Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay Pt 2 *Pilot Greg Lynn Guilty for the Murder of Carol Clay

When will the jury have delivered their decisions of guilty or not guilty on both?

  • 1st day

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • 2nd day

    Votes: 16 23.9%
  • Between day 3 and 5

    Votes: 21 31.3%
  • Over 1 week

    Votes: 5 7.5%
  • Hung on one or both timeframe unknown

    Votes: 21 31.3%

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  • Poll closed .

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So the jury is pretty much saying he accidentally killed Russell in a argument then murdered the witness… interesting..
No. they are not saying anything of the sort.

They are saying that they couldn't form the belief beyond reasonable doubt that Hill died at Lynn's hand as a result of actions performed with the intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm.

They know he's dead because his DNA was found in some bone fragments at the site where the bodies were burnt

They are saying that they formed the belief beyond reasonable doubt that Clay died by a shotgun slug to her head fired by Lynn with the intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm
He didn't panic at all, that is what I am getting at.
Lynn didn’t panic when Hill apparently stole his gun and loaded it. Lynn by his own words walked over casually to get his gun back apparently calm and collective even when confronting an armed and angry Hill. But wait, he panicked after killing them? Yeah right

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Greg Lynn doesn’t do push ups, he pushes the earth down.
True.For each action there is an equal and opposite reaction.The guilty verdict found in CC's case yes but not in RH's apparently defying the laws of physics as we know them ( said tongue in cheek ! )
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Are you thick?

Read the end of the article where it references the items they didn’t put to GL while he was on the stand, breaching the rules of fairness.

Maybe wake up tomorrow refreshed and try read it again, putting your fingers under the words as you read should help you.
I've got a bad feeling you're engaging in psychological projection here. I hope you had a good sleep and wake up with a bit more clarity of mind.
So the jury is pretty much saying he accidentally killed Russell in a argument then murdered the witness… interesting..

Not quite. One way to think about it might be the jury found:

1. There’s insufficient evidence to convict GL of the murder of RH;
2. There’s sufficient evidence to convict GL of the murder of CC.

Had GL not destroyed evidence there may have been grounds to convict GL of the murder RH. But he did and they could not.

That’s about it.

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There were no signs of panic there, he got straight to work somewhat like Dexter might have.

There was. The turn around at the Abbeyard gate. Forgetting to disable RH's phone was a pretty big one in his possession. There was no need to leave immediately st all, this is what got him in the end.
Hi Everyone,

I haven’t posted here in ages, but I have been reading & it’s all been pretty incredible, thank you to everyone, including people who took the time to attend the Court Case.

While GL & his Legal team appear to be very smart operators, & there appeared to be some risk he would get off on the murder charges, it’s relieving to see he was at least found guilty on one charge of Murder. It appears a lot was inadmissible.

That’s really no consolation for Mrs Hill, who seems to be a very humble and forgiving lady (in relation to CC & her husband’s secret relationship). It looks like Carol & Russell’s families may be supportive of each other issuing a joint statement after the Jury’s findings, which is a good thing.

It’s unfathomable that he could have potentially gotten off after what he had admitted to doing to this couple & the lengths he went to destroy their bodies & evidence & the suffering faced by both CC & RH families not knowing what happened to them both for so long. That is incredibly cruel on GL’s part, just thinking of himself.

For the police, they did the best they could in these difficult circumstances with destruction of evidence & a hotshot legal team, & GL himself who is clearly very cunning & manipulative.

He does appear to be an abusive Narcissist after all the things that now are able to be put out there following the verdict, probably as many of us suspected but really didn’t want to comment on under sub judice. It was really glowing through strongly in his actions & words. Incredibly telling!

I feel incredibly sorry for all the families, including his children (the pain on those boys faces), & Geordie is such a brave Lad to attend court on his own on the day the verdict was handed down. GL current wife must have put 2 & 2 together at some point & realised it was her husband that was under suspicion (besides the laughing like a hyena thing the judge said, how do any of us know if he wasn’t abusive to ML also unless he was getting what he wanted, maybe she herself was scared at the time?).

I 100% believe that ML was more concerned about impending lockdowns for COVID at the time, prepping for that & how to feed your family, let alone losing your income as both worked in the airline industry & also her husband’s health being on medical leave. Yep I’m sure we all remember the toilet paper issues, it was absolutely insane. Couldn’t even get tissues or napkins, but that wouldn’t have been an issue for a bushy bloke…that preoccupation may have been quite convenient for him at the time. Personally, if it’s your family, you would expect some kind of teamwork in a marriage & a crisis such as COVID lockdowns impending & maybe ML was used to her husband being selfish & pissing off on his “Wolf Creek” trips, the family joked about, so had to do it all on her own.

The actions with painting the 4WD & removing the canopy, getting rid of the trailer (Rego never transferred, so yeah I think that was also a Furphy, I think he dumped it) etc later on, I would have started getting very Suss as a wife, plus all the rumours that would have been flying around at work (see Pprunes), it must have been awful for ML. Then the apparent argument b4 he left for the HC & was arrested. I think he knew his time was up.

Your whole History as a child & world as you know it would be turned on its head for GL’s kids, I hope the media leave them all alone now. They would have enough to deal with, and now questions about their Mother’s death…makes you wonder if any kind of relationship with Maternal Grandparents was allowed for his kids by GL?

Lisa Lynn’s coronial inquest being re-opened, which I think is absolutely needed (doesn’t make sense her death when the children 1yo & 3yo) & also the woman GL was with in Doha that also disappeared…it’s like anything that threatened his Narcissistic persona & narrative of his Status & good standing in society either has disappeared or deceased.

The police described him as a “functional psychopath”. I think it’s more any threat to GL than anything else, not a random thing.

I don’t believe this is his first Rodeo either**************

Take care people, but the pain on so many people’s faces after that jury’s verdict in the media, it’s so sad & that hasn’t left my thoughts about this case. It may be now the Hill & Clay families are left to heal following the Sentencing hearing (I hope it’s maximum plus all the macabre things he did afterwards). The Lynn family are now going to go through more it seems, they haven’t done anything wrong, maybe just coming to terms with things, who knows, but I hope they also have a lot of support, because this isn’t the end of this clearly. I also think a whole heap more will come out now.
Hi Everyone,

I haven’t posted here in ages, but I have been reading & it’s all been pretty incredible, thank you to everyone, including people who took the time to attend the Court Case.

While GL & his Legal team appear to be very smart operators, & there appeared to be some risk he would get off on the murder charges, it’s relieving to see he was at least found guilty on one charge of Murder. It appears a lot was inadmissible.

That’s really no consolation for Mrs Hill, who seems to be a very humble and forgiving lady (in relation to CC & her husband’s secret relationship). It looks like Carol & Russell’s families may be supportive of each other issuing a joint statement after the Jury’s findings, which is a good thing.

It’s unfathomable that he could have potentially gotten off after what he had admitted to doing to this couple & the lengths he went to destroy their bodies & evidence & the suffering faced by both CC & RH families not knowing what happened to them both for so long. That is incredibly cruel on GL’s part, just thinking of himself.

For the police, they did the best they could in these difficult circumstances with destruction of evidence & a hotshot legal team, & GL himself who is clearly very cunning & manipulative.

He does appear to be an abusive Narcissist after all the things that now are able to be put out there following the verdict, probably as many of us suspected but really didn’t want to comment on under sub judice. It was really glowing through strongly in his actions & words. Incredibly telling!

I feel incredibly sorry for all the families, including his children (the pain on those boys faces), & Geordie is such a brave Lad to attend court on his own on the day the verdict was handed down. GL current wife must have put 2 & 2 together at some point & realised it was her husband that was under suspicion (besides the laughing like a hyena thing the judge said, how do any of us know if he wasn’t abusive to ML also unless he was getting what he wanted, maybe she herself was scared at the time?).

I 100% believe that ML was more concerned about impending lockdowns for COVID at the time, prepping for that & how to feed your family, let alone losing your income as both worked in the airline industry & also her husband’s health being on medical leave. Yep I’m sure we all remember the toilet paper issues, it was absolutely insane. Couldn’t even get tissues or napkins, but that wouldn’t have been an issue for a bushy bloke…that preoccupation may have been quite convenient for him at the time. Personally, if it’s your family, you would expect some kind of teamwork in a marriage & a crisis such as COVID lockdowns impending & maybe ML was used to her husband being selfish & pissing off on his “Wolf Creek” trips, the family joked about, so had to do it all on her own.

The actions with painting the 4WD & removing the canopy, getting rid of the trailer (Rego never transferred, so yeah I think that was also a Furphy, I think he dumped it) etc later on, I would have started getting very Suss as a wife, plus all the rumours that would have been flying around at work (see Pprunes), it must have been awful for ML. Then the apparent argument b4 he left for the HC & was arrested. I think he knew his time was up.

Your whole History as a child & world as you know it would be turned on its head for GL’s kids, I hope the media leave them all alone now. They would have enough to deal with, and now questions about their Mother’s death…makes you wonder if any kind of relationship with Maternal Grandparents was allowed for his kids by GL?

Lisa Lynn’s coronial inquest being re-opened, which I think is absolutely needed (doesn’t make sense her death when the children 1yo & 3yo) & also the woman GL was with in Doha that also disappeared…it’s like anything that threatened his Narcissistic persona & narrative of his Status & good standing in society either has disappeared or deceased.

The police described him as a “functional psychopath”. I think it’s more any threat to GL than anything else, not a random thing.

I don’t believe this is his first Rodeo either *********

Take care people, but the pain on so many people’s faces after that jury’s verdict in the media, it’s so sad & that hasn’t left my thoughts about this case. It may be now the Hill & Clay families are left to heal following the Sentencing hearing (I hope it’s maximum plus all the macabre things he did afterwards). The Lynn family are now going to go through more it seems, they haven’t done anything wrong, maybe just coming to terms with things, who knows, but I hope they also have a lot of support, because this isn’t the end of this clearly. I also think a whole heap more will come out now.

Hope your short term memory can bring yourself to forgive as your post herein asks.

Post in thread 'Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder'

Cheeky bugger. Damn you made some claims. Where was the “functional psychopath” claim made?

Kenoath feels like someone put some wacky shite into ChatGPT and this is what came out
Hope your short term memory can bring yourself to forgive as your post herein asks.

Post in thread 'Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder'

Cheeky bugger
No, that is what was being discussed at the time. I am not a ‘cheeky bugger’ and you can now see in hindsight why the Defense used all of this…it’s all out now. I don’t believe RH instigated anything, apart from flying his drone & taking photos possibly a bit of verbal afterwards when GL most likely confronted him, not the other way around.
As appalling as this is, I don't see why Lynn confessed to accidentally killing them and then disposing of their bodies. The evidence was pretty flimsy otherwise.
The phone didn't need to be explained in my view, that wasn't enough evidence to convict him.
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As appalling as this is, I don't see why Lynn confessed to accidentally killing them and then disposing of their bodies. The evidence was pretty flimsy otherwise.
The phone didn't need to be explained in mu view, that wasn't enough evidence to convict him.

Why would he have his phone? RH is dead at this point. What, found it on the side of the road and took it?
Hope your short term memory can bring yourself to forgive as your post herein asks.

Post in thread 'Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder'

Cheeky bugger. Damn you made some claims. Where was the “functional psychopath” claim made?

Kenoath feels like someone put some wacky shite into ChatGPT and this is what came out

In Australia we use the Kings. It’s defence not defense.

Do you know what the Kings is?
I believe at the time it was Queen’s Council. I think you are way off with your posts thinking it’s AI, there are programmes you can run posts through if you think they aren’t by human beings & have some empathy for all people affected in this case, including disclosing your own feelings.

Maybe that is probably why a lot of people stop posting here, because of people like you. Yes I live in AUS. I am also a human being.
As appalling as this is, I don't see why Lynn confessed to accidentally killing them and then disposing of their bodies. The evidence was pretty flimsy otherwise.
The phone didn't need to be explained in mu view, that wasn't enough evidence to convict him.
I dare say he thought he could out think the police. Would match his personality type.
I believe at the time it was Queen’s Council. I think you are way off with your posts thinking it’s AI, there are programmes you can run posts through if you think they aren’t by human beings & have some empathy for all people affected in this case, including disclosing your own feelings.

Maybe that is probably why a lot of people stop posting here, because of people like you. Yes I live in AUS. I am also a human being.

That’s a great answer