Resource S38 Team Sheet Submission Thread (Team Sheets Only)

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Gumbies FFC Official Team Sheet: Season 38, Round Fourteen versus Coney Island Warriors

B: Tigerlaird / Aucklander / HotPiesWithSauce
HB: rye / CatToTheFuture / The_Wookie
C: Brick Loosener / Mop / ossie_21
HF: NSWCROW / Dory_77 / bone2468
F: DinoSoar / GWS Goose / Supercheapgiants
FOLL: Falconista / beez / cats_09
INT: StFly / Jeremias


The_Wookie BP > HBF
HotPiesWithSauce HBF > BP
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Season 38, Round 14 vs Fighting Furies

B: Ticky009 / spookism / Power Raid
HB: MP_ / serial_thrilla / tigs2010
C: jackster83 / GotTheGoodes / ant555
HF: Ant Bear / GremioPower / okeydoke7
F: sataris / Raz / Rodney Dangerfield
FOLL: damicky / philreich / Firestarter
INT: Jewelsbon / BloodySwan


Power Raid OUT -> BP
philreich FF -> RR
BloodySwan RR -> INT
Raz INT -> FF​
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West Coast Wonders - Official Team Sheet
Season 38
Round 15 v Ophidian Old Boys

B: NinjaSwan / DenieD / jezzajay
HB: SSwans2011 / AnUltimateRessie / Rubber Arm
C: BFew / Giant YoYo / Cubs2Lions
HF: BigChippa52 / akkaps / BallaratBulldog
F: Roonescape / HARPSichord / croweater 41
FOLL: dogs105 / Pamcake1 / ClarkeM
INT: Ressies SwampPig / JT_the_Man

DenieD FF > FB
Cubs2Lions INT > W
Ressies SwampPig FB > INT
BigChippa52 W > HFF
HARPSichord HFF > FF

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Season 38, Round 15 vs Phoenix Hawks

B: BloodySwan / MP_ / ant555
HB: jackster83 / serial_thrilla / Firestarter
C: sataris / philreich / spookism
HF: Rodney Dangerfield / Ant Bear / tigs2010
F: okeydoke7 / Raz / GremioPower
FOLL: Power Raid / GotTheGoodes / Jewelsbon
INT: Ticky009 / damicky


BloodySwan INT -> BP
ant555 W -> BP
jackster85 W -> HBF
Firestarter RO -> HBF
sataris FP-> W
philreich RR -> C
spookism FB -> W
Rodney Dangerfield FP -> HFF
Ant Bear HFF -> CHF
tigs2010 HBF -> HFF
okeydoke7 HFF -> FP
GremioPower CHF -> FP
Power Raid BP -> RU
GotTheGoodes C -> RR
Jewelsbon INT -> RO
Ticky009 BP -> INT
damicky RU -> INT


Power Raid - 350th Match as a Swamprat

Rodney Dangerfield - 50th Match as a Swamprat

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Resource S38 Team Sheet Submission Thread (Team Sheets Only)

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