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End of financial year scams too

One of them got me for $30 a couple of weeks ago. I got a text message saying I owed money for a toll and I knew I did, so I paid it, note to self to not pay those things when I'm in bed half asleep.

I got scammed.
One of them got me for $30 a couple of weeks ago. I got a text message saying I owed money for a toll and I knew I did, so I paid it, note to self to not pay those things when I'm in bed half asleep.

I got scammed.
I get at least 10 scams sent to me a day. One that I get regularly is from someone pretending to be my internet provider. The first they did it was when I really needed to update my credit card details. I fell for it and realised straight away. I rang my bank and cancelled my credit card. They tried to get nearly three grand from it.
It isn’t hard to see how people fall for these things.

Log in to remove this ad. booking i had for a place in Thailand got hacked, they send a message through the account saying i needed to confirm booking with cc info or it will be cancelled, lucky i didn't see message until later on when hotel itself messaged saying they have been compromised.
Had some indian chap ring me whilst I was in a meeting at work. Although I usually don't answer numbers I don't recognise I did so as a way of excusing myself from the tedious meeting. So he tells me he's from Telstra and they have detected suspicious activity on my internet and that it may be hacked. I'm not with Telstra but let him carry on until he stated that they would need to access my computer to fix the problem. It was then that I laughed and said "**** off scammer" and hung up.

So I immediately sat down and apologised to the other team members for my absence.

Straight away the phone rings and it is a different number than before. I excuse myself again and go to a different room. It is the same Indian bloke.

"Did your parents teach you no manners? How dare you speak to me like that!"

Me: "Mate I might swear but at least I am not a scammer"

Him (really agitated): "I may be a scammer but my parents taught me manners"

Me: "Listen you scamming campaigner, why don't you suck my ****?"

Him (furious): Your mother was a prostitute! Your mother was a prostitute! YOUR MOTHER WAS A ****ING PROSTITUTE!!!!!

Me (laughing) So much for manners, Campaigner! (I hang up)
Had some indian chap ring me whilst I was in a meeting at work. Although I usually don't answer numbers I don't recognise I did so as a way of excusing myself from the tedious meeting. So he tells me he's from Telstra and they have detected suspicious activity on my internet and that it may be hacked. I'm not with Telstra but let him carry on until he stated that they would need to access my computer to fix the problem. It was then that I laughed and said "**** off scammer" and hung up.

So I immediately sat down and apologised to the other team members for my absence.

Straight away the phone rings and it is a different number than before. I excuse myself again and go to a different room. It is the same Indian bloke.

"Did your parents teach you no manners? How dare you speak to me like that!"

Me: "Mate I might swear but at least I am not a scammer"

Him (really agitated): "I may be a scammer but my parents taught me manners"

Me: "Listen you scamming campaigner, why don't you suck my ****?"

Him (furious): Your mother was a prostitute! Your mother was a prostitute! YOUR MOTHER WAS A ****ING PROSTITUTE!!!!!

Me (laughing) So much for manners, Campaigner! (I hang up)
Got a call earlier today from the Visa Card Security Centre.

listened for a while to his spiel and asked him my usual response " Do you tell your grandmother your are working in International Banking or as a thief?"

The usual response is a couple of highly personal insults and a ---- you. This guy went into a diatribe, about the hypocrisy of an Australian. having descended from convicts dare call him a thief.

I admitted that I actually have two convict ancestors which led him into further insults, some for which were quite creative.

As I was having lunch with nothing else to do, I eventually said something along the lines of keep on insulting and swearing at me, all I'm doing is taking up your time you can't call anybody else.

He terminated the call for some reason

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