Yep, we have elections but that doesn’t preclude the right to protest-plenty of times the law and the government lag behind community opinion and protesting can help the gov’t to catch up.This is why we have elections. We can protest at the ballot box. Go march on parliament house, but don't bring it to a sporting stadium! I just loathe sports stars who think it’s their place to offer unasked-for opinions on political issues rather than sticking to what they’re paid for, i.e. playing football! in front of thousands of people who just want to enjoy a game for a few hours! You're an athlete first and a person second for that short time, otherwise hand back your paycheck!
It’s not really as simple as check your conscience in at the gate as you walk through though is it? Whether one is the audience or the performer. Most jobs, surely one takes one’s moral compass to the job. I am happy to hear the opinions of sportstars-why ever not.