Official Match Thread S38, Round 15 (International Round) - Fighting Furies v Coney Island Warriors at Estadio Azteca, Mexico City Mexico

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Often when I hear about anything to do with Mexico, when it hasn't come up for some time, I get a mental image of Clive James reaction to being confronted by a Mariachi band in one of those endless travelogues he used to do before he got old and turned into a foaming reactionary. I don't know why.
Bueno, Ocha905, dado que el partido se está jugando en México supongo que tenemos que seguir hablando de béisbol, ya que es relevante ahora.
El béisbol no durará mucho más dado el resultado de hoy. No es que me queje ya que es en detrimento de los Yankees.
Here's some Mexican appropriation, I enjoyed and quoted this way too much growing up -


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El béisbol no durará mucho más dado el resultado de hoy. No es que me queje ya que es en detrimento de los Yankees.
About a quarter to seven.
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Agent93 Barrybran brahj brian_muz Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 raffrox Raveneyes Reginald Perrin Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

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Buenos tardes Wazzas!

We have already gotten to know the Furies the last time we met, but given we're south of the border this week I thought I'd do a bonus edition and introduce you to the Tasmanian Devil of Latin America - the chupacabra.

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El Chupacabra literally translates into English as The Goat Sucker, meaning zackah is in for a wild time this week. He's gonna be disappointed though in finding out that they suck the blood of goats and not other things. And much like the tales of omgfridge of decent beer in Kalgoorlie, they may or may not actually exist. But Mulder & Scully went looking for the chupacabra in an episode of the X Files so I for one have no doubt as to their existence. Hell, Jackie Chan even fought one!

View attachment 2153721

Anyhoo, have a good week Wazzas. Especially zackah who's apparently getting a gobby.​

Not believing that.
Here's some Mexican appropriation, I enjoyed and quoted this way too much growing up -

Me too, and it was entirely limited to growing up...
View attachment 2153706
Agent93 Barrybran brahj brian_muz Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 raffrox Raveneyes Reginald Perrin Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

View attachment 2153711

Buenos tardes Wazzas!

We have already gotten to know the Furies the last time we met, but given we're south of the border this week I thought I'd do a bonus edition and introduce you to the Tasmanian Devil of Latin America - the chupacabra.

View attachment 2153716

El Chupacabra literally translates into English as The Goat Sucker, meaning zackah is in for a wild time this week. He's gonna be disappointed though in finding out that they suck the blood of goats and not other things. And much like the tales of omgfridge of decent beer in Kalgoorlie, they may or may not actually exist. But Mulder & Scully went looking for the chupacabra in an episode of the X Files so I for one have no doubt as to their existence. Hell, Jackie Chan even fought one!

View attachment 2153721

Anyhoo, have a good week Wazzas. Especially zackah who's apparently getting a gobby.​

😍 Scully ❤️


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Buenas mañana señoras y señoritas, aqui está el DJ Hector Bonifacio Echevarria Cervantes de la Cruz Arroyo Bob. Esta es la radio que sacó a toda estación onde el rock vive y no muerre! Vamos a escuchar un par de temas de Warriors of Coney Island. Primero vamos a escuchar First It Giveth. Que música impresionante temible y verdaderamente ahora van a vea A VER! A VER! Aqui va! Aqui va!
Yes, I do enjoy working at the bowling alley.
Warriors are so shit
It's now my sole purpose to see ND drop the disdain act. That said it's become weirdly affectionate like the "20 years in the can" speech from the baddie in the Soprano's.
View attachment 2153706
Agent93 Barrybran brahj brian_muz Dinsdale FootyGuy13 Frankston Rover Freofalcon Lord_Flashheart Mesc Mofra Ocha905 pantskyle Paracleet Piggy Smalls Purple7x08_24 raffrox Raveneyes Reginald Perrin Smoooothy Snuffaluphagus spudmaster Stokey The Filth Wizard TheInjuryFactory toxic TubbsFarquhar Volbeat zackah

View attachment 2153711

Buenos tardes Wazzas!

We have already gotten to know the Furies the last time we met, but given we're south of the border this week I thought I'd do a bonus edition and introduce you to the Tasmanian Devil of Latin America - the chupacabra.

View attachment 2153716

El Chupacabra literally translates into English as The Goat Sucker, meaning zackah is in for a wild time this week. He's gonna be disappointed though in finding out that they suck the blood of goats and not other things. And much like the tales of omgfridge of decent beer in Kalgoorlie, they may or may not actually exist. But Mulder & Scully went looking for the chupacabra in an episode of the X Files so I for one have no doubt as to their existence. Hell, Jackie Chan even fought one!

View attachment 2153721

Anyhoo, have a good week Wazzas. Especially zackah who's apparently getting a gobby.​

Dato Curioso: La historia del Chupacabra surgió por primera vez en Puerto Rico después de que se siguieran matando ovejas, cada una con tres heridas punzantes en el área del pecho y completamente desangrada. También fue un comediante quien acuñó el nombre Chupacabra en esa época, en 1995.

El testigo ocular original que informó sobre el Chupacabra había visto una película de terror de ciencia ficción antes del avistamiento, y supuestamente dijo que la película que habían visto, Species, tenía una criatura que tenía un parecido sorprendente con el Chupacabra.

Gracias a Puerto Rico, ahora tenemos cosas como pegao, coquíes, el Chupacabra, un streamer de Twitch de cabello rosado y personas que viven la vida loca. De hecho, Puerto Rico es el hogar de muchos músicos famosos, cuya notoriedad colectiva, con suerte, algún día rivalizará con el himno tecno-pop belga "Pump Up the Jam".


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Official Match Thread S38, Round 15 (International Round) - Fighting Furies v Coney Island Warriors at Estadio Azteca, Mexico City Mexico

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