Replicating Sweet in a Minecraft world.

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Thanks all, OK I'll just get the Java version then. It's just there is a Java and a Win 10 version, and I thought Win 10 is more compatible with newer hardware
Yeah I am not sure what the Win 10 version is.
Yeah I am not sure what the Win 10 version is.

Ok. I got it. Started playing after long time going through updates etc. Pixelated everything. Obviously started bashing a tree. Got alert new recipes and to check recipe book. Opened inventory, crafted planks and started to build walls for a hut or something. Built craft bench. Placed craft bench. Tried interacting with craft bench...have no idea how to...more recipes, check recipe book. Have no idea where recipe book is. Built more walls, gets dark...pixelated dude with a bow spawns on top of wall. Pixelated dude shoots me...I run into green leafy dude who makes grunty noise, I run again straight into group of pixelated dudes with bows who shoot me until I got only one love heart, I run again into red and black spider things...only half a heart left in a circle back to my and exit. I have no idea how to play this game :oops:

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Ok. I got it. Started playing after long time going through updates etc. Pixelated everything. Obviously started bashing a tree. Got alert new recipes and to check recipe book. Opened inventory, crafted planks and started to build walls for a hut or something. Built craft bench. Placed craft bench. Tried interacting with craft bench...have no idea how to...more recipes, check recipe book. Have no idea where recipe book is. Built more walls, gets dark...pixelated dude with a bow spawns on top of wall. Pixelated dude shoots me...I run into green leafy dude who makes grunty noise, I run again straight into group of pixelated dudes with bows who shoot me until I got only one love heart, I run again into red and black spider things...only half a heart left in a circle back to my and exit. I have no idea how to play this game :oops:
Try again with this:

Ok. I got it. Started playing after long time going through updates etc. Pixelated everything. Obviously started bashing a tree. Got alert new recipes and to check recipe book. Opened inventory, crafted planks and started to build walls for a hut or something. Built craft bench. Placed craft bench. Tried interacting with craft bench...have no idea how to...more recipes, check recipe book. Have no idea where recipe book is. Built more walls, gets dark...pixelated dude with a bow spawns on top of wall. Pixelated dude shoots me...I run into green leafy dude who makes grunty noise, I run again straight into group of pixelated dudes with bows who shoot me until I got only one love heart, I run again into red and black spider things...only half a heart left in a circle back to my and exit. I have no idea how to play this game :oops:

I got it as well, but it’s unplayable on my laptop. Too much lag
Try again with this:

Much appreciated, will follow the guide. So, Mobbs onceI have mastered the basics, how do I enter the Minecraft SFAverse? Is it just the BF server? My player name is: idontcare_sfa
Ok. I got it. Started playing after long time going through updates etc. Pixelated everything. Obviously started bashing a tree. Got alert new recipes and to check recipe book. Opened inventory, crafted planks and started to build walls for a hut or something. Built craft bench. Placed craft bench. Tried interacting with craft bench...have no idea how to...more recipes, check recipe book. Have no idea where recipe book is. Built more walls, gets dark...pixelated dude with a bow spawns on top of wall. Pixelated dude shoots me...I run into green leafy dude who makes grunty noise, I run again straight into group of pixelated dudes with bows who shoot me until I got only one love heart, I run again into red and black spider things...only half a heart left in a circle back to my and exit. I have no idea how to play this game :oops:
Oh you need to broadcast your exploits on a youtube or twitch channel! Youre description is brilliant!
Much appreciated, will follow the guide. So, Mobbs onceI have mastered the basics, how do I enter the Minecraft SFAverse? Is it just the BF server? My player name is: idontcare_sfa
I will PM you a bit later today with a complete guide to getting to Sweet!
Much appreciated, will follow the guide. So, Mobbs onceI have mastered the basics, how do I enter the Minecraft SFAverse? Is it just the BF server? My player name is: idontcare_sfa
yes btw its the BF server (the old one, there's two) for minecraft. And I've whitelisted your name.

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Mobbs , is there any good place to go mining or stripmining on the map, or has most of that work been done?
There's heaps of good places. However most of the abandoned mines have been fleeced. But I'd go a little out of town to Tittybong, Fulmina, Rhilpisa, Coralie or some such. Lots of undug land out there, and more blocks to the west too, as those are chunks not discovered until later versions.
So, Mobbs I went for a visit, but have no idea what part I was in, going to take ages to find my way about. Where can I get resources from to build? I don't want to tread on any toes, can I just tear down fumbler 's place and use that? :oops:

Where am I supposed to put my toe nail collection?
Amazing times in Sweet on Minecraft recently with visitors to the town including such esteemed celebrities as I Dont Care , por_please_ya , NinjaSwan as well as continuing presence from Hate and myself. akkaps & tgrs had made appearances not too long in the past. It's getting a bit busy, and the server is lagging it up to correspond! But quite vibrant. Bigger than a Gumbies pie night!
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Updated List of "named" roadways (also updated in threadmarked post):

AGGELS St        : Rasasidge
AKKAPS Wd        : Nou Camp
ALBERTON Rd      : Abu Ghraib, Alberton, Sweet
ANDRE St         : Alberton
ANDREWS St       : Attenboro, Nou Camp
ARDEN St         : Golden Valley
ARNOLD St        : Nou Camp

BARON Ave        : Rasasidge
BEACH Rd         : Rasasidge
BLINDEYE St      : Nou Camp
BLUEMOOSE Rd     : Abu Ghraib, Docklands
BLUEWORMS Pl     : Golden Valley
BOX Rd           : Nou Camp, Subiaco, Waverley
BROADBRIDGE Tr   : Mt Buller
BROOKS Ct        : Punt
BRUCE St         : Rasasidge
BRUNSWICK St     : Old Town, Subiaco, Sweet

CHANTELLE St     : Nou Camp
CHEVAL Pl        : Golden Valley
CLAYPIGEON Gr    : Gumbania
CLEISHY Dr       : Punt
CONEY ISLANDS Gr : Docklands
COROROO Gr       : Golden Valley
CROODE St        : Golden Valley

DAPHNE St        : Golden Valley
DOCK St          : Alberton
DOUGLAS Ave      : Old Town, Subiaco
DOUGLAS St       : Abu Ghraib
DYSON St         : Old Town

EBIAC Dr         : Mt Buller
EDWARD Ave       : Old Town
EMMA Cl          : Punt
ESPOIR Ave       : Alberton

FAIRLANE St      : Alberton
FARRAND St       : Nou Camp
FATIMA St        : Abu Ghraib
FOXHAT Rd        : Attenboro
FULMINA Rd       : Fulmina
FUMBLER Ave      : Old Town
FURIE Rd         : Punt

GATSID Rd        : Mt Buller
GHOSSEIN Rd      : Gumbania
GRENDEL St       : Spotswood
GRUNDBERGER Rd   : Alberton, Attenboro, Sweet
GUMBANIA Rd      : Attenboro, Golden Valley, Gumbania, Punt, Sweet

HAWKETT St       : Beldribilin
HELEN Ct         : Punt
HOMER St         : Beldribilin
HORACE St        : Old Town
HOUGIE St        : Punt

JABSO Cres       : Nou Camp, Rasasidge
JEREMIAS Esp     : Gumbania, Punt
JETHRO Ave       : Beldribilin
JIMMY St         : Beldribilin
JUNCTION St      : Old Town, Sweet

KAT Al           : Old Town
KENT St          : Spotswood
KIOSK Wy         : Punt
KOOKA St         : Old Town

LARKIS Rd        : Mt Buller
LEGEND Pde       : Attenboro, Nou Camp, Old Town, Rasasidge, Sweet
LOUIS St         : Docklands
LYALL St         : Attenboro

MAGPIE Rd        : Alberton
MAIN St          : Beldirbilin
MARKET Rd        : Golden Valley, Gumbania
MARKLAR St       : Attenboro
MARKLOWE Al      : Golden Valley
McGRAW St        : Beldribilin
MELLOWS La       : Docklands
MICHELE St       : Golden Valley
MILANISTA Blv    : Abu Ghraib, Alberton

NANDROLONE Rd    : Waverley
NESSY St         : Waverley
NEW PORT Ave     : Docklands
NOLAN St         : Alberton

OLD TOWN Rd      : Nou Camp, Old Town
OSMODIAR Ave     : Abu Ghraib
OVAL St          : Old Town, Sweet

PAGAN St         : Nou Camp
PARK Rd          : Dun Lop, Golden Valley
PENINSULA Dr     : Abu Ghraib, Docklands, Nou Camp, Rasasidge
PUNT Rd          : Punt

RICHARD St       : Mt Buller
RICKETTS Rd      : Attenboro
RICO St          : Docklands
RIVERVIEW Rd     : Golden Valley, Punt

SANDIE St        : Docklands
SANDOLA Ave      : Alberton
SANTOS St        : Alberton
ST MOOKEY Pde    : Docklands
STRYKER St       : Spotswood
STUCEY Rd        : Ashcombe, Golden Valley

TANDY St         : Nou Camp, Subiaco
THRAWN St        : Nou Camp
TOROHOMBRE Ave   : Nou Camp, Old Town

VALLEY Rd        : Golden Valley
VANDERS Ave      : Alberton, Attenboro, Docklands
VISRO Pde        : Spotswood, Subiaco, Waverley

WAGSTAFF Rd      : Punt
WATTLE Dr        : Ashcombe, Dun Lop, The Heights, Mt Buller, Outback Dist, Subiaco
WAVERLEY Rd      : Waverley
WEAVER St        : Punt
WHISKEY Rd       : Docklands
WINTY St         : Gumbania

ZARKO St         : Waverley

Yellow = Named Roads
Red = Unnamed Roads (yes, there's still a lot to go)

New Additions, based on past (or rarely, current) Sweet FA players:
Andre Street - Alberton - Andre (Alberton Swamprats)
Brooks Court - Punt - Brooksy88 (Fighting Furies)
Emma Close - Punt - TigerEmma (Fighting Furies)
Espoir Avenue - Alberton - _espoir (Alberton Swamprats)
Fairlane Street - Alberton - Ford Fairlane (Alberton Swamprats)
Helen Court - Punt - Helen Wheels (Fighting Furies)
Marlowe Alley - Golden Valley - Marlowe (Gold City Royals)
Nolan Street - Alberton - Ray Nolan (Alberton Swamprats)
Santos Street - Alberton - Santos L Helper (Alberton Swamprats)
Whiskey Road - Docklands - I Dont Care (Roys FFC)
Updated list of claimed properties and otherwise player-relevant associations from the city so far. I may have missed some.

Residences (or residence/store combinations) :
DemonJim - DemonJim Chalet, Broadbridge Trail, Mt Buller
Elton Johns Wig - EJW's Lid Emporium - Legend Parade, Rasasidge
I Dont Care - Whiskey Rd, Docklands
Kennedy Parker - Clod Ranch, ? Road, Outback District
Mobbs - Sweet Surrender Retirement Village (Building 1), Junction Street, Old Town
pantskyle - Pantsbar, East Municipal Estate, ? Street, Nou Camp
por_please_ya - Cleishy Drive, Punt
TedDougChris - Christopher Street, Nitwit City, Old Town
The Half Back - Halfback House, Kiosk Wy, Mongrel Estate, Punt
xenxen - Old Town Road, Nou Camp

Other Locations (with member attribution):
BostrichBurger - Bostrich's Burgers, Gumbania Road, Golden Valley
Broken - BrokeJack Fountain, Oval Street, Old Town
Cadaver - Cape Kdavvaral, ? Street, Abu Ghraib
fumbler - Fumbler's Fertiliser, ? Street, Subiaco
JackNah_8 - JackNah Park, Oval Street, Old Town
JackNah_8 - BrokeJack Fountain, Oval Street, Old Town
Kennedy Parker - Stab Cloud Towers, Brunswick Street, Sweet
Kennedy Parker - Kennedy Park Ruins, Michele Street, Golden Valley
Mags - Mags & QT Bar & Grill, ? Street, Sweet
QT - Mags & QT Bar & Grill, ? Street, Sweet
Snake Baker - Snake Bakery, Fulmina Road, Fulmina
TJASTA - Hungry Tjastas Restaurant, Waverley Road, Waverley
Updated list of claimed properties and otherwise player-relevant associations from the city so far. I may have missed some.

Residences (or residence/store combinations) :
DemonJim - DemonJim Chalet, Broadbridge Trail, Mt Buller
Elton Johns Wig - EJW's Lid Emporium - Legend Parade, Rasasidge
I Dont Care - Whiskey Rd, Docklands
Kennedy Parker - Clod Ranch, ? Road, Outback District
Mobbs - Sweet Surrender Retirement Village (Building 1), Junction Street, Old Town
pantskyle - Pantsbar, East Municipal Estate, ? Street, Nou Camp
por_please_ya - Cleishy Drive, Punt
TedDougChris - Christopher Street, Nitwit City, Old Town
The Half Back - Halfback House, Kiosk Wy, Mongrel Estate, Punt
xenxen - Old Town Road, Nou Camp

Other Locations (with member attribution):
BostrichBurger - Bostrich's Burgers, Gumbania Road, Golden Valley
Broken - BrokeJack Fountain, Oval Street, Old Town
Cadaver - Cape Kdavvaral, ? Street, Abu Ghraib
fumbler - Fumbler's Fertiliser, ? Street, Subiaco
JackNah_8 - JackNah Park, Oval Street, Old Town
JackNah_8 - BrokeJack Fountain, Oval Street, Old Town
Kennedy Parker - Stab Cloud Towers, Brunswick Street, Sweet
Kennedy Parker - Kennedy Park Ruins, Michele Street, Golden Valley
Mags - Mags & QT Bar & Grill, ? Street, Sweet
QT - Mags & QT Bar & Grill, ? Street, Sweet
Snake Baker - Snake Bakery, Fulmina Road, Fulmina
TJASTA - Hungry Tjastas Restaurant, Waverley Road, Waverley
Need to visit some of those delicious establishments....
Need to visit some of those delicious establishments....
I'm working on making a photo album of all homes which have a player relevance. But I'll also work on a map which shows their locations.

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Replicating Sweet in a Minecraft world.

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