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Bit rich for him to claim that Reimers' comments have been '100% correct' considering the vague answers he gave in that interview that seems like about 50 years ago now. I can say 'people live' and 'the sun shines' and I would also be 100% correct, but clearly I am a bit scant on details there.

That was funny to see Barrett validate himself.
Jab: I know your thoughts on 'insiders' making comment outside the 'four wall's' but I don't think you can assume that it is all about ego or some kind of mad drive for internet fame.

This is as much about the PR battle as it is about the actual 'laws' that haven't been broken. It is therefore a club imperative to ensure that there are, strategically, points of information that enter the public sphere. This, I would presume in my opinion only, would be to make an effort to have 'both sides' represented.

When someone posts on any forum, they are held accountable to those posts, to the other members of that community (or forum) and, if required, to the Law. As you would be aware, the posting of 'inside' knowledge that is, in fact, lies is usually quickly identified as such by fellow posters. A 'reputation' for quality information usually takes months and years to build, through repeatedly accurate statements or opinions that are then supported by clear facts or actions taking place.

I believe it is erroneous to believe that the motives of certain posters is not to try and protect their club as best they can, or to act in accordance with their own set of moral beliefs. I have complete faith that if any posters were to make statements or claims that breach any laws of this forum, or country, the the current Mod system and rules of use would be sufficient.

I would also assume that ALL posters should be able to recognise and identify that ALL things written on these forums are a form of rumour or speculation or opinion. Even posts containing links to outside articles are rumour in one way... especially given the current lack of journalistic integrity. One should never assume the information posted by another is 'factual' without actual knowledge of the situation they have ascertained for themselves.

Cheers and keep up the good work! :thumbsu::)
I don't mind some non Essendon people as long as they are very supportive of the Essendon cause.

The few that are posting here atm have generally been supportive of Essendon at some level on the HTB. I think it might be treding a fine line. but I have no real issue with it, as long as they respect this thread and what it is to us here.
I too don't mind the non Essendon people here as long as they are rational and open minded. They don't have to be supportive of our point of view as long as they are respectful to us and our views and we in turn are respectful to them and their views. Shit there are times here we have not agreed with something our own have posted.
And I find it refreshing to get an outsiders view without all the vitriol.
I am enjoying the open conversation. But would like the comment regarding Essendon supporters only being maintained

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Best article so far.

Not surprising that Tracey focuses on 'Journalism in Sport' and not the 'sport' itself.

Summed it up perfectly. AFL didn't want to be embarrassed that they had been led on a merry dance by the ACC and political motivations behind that sham of a press conference, don't want to admit that they panicked into recommended EFC make stupid and hasty decisions, don't want to admit that there is a A LOT of 'murky' stuff going on everywhere in the AFL, just don't want to admit that they are not all powerful.

This whole affair would be over now if the AFL had dropped the charges against individuals, charged the club with BTGID and negotiated a large fine and reforms as punishment. Bing, Bang. The AFL have pushed the wrong kid.. and they don't want to had over the lunch money without a fight. So yeah.. the AFL may eventually end up with the money.. but not without a huge, messy fight that could see them in detention for a year!
The central point here being.. how the hell can the charges include ANY discussion around administering banned substances when A) report not finished and B) no infraction notices.

We are in the twilight zone here.

A real life scenario perhaps to put things in perspective:
Prosecutor: Are we ready to lay charges?

Cops: yeah we talked to HIMH who definitely reckoned BTG did it, we spoke with BTG though and he thought Jade did it.. then we talked to Jade and he said that he didn't know who did it. And we don't know who to believe.
Hmmm that does seem like a pickle. I guess I'll just charge BTG because he came up first

Prosecutor:Sounds Great.

At court, Judge says: GAGF

Caro reports on the saga: BTG cleared on a technicality, this is a disgrace. Prosecutor has enough to move on BTG but are just waiting for more information to come to hand. BTG expected to be jailed for 25 years for Murder.

Prosecutor: Hmmmm, damn judge, I've got a holiday booked in three weeks that I just can't miss.

Cops: I know, what if we get him on terrorism charges instead, then we don't actually have to proof anything for 12 months.

Prosecutor: Great Idea!

BTG: But, but, but, I'm innocent.. you have no proof!

Cops: Well we have someone who thinks they might have seen you do it, and you can't really show you didn't actually not do it... and that is enough for us.

Caro Report: Finally justice was served today.

I knew BTG was a shifty bastard.
Mods - there was some innuendo on the Bay 13 for Essendon Board last night surrounding some of the content of Hird's emails that were of a private nature.

Now I have no doubt that it is completely made up as nobody would know this information and nor is it relevant to any investigation.

One of the posters involved was our favourite Hawthorn mod.

I've had a gutful of these weak pricks. You might want to warn them that the next person who steps over the line is getting their post reported to the club. And I will let them decide if further action is required.

Its blatantly obvious that BF is ill-equipped to do bugger all about it.
Put it this way kfc1, we are NOT the only club using supplements. We are NOT the only club that was using injections (don't know whether that has all been shut down now).

So sorry I can't give you a direct quote, but supplements are being used by most clubs and it is a growing thing. Hence why Vlad wants it stamped out.

We just happen to be the bunnies.

Nick Riewoldt sat on the couch a couple of weeks ago speaking of weekly injections outside of match day.
Jab: I know your thoughts on 'insiders' making comment outside the 'four wall's' but I don't think you can assume that it is all about ego or some kind of mad drive for internet fame.

This is as much about the PR battle as it is about the actual 'laws' that haven't been broken. It is therefore a club imperative to ensure that there are, strategically, points of information that enter the public sphere. This, I would presume in my opinion only, would be to make an effort to have 'both sides' represented.

When someone posts on any forum, they are held accountable to those posts, to the other members of that community (or forum) and, if required, to the Law. As you would be aware, the posting of 'inside' knowledge that is, in fact, lies is usually quickly identified as such by fellow posters. A 'reputation' for quality information usually takes months and years to build, through repeatedly accurate statements or opinions that are then supported by clear facts or actions taking place.

I haven't named a person, have I? No. I just wanted to establish that first, I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone.

I disagree with most of the above. We have people that we have been talking about, from the media, who have perceived inside knowledge. Many people read every word and believe it as gospel. The reality is a lot different most of the time. They have printed lies, and will continue to do so. People have posted/tweeted lies and that will continue to happen, while people believe them.

In times like this, when something that people love is under threat, they look for leaders. At times then overlook reality to believe in someone or a saviour. There are a few on twitter that spring to mind. I know that they dont have any inside information, yet they market themselves as having some. We can talk about why people choose to do that and why people feel the need to believe it, but that's a topic for a different board. Look through history and you will find beliefs and leaders that were loved at the time, but in reality, it was all a fraud. People love to be lead, and will choose to follow someone with the message that they want to hear.
Mods - there was some innuendo on the Bay 13 for Essendon Board last night surrounding some of the content of Hird's emails that were of a private nature.

Now I have no doubt that it is completely made up as nobody would know this information and nor is it relevant to any investigation.

One of the posters involved was our favourite Hawthorn mod.

I've had a gutful of these weak pricks. You might want to warn them that the next person who steps over the line is getting their post reported to the club. And I will let them decide if further action is required.

Its blatantly obvious that BF is ill-equipped to do bugger all about it.

Bay 13 doesn't really have the reputation as being a hard hitting news source, for what I'm lead to believe. I don't venture there too often, but yes, it's troll central. Some people enjoy that, I dont have an issue with it.

You are free to report any content and the mods there will handle it, and you can also alert the club if you like. I would guess that it wouldnt be too high on their agenda, but you can do it.

I'm over it too, I completely understand, but I'm not sure that we can do too much until the club has had its day in court. Hold tight until then. I would also be careful not to get too emotionally attached to what trolls are saying.

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Lets forget the AFL kangaroo court system for 1 second, lets assume it gets to the SC. I would think to prove beyond doubt BTGID occured you'd have to demonstrate and provide proof of "damage" or loss of reputation. The only accurate way to do that is via loss of revenue, crowd attendance, TV rating and then PROVE Essendon's actions caused this. How are the ratings, attendances and income of the AFL???

I highly doubt there's been and drops but on the off chance there was then the AFL will then need to demonstrate they weren't the ones who caused this... LOL

If they don't challenge this the AFL can make up the rules as they go, which is what the catchall clause is about..

Hmmm like EFC breaking a record for their club memberships this year!
We at Fairfax understand a man with cerebral palsy went to Mexico and bought a mystery drug. What was in the bottle? We don't know. The bottle was last seen in the same hyperbaric chamber Essendon players used.

We have seen sections of the ASADA report that suggest Essendon players were given the mystery Mexican drug. We are now going to use an old AFLPA quote to make our point here that players are not happy.

Dank and people at the club continue to stress everything was above board yet do not tell the public the contents of the mystery Mexican bottle. Mystery. Mexico. Mexican. Bottle. It's a Mystery. Mexican. Pig brain, guinea pig (oh wait that's an old article).

Where was I, oh yes Mexico and it's mysteries. AD refused to comment about Mexico but happily sent us a brief of recent legal demands sent by James Hird's representation.

There were no consent forms containing this mystery Mexican drug, despite us not knowing what was in the bottle we are in a strong position to make the claim.

Fairfax understands it's a Mexican mystery and further proof that Essendon embarked on systematic PED use and experimental drug dungeons. Especially when you consider the Mexican nature and it's cerebral palsy style of transit.

Below Fairfax has obtained an image of the bottle.

It's our belief at Fairfax that Dank strongly suggested the bottle should be kept in the fridge. We understand he offered the use of his own fridge. We first learnt about Dank's fridge in the explosive allegation made by Dean Robinson in his wide ranging and damning interview on Channel 7.

More to follow.
What a delight it has been today to get out of bed late & not having listened to any radio or read any papers etc, have no clue as to what further developments have taken place overnight, other than this thread titles mention of something Mexican :confused: ,

anyways holidays now await & I am imposing a ban on myself from everything to do with this goat **** for the next few weeks.

gl to everyone fighting the good fight.
The craziest thing from all this is that the NRL now seem to have gone about this far better than the AFL.

The AFL did nothing to prevent, and I am almost certain they assisted, in whipping up a media shit storm to continually bombard the public into seeing shady dealings and guilt.

If they did their job properly and defended the integrity of the game until the findings were released, then they would not be in this ridiculous situation where they feel they need a large scalp.

And those numpties Jason Clare and Kate Lundy, well if the LNP need some embarrasing ALP footage to show in their election campaign, they should just replay that fool's "blackest day in sport" comments. They have tarnished our game and Australian sport primarily to deflect from Labor corruption dramas that were occuring at the time. I'm surprised the LNP haven't been making a bigger deal out of this.
Dank and Newman having lunch as per the HS. That explains why Sam has defended us, and I get the feeling Dank has shown Sam some evidence which puts us in a good light, and why Sam always attacks ASADA biggest question, how is Dank having lunch newsworthy? :rolleyes:

Sam will get an interview with Dank when this is all done
Bay 13 doesn't really have the reputation as being a hard hitting news source, for what I'm lead to believe. I don't venture there too often, but yes, it's troll central. Some people enjoy that, I dont have an issue with it.

You are free to report any content and the mods there will handle it, and you can also alert the club if you like. I would guess that it wouldnt be too high on their agenda, but you can do it.

I'm over it too, I completely understand, but I'm not sure that we can do too much until the club has had its day in court. Hold tight until then. I would also be careful not to get too emotionally attached to what trolls are saying.

I think he may have been referring to the HTB, with the tongue in cheek name 'Bay 13 for Essendon board'.
Bay 13 doesn't really have the reputation as being a hard hitting news source, for what I'm lead to believe. I don't venture there too often, but yes, it's troll central. Some people enjoy that, I dont have an issue with it.

You are free to report any content and the mods there will handle it, and you can also alert the club if you like. I would guess that it wouldnt be too high on their agenda, but you can do it.

I'm over it too, I completely understand, but I'm not sure that we can do too much until the club has had its day in court. Hold tight until then. I would also be careful not to get too emotionally attached to what trolls are saying.
I was not referring to the actual Bay 13 Board I was referring to the Trollsada Board aka The Bay 13 for Essendon Board.

My point is that if mods are getting involved in this garbage it sends a signal to the other users that this sort of behavior is acceptable.

Being a mod should carry with it some responsibility. I would also argue a mods behavior sets the tone of how general users should behave.
So, from what I can remember from reading that Mehico article last night, an old dude with muscular dystrophy left a mysterious drug at the hyperbaric chamber clinic in South Melbourne and the people that owned that joint found it and said "hey, you know what we should do with this mysterious drug that doesn't belong to us and no one knows what it's for? Inject it into sportspeople without their knowledge!". Is that basically what has gone on here?
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