Discussion S36 Mid Season Survey - RESULTS

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next season the Old Boys are going for #cuptospoontocup

With players you've signed who don't know they've been signed, or nah?
worse media and the wooden spoon in the same season


They voted it as the worse media but with no 'WOW' react from 'less' surely that would make you a lock for the 1/2 time entertainment of the SFA GF

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They voted it as the worse media but with no 'WOW' react from 'less' surely that would make you a lock for the 1/2 time entertainment of the SFA GF

I will give Meatloaf a call and see if we can do a duo together



The league was blessed with an incredible resource by the inimitable league great Hate back in Season 34, but how many players actually use SweetFA plus? We asked respondents and the result is a pleasing and resounding majority, with 87% of surveys responding in the affirmative. 13% being 2 respondents have not, one of which being stats enthusiast grumbleguts which was probably the biggest surprise here.

EDIT: So it's actually more like 93ish%, turns out old mate guts was just foxing.


Each season the mid season survey asks what's one change you would make to the Sweet FA if you could, and unsurprisingly we find a broad spectrum of answers from respondents. The most popular idea came in at 13%, with two respondents suggesting a reduction of squad sizes to enable a 14th team... perhaps one for the committee to ponder under Elton Johns Wig this off season? Other responses included a couple of simple cut and paste solutions for Hate's SweetFA plus, along with a couple of responses related to reviewing penalties (one of which being the naughty, naughty boy Tigerturbulance for reasons unknown... :think:), some belated suggestions for admin (one sensible, another bat shit crazy), a couple of tips on how to handle the place better and of course, a monorail!!


And lastly, we asked respondents about the most contentious change brought about by expansion... the dreaded Bye. So we asked the obvious question, do you like the Bye? and the resounding response was unsurprisingly no, with 67% of surveys returning a No vote. It's prudent of me to point out here that two of the survey respondents are currently the captain and vice captain of the expansion side, so of course I'm staggered to see them in support of it as I'm sure you will be too. Another two were S36 rookies who are yet to experience a season of free-flowing uninterrupted qooty bliss so we can probably forgive them for their endearing naivety.
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The league was blessed with an incredible resource by the inimitable league great Hate back in Season 34, but how many players actually use SweetFA plus? We asked respondents and the result is a pleasing and resounding majority, with 87% of surveys responding in the affirmative. 13% being 2 respondents have not, one of which being stats enthusiast grumbleguts which was probably the biggest surprise here.


Each season the mid season survey asks what's one change you would make to the Sweet FA if you could, and unsurprisingly we find a broad spectrum of answers from respondents. The most popular idea came in at 13%, with two respondents suggesting a reduction of squad sizes to enable a 14th team... perhaps one for the committee to ponder under Elton Johns Wig this off season? Other responses included a couple of simple cut and paste solutions for Hate's SweetFA plus, along with a couple of responses related to reviewing penalties (one of which being the naughty, naughty boy Tigerturbulance for reasons unknown... :think:), some belated suggestions for admin (one sensible, another bat s**t crazy), a couple of tips on how to handle the place better and of course, a monorail!!


And lastly, we asked respondents about the most contentious change brought about by expansion... the dreaded Bye. So we asked the obvious question, do you like the Bye? and the resounding response was unsurprisingly no, with 67% of surveys returning a No vote. It's prudent of me to point out here that two of the survey respondents are currently the captain and vice captain of the expansion side, so of course I'm staggered to see them in support of it as I'm sure you will be too. Another two were S36 rookies who are yet to experience a season of free-flowing uninterrupted qooty bliss so we can probably forgive them for their endearing naivety.
I use SweetFA.plus all the time.



Well as we know the admin race has since been run and won by the incoming Elton Johns Wig, but for the Mid Season Survey we posed the question to respondents on how they rate the admin candidates for the S37 admin race. While a pie is probably the worst way to represent this data, I've never seen a bar graph in the survey results and really, who actually cares about this one since we already know the result? Anyway, we asked for a rating from 1-10, and that unsurprisingly stumped a few, with a 'who are they?' and a 'no comment' coming back our way.

But perhaps most surprisingly, 10 was the top rating as you can see, one of the survey respondents being the new admin himself rather humbly. Of those who did respond, over 50% rated them at least above 7.3 out of 10. The average rating was a generous 7.05 out of 10, although if we were to factor in the responses that didn't seem to know or want to comment, we can probably bunt that down a fair bit. Bit of a weird one to gauge, as 6 of the 15 responses didn't even bother to give a response.


We also asked respondents who they would like to see become admin (wrong answers only) and here we find some far more interesting responses. Bombers skipper BLUEALLTHRU topped the polling with 17% of the vote, with all other responses only receiving one vote across the survey. The Nerd Club was well represented with former admin NaturalDisaster, admin candidate Pickitt & serial_thrilla all featuring. Current and former Wonders DenieD, damicky & Cadsky who was talked about for a long time as a genuine potential candidate all featured too. The Dragons resident bae Ligma scored a mention, while club favourite Freofalcon received an unexpected drive-by from teammate and Rising Star winner Ocha905.

But perhaps the best response of all was for GWS Goose's chauffeur, who I assume is out of work and seeking a cushy gig given that the Goose just runs everywhere all the bloody time.


We then surveyed who the league would actually like to see as admin in S37, and while we still see some intriguing responses, a far more suitable suite of candidates was recognised here. Given he was already running and the clear favourite, it's no surprise to see Elton Johns Wig leading from the front here with 27% of responses. The next cabs off the rank were teammates and Demons legends manangatang & Headless each on 18% a piece, with the current GM clearly a favourite to switch offices at Sweet FA house, while 'Less prevails as a favourite in just about anything Sweet FA related so here he is again. Former admins ND & Filth feature here also, while Wazzas skipper Tonga Bob cracks a mention. Bombers talisman KohPhi was floated by one respondent, while perhaps the most sensible suggestion was for the one who will bring in that monorail.


Lastly, with the admin race a hot topic leading into the Mid Season Survey, we asked respondents a hypothetical question of which former admin they would like to see admin again, as the announced field of candidates proved to be particularly shit and many across the league were looking retrospectively at options given Kennedy Parker's veritable success in his 2nd stint.

Here we found a who's who of Sweet FA admin royalty, with The Filth Wizard topping the polling at 21%. Next cab off the rank was NaturalDisaster with 14%, perhaps due to the fact that he will approve anything and everything with some still harbouring the dream of a 14th team to completely kill of the league once and for all. Kennedy Parker was also on the 2nd line of betting with 14%, with those respondents hoping he would just call it all off and go around again for Term 3 like some kind of jaded school teacher. With one response each, we see all the big names of admin yesteryear, including Ant Bear, Mobbs, boncer34, Hate & okeydoke7 while poor old Frankston Rover was stiff not to crack a mention. Spare a thought for Tarkyn_24 & Wosh though, who were savagely trolled by the suggestion they were ever reduced to being a lowly league admin in the first place!



Now onto media, and we asked respondents on a scale of 1-10, how important is media as a part of the Sweet FA landscape. As we can see, 80% of surveys returned rated it a 7 or above, with only one response rating a 5 out of 10 or essentially indifferent to the league in their opinion. 8 out of 10 is the majority take here with 33%, while 26% rated media as 9-10 in terms of importance.

Not sure if we've ever asked this one before, but the result is a resounding tick for the importance of media to the league, admittedly off a small sample size. We've seen a mini resurgence in media in Season 36, with the Old Boys drama and turmoil at the Wonders creating some wonderful fodder for the media pack to do their thing and lay may it continue to improve.


That said, we have seen a drought in recent times in regular high quality engaging media and so we asked respondents what is one thing they would do to fix the media drought, with some interesting responses coming back our way.

The majority response here was the suggestion of a media working group, an idea that came about independent of Kennedy Parker's work in this space this season and a clear endorsement of that initiative with 17%. Responses along a similar line were to encourage more posters into media and reward those who create quality media, another area KP has been looking to impact with the committee and various working groups.

Some out of the box ideas included having to post media as criteria for the EKA, threats and of course the obvious one... rain. While there were also ideas for simple media ideas that may bring about more debate and discussion. With suggestions of a weekly media recap ala KP's RATINGS back in S29, a news press type media offering and more collaborative pieces all being clever ideas of how to address the media malaise.

And of course, if all that fails well then threats of physical harm ought to get it done in one respondent's opinion. And who am I to say they're wrong? One for Wigs to consider in S37.




And lastly, we asked respondents about the most contentious change brought about by expansion... the dreaded Bye. So we asked the obvious question, do you like the Bye? and the resounding response was unsurprisingly no, with 67% of surveys returning a No vote. It's prudent of me to point out here that two of the survey respondents are currently the captain and vice captain of the expansion side, so of course I'm staggered to see them in support of it as I'm sure you will be too. Another two were S36 rookies who are yet to experience a season of free-flowing uninterrupted qooty bliss so we can probably forgive them for their endearing naivety.
do you like the bye was the wrong question

if you had asked if you love the bye it would have been a land slide yes vote




2 and a bit seasons on from the recent expansion adding the Ophidian Old Boys to the league and bringing in the unpopular bye, we asked respondents in their opinion has expansion been good, bad or ugly for the league.

As you can see above, we find a 50/50 split of good vs bad and/or ugly, and while on face value it appears a neutral result, it's worth noting that the response was less favourable when considering the neutrals. Addressing the obvious bias of the skipper and vice captain of the expansion side (it's also worth noting another former Old Boy returned a 'good' response here too but we'll leave them in), that figure reduces to 41.6% of respondents believing expansion has been good for the league. Make of those figures what you will.


That said, it appears as though the majority of respondents we surveyed would still do the same again given the chance, as when asked how they would vote on expansion today the response came back at 67% for yes, they would vote for expansion. Once again it's worth noting that the leaders of the Old Boys expansion side voted yes, and were we to preclude their votes here, that figure reduces to 60% of the vote, noting also that 3 respondents abstained and two were quite happy to sit on the fence. Again, make of that what you will off a small sample size I guess.


And lastly, in an effort to address the unfavourable fixturing forcing a bye (now two for some reason) onto the league, we asked respondents when we fold a club, which club will we fold. Here we find quite an interesting result, with a three way tie for the majority response with each of merge two clubs, bring in a 14th club & fold the Old Boys returning 15% of the tally. A vote apiece came in for the Bombers, Phoenix, Dragons and Gumbies, while one respondent believed in letting nature take it's course and another believing the Demons could probably form two sides from their star studded squad. And lastly, one respondent wasn't keen to take an uneducated guess, preferring to assess the options with data to back any move to merge a club to return the league to it's status quo.

So all in all, a bit of a confusing mess when we analyse the opinion of the bye against whether expansion has been good, bad or ugly, whether we would vote for expansion again given the choice and precisely which club we would fold if any in an attempt to rectify the bye situation and some of the negative impacts of expansion on the league.


Next, and I will get to it eventually to wrap this thing up, I'll put the remaining pies in the oven as we take a look at the best posters at each club for Season 36 according to the survey. Stay tuned.

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Discussion S36 Mid Season Survey - RESULTS

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