancefield FNC
Diggers Rest Reserve - Diggers Rest
The Tigers are flying and share equal top with the Bombers heading into a tough clash against the Burra. Last week saw the return to form of star forward Brian Ruffell as the even contribution of the Tigers line up continued to deliver as the demolished Broadford. Tom Waters is in outstanding form and would be one of the leading candidates for the Bowen Medal. While the Tigers midfield just seems to be getting better every week. The Burra have a massive task on their hands, another close loss to a top 6 side last week against the Cats leave them with a balancing act in the next few weeks. While they have a favorable run home, they face the Tigers, then the Hawks away and the Roos away, they would love to win 2 out of 3 in those games, with the injured players slowly returning, the Burra are strengthening and will look to catch the Tigers on the hop this weekend. If you are at the game, watch for the performances of Craig Marshall, Dan Poynton and Jason Davies, all 3 have impressed at times this year.
Game Key: The midfield. A lot will rest on the shoulders of Lindsay Black and Shane Marchewka in this game to create a contest not only in the ruck but around the ground and make Waters accountable. The midfield battle should be a ripper.
Lancefield by 21 points.

Rockbank FSC Vs Broadford FNC
Ian Cowie Reserve - Rockbank
For the lower half of the ladder, this is the match of the round. Both sides will be desperate for a win with only one win between them for the year so far, this shapes as the biggest game of the year. Broadford will have set themselves for a victory in this game. Grant Wearne, Shaun Duggan and Damien Barton will all play a very important role for Broadford. While they have been steadily improving at the bottom end with more game time for the younger players, so much will rest on the experience on Saturday. The Rams while a much more competitive unit in 2010, would be disappointed to be sitting second bottom with only one win to their name, that win coming in Round 1. With the side not fully living up to expectations so far in 2010 it was really disappointing that none of the Rams representatives showed up to interleague, hopefully they show more dedication to the game this week.
Game Key: Run and carry. If the Rams running players are allowed free space they will be too damaging for Broadford to counter, but the Roos have strong run and carry players of their own, they need to control possession and hit the Rams with their own run and carry.
Rockbank by 18 points

Kilmore FNC Vs Romsey FNC
JJ Clancy Reserve - Kilmore
One of the games of the round without doubt. The Blues hit back last week with a pounding of the Rams at home and the big fella was in vintage form.. Matt Robertson and Guy Booker also continued their strong form while young Todd Keenan is proving a very valuable addition to the Blues line up. The Redbacks kept their season alive with a win over Wallan without Moorcroft and Cam Dawson in the line up, Dawson should return this week and the Redbacks will be keen to keep their winning form, they are on a mini run of sorts and a win here will well and truly entrench them in finals calculations. The excitement for the spectators at this game could be the volitility of both sides. Either could break apart at any minute and are well known for a fragile environment. The Redbacks have some players in great form, Ash McNaughton continues to dominate through the midfield while the form of Dean Smith-Whiting since his return from a hamstring injury has been outstanding. The battle in the midfield could just make the difference in this one, Ryan Connellan should have an advantage over the young emerging Swann for the Blues and give his midfielders first use of the ball and both sides have a forward line capable of a big score, so a lack of midfield and defensive pressure could spell trouble for either of these two sides. I just hope for mature crowd behaviour and a true enjoyment of watching some of the most talented players in the competition on the one ground this week.
Game Key: Defensive pressure. The side that can execute pressure on the way back will hold the advantage, both sides are capable of anything, but if there is no pressure on the midfield ball carrier, then one of these two sides is going to find it very easy to kick goals.
Romsey by 9 points

Melton Centrals FNC Vs Wallan FNC
McPherson Park - Melton
The Magpies shot at finals in 2010 was dealt a severe blow with a loss to the Redbacks last week in a game they really should have won. From all accounts the Magpies had the Redbacks on the ropes at 3 quarter time only to let them off the leash with some undisciplined acts. The form of Carl Groth continues to have him rated as one of the best midfielders in the competition, while skipper Shane Jacobs, defender David Saliba and James Turner are all playing great football. Gavin Langbourne was outstanding last week and much will depend on the veteran again this week. The Magpies need more out of key forward Fonua.
Centrals have been competitive, we say it every week, but they need a win now to capitilize on what has been a solid season. Listening to Paul Sproule a couple of weeks ago he delivers a very good message to the players and they will continue to learn and improve every week. They are a big show in this one, at their home ground and against a Wallan side that will undoubtably be a little flat from last weeks loss. If Centrals can continue to improve their workrate when they don't have the ball and lift their tackle count, they will give themselves a big chance.
Game Key: Pressure and discipline. The Magpies have now lost 2 games due to being undisciplined in small patches, if they had taken the Diggers and Romsey games, they would be a game clear inside the six and a finals side. Right now, their season is on the line. If Centrals can put enough pressure on the frustrate the Magpies, they are a chance.
Wallan by 17 points

Riddell FNC Vs Woodend/Hesket FNC
Riddells Creek Reserve - Riddell
Well, what can you say about the Bombers, they are a machine. The midfield stepped up again on the weekend to answer the critics, totally outplaying the Roos midfield in every way in the second half, with their domination, it allowed the forwards to get on top and the backs to play with freedom and flair, once that starts to happen, the game is done and dusted. Matt Sammut is really starting to leave his mark on the Bomber midfield, he had plenty of the ball last week and his skills make him a very dangerous opponent. Gerard Liddell looked a little cautious in the first half, but when moved into the midfield in the second half he was dominant. The Bombers have options all over the ground and the Hawks will need to be at the top of their game to quell influence that can come from anywhere.
The Hawks are plugging away, a solid win against Centrals last week keeps them in touch with the six, but they are going to need a big scalp or two if they are somehow going to sneak their way in to a position to play finals. Matt Knox is starting to find some form across the half forward line, while Joel Goodyear and Sam Bowen provide consistent ball winning ability to give the Hawks a shot. This is a big ask though and the Hawks will have to pull out all stops to get a win.
Game Key: Tempo, if the Bombers are allowed to dictate, they will dominate the result. The Hawks just need to play the game at the tempo that they dictate and make the Bombers uncomfortable, but for 4 quarters it is going to be a big ask.
Riddell by 50 points

Match of the Round
Macedon FC Vs Sunbury Kangaroos FNC
Tony Clarke Reserve - Macedon
The Cats are flying, wins over finals contenders Diggers Rest and Wallan in the recent two weeks have them staring at a top 4 spot as the season continues, yes, the Cats have several games for the remainder of the year that are going to test them, but if they can keep themselves in the game with the run and carry style that they execute so well, then they are a big shot to be there come finals time. Former Hawks skipper Adam Johnstone has been on fire since his bake from Mr Nicholls, he has talent aplenty and oozes leadership, his inclusion can only be a positive for the Cats. James Wright is in career best form and "Nipper" is a tough opponenet to stop for any side. They have won more contested football in recent weeks through Wright and Darren Goodwin and with Al Meldrum returning to the field as well, the confidence can only be swelling at Tony Clarke. The Cats are the best run and carry side in the competition, building attack from the half back line and ensuring that opposition backline's are always on the move with the ball coming forward.
The Roos were disappointing in the 2nd half against the Bombers - terrible even, but I wouldn't expect the same this week, they will be keen to bounce back, lets hope they do. On Tony Clarke there is plenty of space so they should be able to create space for their forwards to have an impact on the game, something that has been missing in recent weeks. While the backline has been decimated by injury, the replacements have stood up, it is time for the midfield and forwards to do the same. As they say, you don't win premierships in June, but you sure as hell can lose them. Much this week will depend on the midfield being able to put more pressure on the midfield ball carriers of the Cats, last week in the 2nd half it was non existant and the backline had to carry the blame for the pressure they were under. The Roos midfield must win the contested ball and stoppages and give the much vaunted forward line opportunity to win the game, without supply, they cannot have an influence. Leigh Fishenden is a dominant presence in the ruck so the Roos need to gain more advantage out of the situation, starting this week.
Game Key: Supply, both have very capable forward lines, the Cats like to set up their run from the half back line and catch the opposition out with movement, if the Roos can slow that up and force stagnant possession it will worry the Cats. The Roos have the players to win the contested ball, as well as having players capable of long kicking that will break the Cats half back line and switch the pressure to the Cats defence, they need to use them. The Cats are in great form, and knowing the Roos, they wont put up another performance like last week - this will be a cracker of a contest.
Sunbury Kangaroos by 8 points
Re: RDFL 2010 Season - Round 11

It will be interesting to see how the kangas hit back after big loss. They need thier injured players back. I still have faith in the kangas

Whats going on with bomber besanko??
Re: RDFL 2010 Season - Round 11

It will be interesting to see how the kangas hit back after big loss. They need thier injured players back. I still have faith in the kangas

Whats going on with bomber besanko??
Isn't he retired?? or is bomber still running around for Riddell?
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