Opinion #ReturnTheSong

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You do all understand that if/when Eagles make a GF again and this is still our club song, Birds of Tokyo will be singing us out through the banner with a live rendition on the ground

Just thought id leave you with that image
I sat through a 171 point loss three days ago, threatening us with a hypothetical involving us playing in a GF isnt going to work as well as you think.

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Hey all. Sorry to bump this thread but I had an idea for a new song. I’ve written lyrics to the melody of ‘Feniculi Fenicula’. Let me know what you think. If it’s trash then I’ll put a pin in it. Cheers…

From Perth, the place of birth of an institution, our club is born (our club is born)
For we, stand on the shoulders of our champions, foundation formed (foundation formed)
To win, we travel all across the nation, on wings we fly (on wings we fly)
We play, to bring the flag back to our fortress, it’s rightful home (it’s rightful home)

West Coast, West Coast
Royal blue and gold
West Coast, West Coast
The premiership’s our goal
Nil to deny
We’ll show you why
We own the ground
We own the sky
For we are the mighty Eagles and we’re flying high
There are many changes needed within the club during its current crisis it’s going through and I strongly believe the current club song should be part of this change.
We most recently won a premiership in 2018, under our most former song, to then change it completely to an unrecognisable cringey song two years later? 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’m not solely blaming the song but it’s one hell of a coincidence our downfall began the very year we implemented this new song..
I have nothing against Birds of Tokyo but they are not the right sound for a sports anthem, which traditionally is supposed to pump the players, fans and faithful up, and to celebrate when we win. Ironically, we’ve been arguably the worst we’ve ever been since we adopted it. The current song also resonates with our current failure and worst records in history, which is not a good reminder and nothing but bad memories and losses.
Our current club song is nothing more than cringe and sounds like something out of Sesame Street. It’s low-key embarrassing to listen to and I cringe every time I hear it, which thankfully the blessing in disguise for winning so little the last few years is to not have to listen to that being played often.

For those who don’t understand the seriousness of this issue with our song - you need to listen to it with the link I’ve provided below. If you consider that a decent enough song for our club you need to take a hard look at yourself. It is by far the worst club song in the league and worst song we’ve had period.

We need to revert back to what we previously had, we need to return the song. Bring back some traditional values to this club, like when we returned the wings. Why kill off our club song and replace it with some cringey pop version by Birds of Tokyo?! Why?? 😢 it was always destined to be a recipe for disaster.

We’ve returned the wings, now let’s return the song!


This song is a sign of the times, where virtual signalling is the most important thing a corporation can do - and lets be honest, West Coast are a corporation.

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