[Re-release] Premiership Coach 2011 - Free for all to play

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Hi cfc4life,

the link for the 2015 lists is below:

To install, you download the file and open it, then you need to go into program files (x86), go into premiership coach 2011, open Data, Bases and drop it in there. if you want to change anything in the ingame editor, you need to rename it to user_base2015.

Hope this helps.

Hey mate, game seemed to crash when I added the new base, any way to troubleshoot that?
Hey mate, game seemed to crash when I added the new base, any way to troubleshoot that?
Oh yeah, sorry i forgot about that. I am having the same problem. My friend noticed that the files were of different setup when i installed them. ATM i am trying to get a hold of Grockadoc to try and fix the problem. If anyone else knows how to troubleshoot the game, it would be much appreciated.
http://prntscr.com/6ogxbf - that is a pic that my friend took of the Base2014 (left) and Base2015 (right) files.

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Oh yeah, sorry i forgot about that. I am having the same problem. My friend noticed that the files were of different setup when i installed them. ATM i am trying to get a hold of Grockadoc to try and fix the problem. If anyone else knows how to troubleshoot the game, it would be much appreciated.
http://prntscr.com/6ogxbf - that is a pic that my friend took of the Base2014 (left) and Base2015 (right) files.

I think i know why it doesn't work. I have opened the base in the in-game editor and no players have appeared!
On a serious note, I'm shit at premiership coach, anybody have some good tactics they can share? lol

Usually, i have my half forward line all playing up the ground, having my left forward pocket as a crumbling forward, FF is marking forward, RFP (usually resting ruck or tall forward who plays ruck) as marking as well. and i always try and get Josh Gibson to play him on a back flank and run off (usually gets 30+ touches a game)

for the team tactics, i usually have Ball Movement as Run/Carry through the corridoor, Third man up i like
Oh yeah, sorry i forgot about that. I am having the same problem. My friend noticed that the files were of different setup when i installed them. ATM i am trying to get a hold of Grockadoc to try and fix the problem. If anyone else knows how to troubleshoot the game, it would be much appreciated.
http://prntscr.com/6ogxbf - that is a pic that my friend took of the Base2014 (left) and Base2015 (right) files.

Sorry mate, try downloading this one:

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for those who have trouble copyin the file over..... copy it to desktop first then copy it from desktop to the game file.. i spent 4 hrs then my mother came and check it and did it that way in like 3secs.....
copy paste the file to desktop first then copy paste it from desktop to the file in game folder....... ridicolous i know lol
Hey guys, thanks for the updated lists. Is there a way to edit player ratings without the game crashing, or not worth it and just play as they are?
Im trying to use the 2k15 lists for premiership coach, but everytime i do all my Pre game entry stuff and go to load in it stops and says something about a serious error has accured?

Anyway to fix this so i can use the 2k15 lists? thankyou.
Is it possible to change player's height, weight, and name and such?
Yeah for sure. You need to adjust the files manually though. To do it you go into the premiership coach file and then either go into the player data base or your saved games data base and then search for the player in the player folder then edit via notepad. Be careful adjusting things though, it is very easy to corrupt the file. Do it right though and no harm can be done.
I noticed the manual was stored online on a server that doesn't exist anymore much like the registration. Anyone happen to have a copy?

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[Re-release] Premiership Coach 2011 - Free for all to play

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