RDFL Thread - 2012

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Ha ha ha. So pathetic, it's becoming a joke!! Romsey aren't going anywhere and everyone knows it. Sour sour grapes and that's all there is to it!!! please people, move on. It's embarrassing your club because Romsey will 100% be in the rdfl next season and anyone who says different is trying to deflect attention away from the loss!!! Discuss it on the essendon footy league thread if you want to because no one cares!!! Sunbury premiers, Romsey runners up, let's start talking bout season 2013!!!

Discreet 1 I tend to disagree with you......... I am new to all this Internet footy talk but I have read through all your past comments and every one of them is nasty. You don't seem to be a very happy chap........ My uneducated guess would be that u represent a non existent side as far as playing deep into the finals Aries goes. None of us want to see a successfully side leave our competition or whine about a result that may or may not have been affected by corruption...... However I think u could use a little more disgression and see that an opposition team thinking about leaving the comp over a very questionable finish from an umpire may get u and all of us looking into it a little deeper and putting our own personal club thoughts aside?????
Sorry to upset you rrbb, I'll try and make my posts a little nicer!! How about everyone just moves on? Why would you want to look into it deeper? Will it change the result?? No, so let's look forward instead of dwelling on the past!! I along with alot of others just think that the whole 'change leagues' scenario is just a knee jerk reaction that looks bad on the RFNC and the more it's talked about the worse it looks. I've never seen it mentioned on here before until after last weeks game.
Sorry to upset you rrbb, I'll try and make my posts a little nicer!! How about everyone just moves on? Why would you want to look into it deeper? Will it change the result?? No, so let's look forward instead of dwelling on the past!! I along with alot of others just think that the whole 'change leagues' scenario is just a knee jerk reaction that looks bad on the RFNC and the more it's talked about the worse it looks. I've never seen it mentioned on here before until after last weeks game.

Time to move on gents. Bring on 2012. I hear the cats and the bombers are going all out next season. Great to see. Also I thought we may of heard a little bit more about cuffe the great mans b.o.g in the granny and the coaching efforts of him and meach.

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Sorry to upset you rrbb, I'll try and make my posts a little nicer!! How about everyone just moves on? Why would you want to look into it deeper? Will it change the result?? No, so let's look forward instead of dwelling on the past!! I along with alot of others just think that the whole 'change leagues' scenario is just a knee jerk reaction that looks bad on the RFNC and the more it's talked about the worse it looks. I've never seen it mentioned on here before until after last weeks game.
Looks bad for the RFNC ? WTF are you going on about ? Knee Jerk reaction!! In your terminology, if a crime was committed say a murder, dont look into it, it's not going to bring the person back to life! So the Murderer gets away with it! The silence is deafening! Two hours afte the game i get a call from a journo asking my thoughts on the game, i gave him my honest opinion but he said he couldnt print that, i said did you see the game? he said yes! i said print what you just witnessed today, as he said to me that he had never seen anything like it before! did he print it? No, the other Jurno that gets on here would love to say what he really thought of the game, but has he? No, and then you have to ask yourself, what about the freak IMS,have you been reeding his posts? what was his after match report about? will he comment? No, so tell me discreet, why do you think the silence is deafening? not a knee jurk reaction, i would call it un AUSTRALIAN, what happened to freedom of speech? Barfly wants to know what happened to his Post IMS.
To echo the great man Mongrel.. lets move on.. but the opinion was asked by another icon.. we saw a great grand final with the greatest finish of all time and the actions of many after the game clearly tarnished the result of a goal being kicked on the siren to win a premiership.. that part for me takes a back seat to the aftermath.. not the decisions that were or weren't paid.. the epic moments of the game.. I don't recall much of the game itself.. but I can recall more of what happened after the siren and to me.. that's disappointing.. its left a shallow feeling of what was supposed to be an amazing day.. since then, I've been dreaming about our great game.. looking for more yarns, exciting conversations and thinking about it.. all in hope to will the next season to start and lead into the next game to make amends for the finale of the season finale.. 2013 will be as good as any year yet and the Sunbury Kangaroos go in as deserved reigning champions and there is no doubt that Romsey will be there in epic battles to knock them off.. this is a good old footy rivalry and everyone should be looking for the rematch in 2013..
To echo the great man Mongrel.. lets move on.. but the opinion was asked by another icon.. we saw a great grand final with the greatest finish of all time and the actions of many after the game clearly tarnished the result of a goal being kicked on the siren to win a premiership.. that part for me takes a back seat to the aftermath.. not the decisions that were or weren't paid.. the epic moments of the game.. I don't recall much of the game itself.. but I can recall more of what happened after the siren and to me.. that's disappointing.. its left a shallow feeling of what was supposed to be an amazing day.. since then, I've been dreaming about our great game.. looking for more yarns, exciting conversations and thinking about it.. all in hope to will the next season to start and lead into the next game to make amends for the finale of the season finale.. 2013 will be as good as any year yet and the Sunbury Kangaroos go in as deserved reigning champions and there is no doubt that Romsey will be there in epic battles to knock them off.. this is a good old footy rivalry and everyone should be looking for the rematch in 2013..
The games was clearly tarnished by one umpire! end of story!
Congrats to Chris Burkett for taking out the Lancefield best and fairest.. it was great to see him recognised as the senior Buffalo Sports Player of the year.. he has a big future in the game and he is very classy.. it seems that the Tigers are really on the move upwards for the future and all the guys behind the scenes should be congratulated for their efforts in getting this local side firing.. well done guys.. you were sensational as a club in hosting the grand final.. the service everywhere was fantastic.. everyone really turned it on.. :)

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What a lot of BS. ”A result that may or may not have been affected by corruption” - great another conspiracy theorist I suppose the CIA was behind the grassy knoll up at Lancefield. Even worse “Murder” - given the current climate a particularly inappropriate analogy. Get some perspective people.

FACT: the Sunbury Kangaroos are deserved RDFL Premiers 2012 and that’s what the history books will rightly record.

Deserved because they were the best performed team over the whole season. Most points for, least points against they beat nearest rivals Diggers Rest two out of three times and Romsey three out of four times and at the end of the Grand Final had more scoring shots and a superior total score. Simple as that.

It may be an old cliché but the champion team beat the team of champions.

I can only assume that people’s opinions about the game included the inability of Romsey’s coaches and players to take full advantage of the opposition being one man down for 15 minutes at a pivotal time. Or maybe they included mistakes by the Romsey players in failing to kick goals instead of behinds. I’m sure they included the soft free kicks that Romsey received that resulted in scoring opportunities. They must include the fact that Romsey choked in the last fifteen minutes of the match be it from fatigue, over confidence, going too defensive or a combination of all three. Finally I’m certain the opinions were congratulatory towards Sunbury on an excellent four quarter effort.

Umpiring: Yes the game was over umpired in as far as the umpires paid what we’d consider to be “soft” free kicks. A rough count found that there were over sixty free kicks given for the match. That’s a lot. Both teams received over thirty. Romsey received a couple more 50m penalties and Sunbury had one send off. All in all it was relatively even.

Many of the kicks were soft but technically they were legitimate free kicks if that’s how it’s being judged.

BUT the umpires paid the kicks to BOTH teams and they paid them CONSISTENTLY from the beginning until the end.

Now isn’t that what everyone screams out for – consistency? In that regard the umpires did an EXCELLENT job. The only thing they didn’t do was “put away the whistle” during the last quarter. In the context of the game and how it was adjudicated all day the so called “contentious” free kicks were there to be paid. Sorry, no cheating, no conspiracy.

The nature of the game itself also contributed to the high number of frees awarded. Whilst it was enthralling in its evenness it wasn’t the free flowing highly skilled affair we expected given the teams and conditions. It was contested and scrappy with numbers around the stoppages.

Play rebounded between the forty metre arcs, both teams falling down across half forward. It was a very even contest with Romsey benefiting from being able to score a couple more goals but they couldn’t pull away. Sunbury’s kicking, especially into the forward line, was poor but their big men were winning and at ground level things broke even. The defences were on top, Meacham and Davidson cancelled each other out with three goals apiece while Pretty’s effort to kick straight on four occasions was vital in the low scoring encounter.

The result was always going to go to the team that managed to break the shackles and score a run of unanswered goals. Romsey had 110 minutes to do it yet could not take advantage of their opportunities and unfortunately for them a match goes for 120 minutes. Sunbury grabbed their chance and ran with it; it just happened to be the final 10 minutes of the game.

Happens all the time - a team gets up at the death after being behind all day. That’s football folks.

Congratulations to the Roos on winning their first senior premiership. It’s been a long and at times arduous journey but to finally win one makes it all the more valuable and the efforts of a lot of people over the years worthwhile. Well done to the coaches, players, president, committee and support staff. You should also be commended on the way you’ve behaved post match.

Compliments to Romsey on another excellent year, pity a small minority continue to carry on.

Well done also to the RDFL on the GF and the season as a whole. One thing though the premiership cup is ordinary to say the least. Can’t we get a solid, traditional cup? It’s tinny, and cheap looking - you can’t even get the lid off to drink out of it and given that the top and one handle is broken it’s definitely not up to post game celebrations.

Bring on 2013 and the first encounter between the Roos and Redbacks (they’re not going anywhere). Should be interesting!
I'm going to be playing in the RDFL Under 18's for Broadford next season (first time playing footy for a club); any tips on how to prepare for it? My ball skills are great except for contested marking and overhead marking. I'm 6 ft. 1 (185 cm) and 65 kg. What position should I play in? I have been told that I should play in the backline because I am quite good at stopping people from getting the ball or getting an effective disposal. I'm also very quick but I need to work on my endurance as my beep test is only about 9.5.
Cheers :)

EDIT: I did forget to ask, but when does preseason training usually start?
I'm going to be playing in the RDFL Under 18's for Broadford next season (first time playing footy for a club); any tips on how to prepare for it? My ball skills are great except for contested marking and overhead marking. I'm 6 ft. 1 (185 cm) and 65 kg. What position should I play in? I have been told that I should play in the backline because I am quite good at stopping people from getting the ball or getting an effective disposal. I'm also very quick but I need to work on my endurance as my beep test is only about 9.5.
Cheers :)

EDIT: I did forget to ask, but when does preseason training usually start?

G'day champ , great to hear your getting involved in this great game. The friends you'll make, the people youll meet , that's what it's all about.. Yes backline is the best place to start , it will teach you to read the play. Playing fwd in the senior age groups is tough , where to lead/when to lead , you'll learn that by playing on good players.. Pre-seasons official start will be in all the local papers as it gets closer ( usually a couple of weeks pre Xmas ) but unofficially you should always try to keep your fitness up .. Running 3-4 nites a week , mixing it up with some distance, as well as some shorter /harder running(beep tests).. No use showing up totally unfit it will take you half a season to get where you want to be.. Skills wise , run with a Footy in your hands , the more touches the better the skills. Marking -ALWAYS ALWAYS stretch the arms out & mark in the hands , it will be frustrating at 1st as you'll drop a few , but once they start sticking the confidence will grow & work hard enough you'll be unstoppable !!! Always train flat out 30mins of really good stuff , is way better than 90mins of halfass.. Mostly enjoy every part of the game & be hungry for knowledge to help you & more importantly the TEAM to succeed.. Goodluck mate , hope you luv it!! :)
G'day champ , great to hear your getting involved in this great game. The friends you'll make, the people youll meet , that's what it's all about.. Yes backline is the best place to start , it will teach you to read the play. Playing fwd in the senior age groups is tough , where to lead/when to lead , you'll learn that by playing on good players.. Pre-seasons official start will be in all the local papers as it gets closer ( usually a couple of weeks pre Xmas ) but unofficially you should always try to keep your fitness up .. Running 3-4 nites a week , mixing it up with some distance, as well as some shorter /harder running(beep tests).. No use showing up totally unfit it will take you half a season to get where you want to be.. Skills wise , run with a Footy in your hands , the more touches the better the skills. Marking -ALWAYS ALWAYS stretch the arms out & mark in the hands , it will be frustrating at 1st as you'll drop a few , but once they start sticking the confidence will grow & work hard enough you'll be unstoppable !!! Always train flat out 30mins of really good stuff , is way better than 90mins of halfass.. Mostly enjoy every part of the game & be hungry for knowledge to help you & more importantly the TEAM to succeed.. Goodluck mate , hope you luv it!! :)

Thanks for the advice mate, I started to run in mid-late August and I'm taking a break for the school holidays. But I'll be getting back into it from next Monday. I've started doing a bit of weights this week too and I'll be getting into that.
What a lot of BS. ”A result that may or may not have been affected by corruption” - great another conspiracy theorist I suppose the CIA was behind the grassy knoll up at Lancefield. Even worse “Murder” - given the current climate a particularly inappropriate analogy. Get some perspective people.

FACT: the Sunbury Kangaroos are deserved RDFL Premiers 2012 and that’s what the history books will rightly record.

Deserved because they were the best performed team over the whole season. Most points for, least points against they beat nearest rivals Diggers Rest two out of three times and Romsey three out of four times and at the end of the Grand Final had more scoring shots and a superior total score. Simple as that.

It may be an old cliché but the champion team beat the team of champions.

I can only assume that people’s opinions about the game included the inability of Romsey’s coaches and players to take full advantage of the opposition being one man down for 15 minutes at a pivotal time. Or maybe they included mistakes by the Romsey players in failing to kick goals instead of behinds. I’m sure they included the soft free kicks that Romsey received that resulted in scoring opportunities. They must include the fact that Romsey choked in the last fifteen minutes of the match be it from fatigue, over confidence, going too defensive or a combination of all three. Finally I’m certain the opinions were congratulatory towards Sunbury on an excellent four quarter effort.

Umpiring: Yes the game was over umpired in as far as the umpires paid what we’d consider to be “soft” free kicks. A rough count found that there were over sixty free kicks given for the match. That’s a lot. Both teams received over thirty. Romsey received a couple more 50m penalties and Sunbury had one send off. All in all it was relatively even.

Many of the kicks were soft but technically they were legitimate free kicks if that’s how it’s being judged.

BUT the umpires paid the kicks to BOTH teams and they paid them CONSISTENTLY from the beginning until the end.

Now isn’t that what everyone screams out for – consistency? In that regard the umpires did an EXCELLENT job. The only thing they didn’t do was “put away the whistle” during the last quarter. In the context of the game and how it was adjudicated all day the so called “contentious” free kicks were there to be paid. Sorry, no cheating, no conspiracy.

The nature of the game itself also contributed to the high number of frees awarded. Whilst it was enthralling in its evenness it wasn’t the free flowing highly skilled affair we expected given the teams and conditions. It was contested and scrappy with numbers around the stoppages.

Play rebounded between the forty metre arcs, both teams falling down across half forward. It was a very even contest with Romsey benefiting from being able to score a couple more goals but they couldn’t pull away. Sunbury’s kicking, especially into the forward line, was poor but their big men were winning and at ground level things broke even. The defences were on top, Meacham and Davidson cancelled each other out with three goals apiece while Pretty’s effort to kick straight on four occasions was vital in the low scoring encounter.

The result was always going to go to the team that managed to break the shackles and score a run of unanswered goals. Romsey had 110 minutes to do it yet could not take advantage of their opportunities and unfortunately for them a match goes for 120 minutes. Sunbury grabbed their chance and ran with it; it just happened to be the final 10 minutes of the game.

Happens all the time - a team gets up at the death after being behind all day. That’s football folks.

Congratulations to the Roos on winning their first senior premiership. It’s been a long and at times arduous journey but to finally win one makes it all the more valuable and the efforts of a lot of people over the years worthwhile. Well done to the coaches, players, president, committee and support staff. You should also be commended on the way you’ve behaved post match.

Compliments to Romsey on another excellent year, pity a small minority continue to carry on.

Well done also to the RDFL on the GF and the season as a whole. One thing though the premiership cup is ordinary to say the least. Can’t we get a solid, traditional cup? It’s tinny, and cheap looking - you can’t even get the lid off to drink out of it and given that the top and one handle is broken it’s definitely not up to post game celebrations.

Bring on 2013 and the first encounter between the Roos and Redbacks (they’re not going anywhere). Should be interesting![/quote

What club are you from jebidiah?????
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