Spotswood Guinness Bar manager
Here i am sitting around my campfire again in the middle of summer, and yes after a few stubbies of the precious stuff things started swirling around in my noggin again. The OOB's are bringing in 3 more rookies this season myblueroan, JuddgementDay and tigerland_1720 and they all will be regular contributors to our matchthreads. This is after bringing in 7 rookies in our first season with three of them approaching the 50 game milestone, then we introduced kenneyswarriors in our 2nd season who went on to win the BOOB(B&F) in our 3rd season. Season 4 we again introduced another 6 rookies into the team and 5 still remain, now i ask you, no I'm telling you that THE OPHIDIAN OLD BOYS have been sensational for the competition. Here's hoping all you other teams bring in more rookies that will make our league a great one.