POTY Round 18 St Kilda v. Sydney

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5. (Best)

Young Player of the Year is your vote for the best player on the ground from this list below:
Braeden Campbell
Logan McDonald
Matt Roberts

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This is tough

5. Heeney
4. Florent
3. Campbell
2. JMac
1. Jordon

YP: Campbell
Sorry but I can't find anyone who genuinely deserves votes. Bits and pieces but no 4 quarter performance. Maybe Rowbottom. Much worse than the last game.
5. Heeney - Noone really deserves 5 votes, everyone just played patches, but he was probably the best swan out there
4. Jordon - Didn't have a great game but was one of the only ones to put in the required effort over 4 quarters
3. McInerney - Played some nice patches
2. McDonald - Cuz **** it, one of the few to turn up in the first. Tried to win it for us late, only forward to actually play ok.
1. Fox - Cuz I genuinely don't know who else to give one too.

YP - McDonald

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5. Heeney
4. Warner (he was not consistent but his good was damaging and kept us in it)
3. Rowbottom
2. Florent
1. Jordon

YPOTY: Campbell (I'm really grateful to the match committee for sticking with him and letting him slowly build his form and confidence - it's working and he is getting better - has been quite decent the past two weeks in the losses when others didn't stand up)

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