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It's on my to play list but was going to wait a few weeks for some updates but question is how difficult is this game? I'm not seeing it as being something I can chill on.
You can chill as much as you would chill playing Fallout 4. The gameplay isn't "hard" but things can go wrong very quickly and the game also loves to troll you by putting stashes in precarious locations or a cleverly hidden anomaly. Combat is pretty fair on standard difficulty - headshots will still one shot most enemies not wearing helmets, mutants can be tanky though and unless you know there is something worthwhile or they're blocking your immediate path with no other option then it's best to save your resources and run away. NPC quest givers can also troll you because the zone is full of dicks and it's best to trust no one.
Most of the difficulty comes from the survival element. Weapons and armour degrade (a little too fast but it's a game I guess) and finding the money to repair them can be a challenge. You don't have to repair your weapons but there is nothing worse than a gun jamming mid fight, especially if it's a shotgun.