Congratulations lions. In the space of 12 months my F@##ed up club has given you the chance of a flag in 2010. We give you Rich by selecting a lazy, homesick footballer and give you the best Full forward in the comp because of our inability to develop him as an individual since coming to the club over a decade ago.
I see a Martin Pike all over again. I for one hope Fev kicks 100 goals in 2010 and Ratten is shown the door not long after. What a joke Ratten is. Listening to him pump Fev up after we lost the final against you for chasing and tackling when at any other club these are just standard things a player must do to keep his spot in the side. Our club created the monster and now loyal supporters are the ones paying for it 10 fold.
Good luck Fev. I hope you are holding the cup in 12 months time. I hope ratten is at the G watching it and I hope I see him there.
I am posting here cos my weak site has banned me for bagging decisions our club has made all year. In some way this shows what pathetic people are running our club.
I see a Martin Pike all over again. I for one hope Fev kicks 100 goals in 2010 and Ratten is shown the door not long after. What a joke Ratten is. Listening to him pump Fev up after we lost the final against you for chasing and tackling when at any other club these are just standard things a player must do to keep his spot in the side. Our club created the monster and now loyal supporters are the ones paying for it 10 fold.
Good luck Fev. I hope you are holding the cup in 12 months time. I hope ratten is at the G watching it and I hope I see him there.
I am posting here cos my weak site has banned me for bagging decisions our club has made all year. In some way this shows what pathetic people are running our club.