Running the red light

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I'm on the road a fair bit for work and have noticed the trend of running red lights is increasing dramatically.

I start early am, so would always see the occasional slip through a red, with no-one else on the road, at annoying sets of lights, but now in broad daylight there are a cars and trucks constantly going through a red lights that have just changed and on the occasion blatantly running a red - even to the extent of going into the left or right turning lane to overtake those in front and then move ahead before the light even changes. It won't be long until I see serious incident!

Anyone else noticing this?

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Nearly got T-Boned by a truck on the Williamstown Rd off ramp that ran a red light. Had a green and nearly went through, but suddenly this truck appeared out the corner of my eye. Managed to stop just in time.
Had a green and nearly went through, but suddenly this truck appeared out the corner of my eye. Managed to stop just in time.

I had the same recently at a T intersection with a motorcyclist. I'm going straight ahead and he was turning right and cutting across my lane to get there way after my light had gone green. Just madness, could have killed the moron.
Almost witnessed someone die less than five metres away from me today. Moron tow truck driver ran a red light, somehow didnt notice the poor guy making his way across the pedastrian crossing. Missed him by half a metre or less. All the poor guy got was a ' oh sorry mate' as the fwit sped off

Too paranoid to ever run a red myself, im certain if i did it would be a red light camera and i'd be nabbed for sure. Wouldnt hesitate in an emergency though provided i didnt put myself or others in danger

Riding a motorcycle on the road is the exact thing that stopped me running reds, all it takes is one car turning in front of you to make you realise how much of a risk it is.

In fact riding a motorcycle teaches you pretty quickly to becaome a much more alert road user and translates when you are driving a car also. I for one am a much better driver since riding a motorbike.
Easily the majority of cases I see are trucks. I understand they require a longer stopping distance than other vehicles but they should take that into consideration before they get to the lights. Doesn't surprise me than 90% of motor vehicle deaths seem to involve trucks.

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I must admit I'm a bit of an amber gambler but I usually make sure I get through before the orange turns to red. If there is no realistic chance of making it through before the light turns red I hit the brakes.

The amber or orange light is supposed to mean approach with caution but to most people it is a signal to gun it before it turns red.
Theres a stupid red light I go through in the early morning every day, it's stuffed and goes off every five minutes even if nothing's in sight, also a pointless red light that's shouldn't be there because the road it comes off is for a warehouse.
Theres a stupid red light I go through in the early morning every day, it's stuffed and goes off every five minutes even if nothing's in sight, also a pointless red light that's shouldn't be there because the road it comes off is for a warehouse.

That's justified by a lot of people. I'm talking the dangerous stuff.
I'll never intentionally run a red and slow down on the amber in most cases. Was listening to six twelve last night and they were talking about possibly having the green lights flashing to indicate an imminent amber. Can't help but think that this will just mean morons speeding up to beat the light from further away.
I'm on the road a fair bit for work and have noticed the trend of running red lights is increasing dramatically.

I start early am, so would always see the occasional slip through a red, with no-one else on the road, at annoying sets of lights, but now in broad daylight there are a cars and trucks constantly going through a red lights that have just changed and on the occasion blatantly running a red - even to the extent of going into the left or right turning lane to overtake those in front and then move ahead before the light even changes. It won't be long until I see serious incident!

Anyone else noticing this?

Have seen this in the middle of the day on a fairly busy road. Couldnt believe what I was witnessing for the sake of moving 2 car spaces ahead.
I was driving along side my sister when she unknowingly ran a red. It was pretty funny as we were on a hill and looking down the road there were a set of lights about 300m away that were green. Somehow she fails to see the red 10m in front of us so as I'm stopping so just drives through it and I'm like WTF are you doing. As she goes through she actually honks her horn at a car to our right trying to turn right into her lane. She had no idea until I told her about it later when she was telling me about this idiot that nearly hit her.

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Running the red light

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