RDFL Thread - 2013

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In case you forgot Cal I actually coach Kilmore FC and can't wait for someone from Broadford to bloody sign up to big footy. I said to Peddo today that for 4 years no one has given 2 $hits about anything to do with the club, now Im getting bombarded not just on here but via text and email about the joint ha ha!!!

Names were mentioned higher up the page Cal on who's tipped to return, fair line up if you're aware of them.

Hey Omni copy and paste ya top 10 on the the other thread across to here :)

Great news for Broadford and the RDFL, but flag, not too sure about that !
In case you forgot Cal I actually coach Kilmore FC and can't wait for someone from Broadford to bloody sign up to big footy. I said to Peddo today that for 4 years no one has given 2 $hits about anything to do with the club, now Im getting bombarded not just on here but via text and email about the joint ha ha!!!

Names were mentioned higher up the page Cal on who's tipped to return, fair line up if you're aware of them.

Hey Omni copy and paste ya top 10 on the the other thread across to here :)

Which top ten mate ?

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What I Loved about the 2012 RDFL Grand Final Day.

1. So many young kids in attendance, out having a kick on the oval.
2. Our fantastic Footy Record. (At least 95% of it anyway !)
3. The weather was unexpectedly pretty damn good on the day.
4. The Grandstand over at the Netball court was pretty special.
5. That Umpires were presented with Grand Final Medals.
6. The way Lancefield run the catering on the day.
7. The ground surface condition of the Lancefield oval. (Best I've seen it !)
8. The size & passion of the crowd on the day.
9. The quality high standard of the Footy & Netball contests.
10. That Sunbury was able to win their first senior Premiership.
11. That the nicest (& oldest !) bloke in the RDFL, Jamie Cuffe won the BOG medal.
12. The humble & gracious acceptance speech by Chris Meacham.
13. Being able to chat to some polite & interesting Romsey people of note.
14. That Riddell got 3 from 3 Premierships on the Day.

What I Loathed about the 2012 RDFL Grand Final Day.

1. The change rooms at Lancefield are an embarrassing blight on the LFC, RDFL & the Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
2. That Umpires were presented with "Premiership Medallions".
3. The "Special" treatment afforded to the Umpire Association on the day. i.e. -
a) Prime fence allocation for the erection of their marquees x 2.
b) Allowance for them to run their own professional B.B.Q. on the day. &
c) Allowance for them to run their own professional alcohol supply on the day.
4. That off duty Umpires were childishly distracting their on field counterparts.
5. That on field Umpires were actually "playing up to" these off field distracters.
6. That "Umpires Supremo" Michael O'Keeffe could make 2 massive stuff up appointments for Grand Final Day. i.e. -
a) Appointing one of the best Umpires in 2012, Tim Rath to officiate in the Reserve grade......Moreover where he would Umpire his son who was playing for Riddell. &
b) Appoint out of form umpire Troy Jones to the seniors even after O'Keefe had received many complaints throughout the season from several clubs & indeed an individual spectator highlighting Troy's poor form in season 2012.
6. That our biggest & best, most important game of the year was effectively decided in the last 3 minutes of the contest by 3 inside 50m free kicks by the same "Out of Form" Umpire. (ALL resulting in Goals !)
7.That our Umpires scuttled from the field of play quicker than Usain Bolt !
8. That our Umpires HAD to scurry from the field of play as soon as the siren sounded.
9. That Victorian Police personnel that the RDFL had PAYED for were unable to prevent ugly on field spectator incidents occurring post match.
10. That ugly on field spectator incidents occurred at the conclusion of the game.
11. That Romsey chose to leave the field during the Presentation Ceremony.
12. That some ill-informed or ignorant or both, spectators believe our Board members are in control of our Umpires.
13. The massive conflict of interest that exsists between our Board & our Umpires.
As much as it would be tempting to address your list point by point OMNIPOTENT_1, we will gain nothing from it (apart from embarrassing you on many of the grave errors that you have made).

As we know with social media, people are welcome to have their say, however is it disappointing as a moderator you would contribute to the "umpire bashing" that has occurred over the weeks since the GF. Although umpires are not a protected species, and should never be treated as such, the ill-informed dribble that has taken place on here and Facebook does nothing to help recruitment and retention of umpires which helps everyone in the long term.

If you have a major problem with RDFL umpiring there are many ways on having a direct impact on how we operate. Continuing to add fuel to the fire on a game that is done and dusted does not help anyone!
As much as it would be tempting to address your list point by point OMNIPOTENT_1, we will gain nothing from it (apart from embarrassing you on many of the grave errors that you have made).

As we know with social media, people are welcome to have their say, however is it disappointing as a moderator you would contribute to the "umpire bashing" that has occurred over the weeks since the GF. Although umpires are not a protected species, and should never be treated as such, the ill-informed dribble that has taken place on here and Facebook does nothing to help recruitment and retention of umpires which helps everyone in the long term.

If you have a major problem with RDFL umpiring there are many ways on having a direct impact on how we operate. Continuing to add fuel to the fire on a game that is done and dusted does not help anyone!

I am commenting from a long way away Mr Umpire's, but have spoken to a number of people who were present at the game, and all the stories are basically the same. I'm not sure which parts you believe are 'ill-informed' but my guess is you will have fueled the fire more than any other post on here.
As much as it would be tempting to address your list point by point OMNIPOTENT_1, we will gain nothing from it (apart from embarrassing you on many of the grave errors that you have made).

As we know with social media, people are welcome to have their say, however is it disappointing as a moderator you would contribute to the "umpire bashing" that has occurred over the weeks since the GF. Although umpires are not a protected species, and should never be treated as such, the ill-informed dribble that has taken place on here and Facebook does nothing to help recruitment and retention of umpires which helps everyone in the long term.

If you have a major problem with RDFL umpiring there are many ways on having a direct impact on how we operate. Continuing to add fuel to the fire on a game that is done and dusted does not help anyone!

Dont begin to lecture me on what YOU think I should be doing as a Moderator on here pal !:mad:
Having an opinion & airing it, is exactly what this site is all about !:cool:

And all my thoughts above are based on FACTS. Moreover (& this is where you & I differ) I am more than willing to discuss them, or indeed stand corrected. Unlike yourself ! :rolleyes:

You show massive hypocrisy when stating "umpires are not a protected species" then label ANY criticism of them as "umpire bashing" !!!

I DO NOT have a problem, major or otherwise when it comes to RDFL Umpiring ! Indeed, I have some great friends that are in the gig. They do a great job..... & Sometimes they are out of form too ! (not unlike players)

Yes indeed the game is done & dusted. Hence the reason why I have left my thoughts till now to publish them. I did not wish to add "fuel to the fire" or be labled an Umpire basher !!! Who would have known ??? o_O
But it is obvious to ANYONE that mistakes were made. Now we have to analyse the outcomes, learn from them....& make sure we DONT repeat them in the future !!!

Its called learning ! Surely EVEN an Umpire such as yourself can understand & embrace the concept pal ???

I shan't hold my breath that you will do me the courtesy of a reply this time either !!!:cool:
I've spoken to a lot of people who have said that the umpires did a pretty good job.. I've heard others say otherwise.. it's about 50-50 out of the many I've spoken to of that particular game.. I've listened back to the call of all three matches and I think we were pretty harsh.. a job well done by all on the day..
3. The "Special" treatment afforded to the Umpire Association on the day. i.e. -
a) Prime fence allocation for the erection of their marquees x 2.
b) Allowance for them to run their own professional B.B.Q. on the day. &
c) Allowance for them to run their own professional alcohol supply on the day.

Omni - I am not an umpire but from personal knowledge can state that:

(b) the umpires BBQ on the GF day is paid for out of umpire payments - umps are required to pay prior to attending and this entitles them and their families to BBQ on the day

(c) the umpires certain do NOT have their own alcohol supply - all purchases are made from the Lancefield bars.

The umpires marquee is erected with the consent and full knowledge of both the RDFL and the Lancefield FC after consultation and negotiation - I haven't heard any rumblings from Lancefield about the arrangements over the last 8-10 years ..
As much as it would be tempting to address your list point by point OMNIPOTENT_1, we will gain nothing from it (apart from embarrassing you on many of the grave errors that you have made).

As we know with social media, people are welcome to have their say, however is it disappointing as a moderator you would contribute to the "umpire bashing" that has occurred over the weeks since the GF. Although umpires are not a protected species, and should never be treated as such, the ill-informed dribble that has taken place on here and Facebook does nothing to help recruitment and retention of umpires which helps everyone in the long term.

If you have a major problem with RDFL umpiring there are many ways on having a direct impact on how we operate. Continuing to add fuel to the fire on a game that is done and dusted does not help anyone!
I think the major concern is that umpires are turning away from the game quicker than ever... numbers have dropped considerably over the years and that is a fact and concerning for the competition.. as hard as the recruiters are working to gain umpires, they are having trouble at retaining them, for what ever reason.. I have spoken to some that have stepped down from the gig due to the criticism on the field.. some of these are young kids..
The reality is.. there are games of junior football that run without official umpires and that is concerning.. are umpires a protected species? Well.. everyone is entitled to an opinion at the end of the day but when you sit on the fence and see a young kid umpiring junior footy games and the players are all older than him and he is getting absolutely punished by the crowd.. that is taking criticism too far.. it happens.. that can't be denied and if deny it.. you're living under a rock or you've been to every game of football and stayed for the duration of each one..and at the end of the day, this kid doesn't umpire again.. and the recruiters have busted their butts getting this kid into the field.. clubs have problems when they try to recruit players for football and netball teams much as the same way that the umpires association tries to recruit umpires...
I for one enjoy having a run.. you have fun with the team that you're running with and enjoy the mateship.. I stopped umpiring at the end of last year due to too many commitments but ended up umpiring many games due to low numbers this year.. one day, just one day.. a big game of football isn't going to take place because the association just doesn't have the numbers .. umpires hang up the boots for many reasons.. SOME young kids stop enjoying it because of the reaction on the fence..
Ultimately, with any club.. you want to look after the young kids coming through and keep them at your club.. we have some great experienced umpires in the association, superstar ones coming up through who are young.. we need to look after these ones..
if a player makes a mistake on the field, they don't get half the crowd hounding their decision.. I rarely see a single player get hammered on this forum.. so in my opinion, one that I'm entitled to have.. I don't believe that it's right that an umpire gets singled out and hammered.. an umpire makes a mistake on the field.. they know about it from half the crowd .. a player makes an unforced error and only hears about it from a few people if that..
If anyone has any queries with the umpires association and demand results.. its better to have a crack at contacting the association personally.. results get achieved that way.. if you don't get the response.. highlight it.. we're all entitled to our opinion..

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3. The "Special" treatment afforded to the Umpire Association on the day. i.e. -
a) Prime fence allocation for the erection of their marquees x 2.
b) Allowance for them to run their own professional B.B.Q. on the day. &
c) Allowance for them to run their own professional alcohol supply on the day.

Omni - I am not an umpire but from personal knowledge can state that:

(b) the umpires BBQ on the GF day is paid for out of umpire payments - umps are required to pay prior to attending and this entitles them and their families to BBQ on the day

(c) the umpires certain do NOT have their own alcohol supply - all purchases are made from the Lancefield bars.

The umpires marquee is erected with the consent and full knowledge of both the RDFL and the Lancefield FC after consultation and negotiation - I haven't heard any rumblings from Lancefield about the arrangements over the last 8-10 years ..
Couldn't every club do the same thing if they went through the right channels? The RDFL has a marquee for their sponsors in a good spot on the fence too :) They get a great friendly crowd in there :) From what I understand.. the umpires association pay between $300 to $500 to the Lancefield football netball club for loss food revenue as a result of the BBQ.. which is pretty fair.. it keeps all parties happy on what is an amazing day :)
3. The "Special" treatment afforded to the Umpire Association on the day. i.e. -
a) Prime fence allocation for the erection of their marquees x 2.
b) Allowance for them to run their own professional B.B.Q. on the day. &
c) Allowance for them to run their own professional alcohol supply on the day.

Omni - I am not an umpire but from personal knowledge can state that:

(b) the umpires BBQ on the GF day is paid for out of umpire payments - umps are required to pay prior to attending and this entitles them and their families to BBQ on the day

(c) the umpires certain do NOT have their own alcohol supply - all purchases are made from the Lancefield bars.

The umpires marquee is erected with the consent and full knowledge of both the RDFL and the Lancefield FC after consultation and negotiation - I haven't heard any rumblings from Lancefield about the arrangements over the last 8-10 years ..

Thanks for your reply IIM. I know your not an Umpire. :thumbsu:

Yes I know all about HOW they pay for it........& indeed how Lancefield Football Netball Club misses out on the revenue.
And I am told the Umpires did in fact have their own alcohol supply, which they bulk purchaced (Unopened) from LFNC & kept on ice in one of their marquees on the day !

I'm not really concerned whether the RDFL and/or Lancefield had given the "all clear".....(excuse the pun!) for the Umpires to erect their marqueeS........ Although I know for a fact that some at Macedon were none too impressed when they discovered they had erected one in prime position on the boundary at Tony Clarke (which they did NOT use !) on Preliminary Final Day.
What I am interested in -
1. Is this "Special Treatment" that is being afforded to the Umpires, appropriate ???
2. Is this the "Thin end of the Wedge", will we now see Umpire Marquees erected at EVERY one of our Finals now ???
3. Can any of the Clubs errect a "Big Top" adjacent to the boundary come Finals time with the Blessing of the League ???
4. Can any or ALL of our Clubs bulk buy booze at our Finals venues then, "ON SELL" it ??? (For Profit $$$)
5. Can any or ALL of our Clubs run their own B.B.Q at our Finals venues ??? (For Profit $$$)

And perhaps, just perhaps the reason WHY we have not heard any rumblings out of Lancefield or infact any other Club is because they may just think that complaining to the League about Umpires which has an Umpire as its HEAD, could well be something of a pointless exercise !o_O
What I Loved about the 2012 RDFL Grand Final Day.

1. So many young kids in attendance, out having a kick on the oval.
2. Our fantastic Footy Record. (At least 95% of it anyway !)
3. The weather was unexpectedly pretty damn good on the day.
4. The Grandstand over at the Netball court was pretty special.
5. That Umpires were presented with Grand Final Medals.
6. The way Lancefield run the catering on the day.
7. The ground surface condition of the Lancefield oval. (Best I've seen it !)
8. The size & passion of the crowd on the day.
9. The quality high standard of the Footy & Netball contests.
10. That Sunbury was able to win their first senior Premiership.
11. That the nicest (& oldest !) bloke in the RDFL, Jamie Cuffe won the BOG medal.
12. The humble & gracious acceptance speech by Chris Meacham.
13. Being able to chat to some polite & interesting Romsey people of note.
14. That Riddell got 3 from 3 Premierships on the Day.

What I Loathed about the 2012 RDFL Grand Final Day.

1. The change rooms at Lancefield are an embarrassing blight on the LFC, RDFL & the Macedon Ranges Shire Council.
2. That Umpires were presented with "Premiership Medallions".
3. The "Special" treatment afforded to the Umpire Association on the day. i.e. -
a) Prime fence allocation for the erection of their marquees x 2.
b) Allowance for them to run their own professional B.B.Q. on the day. &
c) Allowance for them to run their own professional alcohol supply on the day.
4. That off duty Umpires were childishly distracting their on field counterparts.
5. That on field Umpires were actually "playing up to" these off field distracters.
6. That "Umpires Supremo" Michael O'Keeffe could make 2 massive stuff up appointments for Grand Final Day. i.e. -
a) Appointing one of the best Umpires in 2012, Tim Rath to officiate in the Reserve grade......Moreover where he would Umpire his son who was playing for Riddell. &
b) Appoint out of form umpire Troy Jones to the seniors even after O'Keefe had received many complaints throughout the season from several clubs & indeed an individual spectator highlighting Troy's poor form in season 2012.
6. That our biggest & best, most important game of the year was effectively decided in the last 3 minutes of the contest by 3 inside 50m free kicks by the same "Out of Form" Umpire. (ALL resulting in Goals !)
7.That our Umpires scuttled from the field of play quicker than Usain Bolt !
8. That our Umpires HAD to scurry from the field of play as soon as the siren sounded.
9. That Victorian Police personnel that the RDFL had PAYED for were unable to prevent ugly on field spectator incidents occurring post match.
10. That ugly on field spectator incidents occurred at the conclusion of the game.
11. That Romsey chose to leave the field during the Presentation Ceremony.
12. That some ill-informed or ignorant or both, spectators believe our Board members are in control of our Umpires.
13. The massive conflict of interest that exsists between our Board & our Umpires.

You make some excellent points there Omni. Just one issue regarding the LFNC change rooms, the Macedon Ranges Shire don't have any involvement, it is run by a Committee of Management. They could be a bit roomier but I think you may be a bit harsh labelling the change rooms as a disgrace, particularly compared to Melton's, not
to mention Romsey. The away change rooms at Romsey are a disgrace. They should cut a little off their large player payments and put a bit into the oppositions change facilities.
As much as it would be tempting to address your list point by point OMNIPOTENT_1, we will gain nothing from it (apart from embarrassing you on many of the grave errors that you have made).

As we know with social media, people are welcome to have their say, however is it disappointing as a moderator you would contribute to the "umpire bashing" that has occurred over the weeks since the GF. Although umpires are not a protected species, and should never be treated as such, the ill-informed dribble that has taken place on here and Facebook does nothing to help recruitment and retention of umpires which helps everyone in the long term.

If you have a major problem with RDFL umpiring there are many ways on having a direct impact on how we operate. Continuing to add fuel to the fire on a game that is done and dusted does not help anyone!

Mr Umpire can you please explain to me how the umpires are selected for the Senior Grand Final. I can assure you that the game may be done and dusted, but it has not and will not be forgotten, how 1 man chose to do what he did. In case you or anyone else need to refresh there memory's of what an outstanding job this particular umpire did in the last 3 minutes, please refer to You Tube as the last 3 minutes will be uploaded shortly for all to see. I will do my best to have it aired on the Footy Show when it returns in 2013. Its great to see ONMI come on here and have an opinion of the Grand Final as he has no vested interest in either cluib.
I think the major concern is that umpires are turning away from the game quicker than ever... numbers have dropped considerably over the years and that is a fact and concerning for the competition.. as hard as the recruiters are working to gain umpires, they are having trouble at retaining them, for what ever reason.. I have spoken to some that have stepped down from the gig due to the criticism on the field.. some of these are young kids..
The reality is.. there are games of junior football that run without official umpires and that is concerning.. are umpires a protected species? Well.. everyone is entitled to an opinion at the end of the day but when you sit on the fence and see a young kid umpiring junior footy games and the players are all older than him and he is getting absolutely punished by the crowd.. that is taking criticism too far.. it happens.. that can't be denied and if deny it.. you're living under a rock or you've been to every game of football and stayed for the duration of each one..and at the end of the day, this kid doesn't umpire again.. and the recruiters have busted their butts getting this kid into the field.. clubs have problems when they try to recruit players for football and netball teams much as the same way that the umpires association tries to recruit umpires...
I for one enjoy having a run.. you have fun with the team that you're running with and enjoy the mateship.. I stopped umpiring at the end of last year due to too many commitments but ended up umpiring many games due to low numbers this year.. one day, just one day.. a big game of football isn't going to take place because the association just doesn't have the numbers .. umpires hang up the boots for many reasons.. SOME young kids stop enjoying it because of the reaction on the fence..
Ultimately, with any club.. you want to look after the young kids coming through and keep them at your club.. we have some great experienced umpires in the association, superstar ones coming up through who are young.. we need to look after these ones..
if a player makes a mistake on the field, they don't get half the crowd hounding their decision.. I rarely see a single player get hammered on this forum.. so in my opinion, one that I'm entitled to have.. I don't believe that it's right that an umpire gets singled out and hammered.. an umpire makes a mistake on the field.. they know about it from half the crowd .. a player makes an unforced error and only hears about it from a few people if that..
If anyone has any queries with the umpires association and demand results.. its better to have a crack at contacting the association personally.. results get achieved that way.. if you don't get the response.. highlight it.. we're all entitled to our opinion..

Maybe just maybe umpires are turning away from the game quicker than ever, is that some do a fantastic job throughout the season and are thought of by clubs to be the best in the competition, only to be overlooked for the Senior Grand Final and the gig is given to 1 umpire who is clearly not compitent.
I think quite a few will leave Romsey. Sick of the umpiring and want to get on with football. Romsey is a great club, but, who wants umpires to decide the grand final. These players will go to many leagues, but, it wont be any that the ballarat football league control!
You make some excellent points there Omni. Just one issue regarding the LFNC change rooms, the Macedon Ranges Shire don't have any involvement, it is run by a Committee of Management. They could be a bit roomier but I think you may be a bit harsh labelling the change rooms as a disgrace, particularly compared to Melton's, not
to mention Romsey. The away change rooms at Romsey are a disgrace. They should cut a little off their large player payments and put a bit into the oppositions change facilities.

Romseys away rooms were a discrace. Hope you like the new ones. I think having to walk through 2 inches of URINE in the away Lancefield rooms is a discrace. It has been like it for years. May be Lancefield could put some of the Grand Final takings into the rooms. Clearly they dont put it towards players of late.
I think quite a few will leave Romsey. Sick of the umpiring and want to get on with football. Romsey is a great club, but, who wants umpires to decide the grand final. These players will go to many leagues, but, it wont be any that the ballarat football league control!

How do you think Barry Hall will go in this Comp. Gary Moorcroft only had to fart and he would be sent off reported. Can you imagine 1 umpire who we wont name showing his authority and giving 50 after 50 and sending him off. Now that would be priceless.
Mr Umpire can you please explain to me how the umpires are selected for the Senior Grand Final. I can assure you that the game may be done and dusted, but it has not and will not be forgotten, how 1 man chose to do what he did. In case you or anyone else need to refresh there memory's of what an outstanding job this particular umpire did in the last 3 minutes, please refer to Itunes as the last 3 minutes will be uploaded shortly for all to see. I will do my best to have it aired on the Footy Show when it returns in 2013. Its great to see ONMI come on here and have an opinion of the Grand Final as he has no vested interest in either cluib.

While you're at it have a look at the match in it's entirety. There's one definite free kick that was missed in the last quarter to Jamie Cuffe within scoring distance, even the commentators called it on the radio, and Romsey got a red hot go off the umpires during the first three quarters. What about the Romsey goals from 50 metre penalties. But your right the game won't be forgotten, cos I'll tell you what, it was a hell of a win.
While you're at it have a look at the match in it's entirety. There's one definite free kick that was missed in the last quarter to Jamie Cuffe within scoring distance, even the commentators called it on the radio, and Romsey got a red hot go off the umpires during the first three quarters. What about the Romsey goals from 50 metre penalties. But your right the game won't be forgotten, cos I'll tell you what, it was a hell of a win.

Well I guess we will let the public decide hey. Video doesn't lie so keep trying to convince yourself it was a great win.
Well I guess we will let the public decide hey. Video doesn't lie so keep trying to convince yourself it was a great win.
Well I guess we will let the public decide hey. Video doesn't lie so keep trying to convince yourself it was a great win.

Don't need convincing with that, and as I said make sure you watch the whole lot, I enjoyed it.
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