Schoolies Accommodation issues

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So there are many accommodation facilities around all the Schoolie's hot spot locations that claim that they do not accept schoolie's. Discrimination in it's most hidden form!

Here's my own personal experience.
Sunday; sent an email to X hotel asking them questions about the rate, a bond, parking etc. but no reference to Schoolies other than the dates.

Monday; No reply so I book the apartment after reading the entire website in search of any comments about schoolies to which were non-existant.

Tuesday; I receive the reply from X Hotel who kindly answer my questions but then briefly mention that they don't accept schoolies.

So what am I going to do? Give in and let them discriminate against our age?
No way in hell. I was outraged; fuming.
So I refer back to a speech that a police officer gave to us a few weeks back and he stated that no accommodation facility has any right to not accept schoolies students from staying at their location unless they basically don't comply with the governed rules of the premises holder such as No music after 10pm etc. etc.
Then I also researched into the discrimination that is happening so I found this website which gives a guide on it all.
Upon scrolling down to the Victoria Equal Opportunity Act (1995), I discovered that it is in fact unlawful for ACCOMMODATION to be inequal based on a person's AGE.
I have no reluctance in taking the matter further with Hotel X and have gave them all I could in proving that they will be committing a crime if they do not give us accommodation based on the fact we are celebrating Schoolies as we have completed Year 12 and are thus 18 years of age and therefore young adults.

Anyone got any experiences with hotels like this?
Or am I in the wrong and is the hotel at right?
What's the difference also between staying at the hotel X for a holiday and staying there for schoolies, surely there's no clear line between the two.

Thanks guys and girls.
Clearly there is a difference between schoolies and a holiday. If you owned a hotel would you really want a bunch of schoolies staying there? Its almost a guarantee to **** something up.

Whether its legal for them to refuse you accommodation, I don't know.
Yes but could someone not just say they were staying there for a holiday and then go to schoolies events each and everyday?

Yes I accept that things do get broken etc. which is why we have booked an isolated apartment and have offered to pay a bond as well.

If they refuse us accommodation because we are schoolies, how can we then not just say we are then on a holiday? It's a tough one.

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No way in hell. I was outraged; fuming.
So I refer back to a speech that a police officer gave to us a few weeks back and he stated that no accommodation facility has any right to not accept schoolies students from staying at their location unless they basically don't comply with the governed rules of the premises holder such as No music after 10pm etc. etc.
Then I also researched into the discrimination that is happening so I found this website which gives a guide on it all.
Upon scrolling down to the Victoria Equal Opportunity Act (1995), I discovered that it is in fact unlawful for ACCOMMODATION to be inequal based on a person's AGE.
I have no reluctance in taking the matter further with Hotel X and have gave them all I could in proving that they will be committing a crime if they do not give us accommodation based on the fact we are celebrating Schoolies as we have completed Year 12 and are thus 18 years of age and therefore young adults.

this is exactly what the great civil rights activists were fighting for :thumbsu:
With the way teenagers behave these days, I don't blame the hotel/motel for not letting schoolies stay. I would probably do the same if I were in their shoes. No way do I want a bunch of drunken teenagers trashing the place.
We are offering a bond to prove to them that we aren't going to be associated with the stereotype of binge drinking teenagers. I can't make it any easier to make anyone believe me but we just aren't like that.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
By the way, many properties have been trashed due to schoolies events so I can understand them rejecting schoolies bookings.

P&O cruises also reject schoolies.

Unfair on those schoolies who behave but you can't blame the property owners- short of charging a $10k bond, anything else probably wouldn't cover half of the risk involved.

Fair- no.
Due diligence- yes.
We are offering a bond to prove to them that we aren't going to be associated with the stereotype of binge drinking teenagers. I can't make it any easier to make anyone believe me but we just aren't like that.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Just say you are going up there for a holiday if they ask what you're there for.

Or alternatively, get the room booked in your parents name. Take that parent up there, get them to check in, then get that parent to go back home straight away.

The room is yours and they will be none the wiser.
When booking for schoolies this year we were told that they wouldnt accept us because we were male, and they only accepted female guests. Against the law, but I wasnt willing to take it any further.

But yeah I can see why they do, doesn't mean I think it's right
Just say you are going up there for a holiday if they ask what you're there for.

Well that's the thing, if worst comes to worst and our accommodation is revoked, we can still claim the booking and just say that we aren't schoolies and that we are there for a holiday. I don't see any harm in that. I mean surely they aren't allowed to ask us what we do during the day as that would be an invasion of privacy.
So yeah, if they still say no, I guess we'll just go on a "holiday".

It's just a shame when pisspoets and drunken idiots wreck it for other people.
Just go to Bali. I finished last year. Went to surfers in 07, was awesome. 08 surfers was great, put in for an apartment as alot of my mates were finishing. ALOT stricter than 07 and I presume the years before.

Last year went for the first 3 days, absolute shit. Couldn't wait to get out of there. The only people allowed in your apartment were the people registered to stay there. Bonds are like 300 bucks pp. Need to just about set the place on fire to do that much damage.

Don't know if its the same all over Australia, but schoolies will be dead in Surfers in a few years. The hotel owners will probally open there eyes to late to see they've killed their golden goose. (Even more so now it's only the V8's for Indy Weekend)

Personally I think it's great that hotels say no. Atleast you know where you stand.

They could easily do what alot of the hotels started doing last year and taking everybody's bonds and kicking people out for the smallest reason and definently stuff that was allowed to fly in previous years.

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Go to Byron. They're pretty lax there if you get a private place. There's a place on Marvel street that was a BnB run by an old couple and they were awesome. Made us breakfast every morning and the old bloke showed us where to surf when we asked. The only rule they had was no groups over after 1, which was fair enough because Old Mate added "Maximum one extra stay over per person" in that tone bogan dads give their sons when they ask about women.
Good work. Legal letter writing always scares the shit out of people.

But my mates and I did some pretty stupid shit at schoolies in 2007. A lot of us, including me, were only 17.

If a 17 year old version of me asked to stay at my house for schoolies i'd tell him to **** off on no uncertain terms.
Hey guys, i know your thread is a year old, but i have the same issue.

i booked with vibe hotel for schoolies 2011 for 5 guys all online.
now the other day another friend of mine who we convinced said he wanted to come and i said stay in our hotel.
now he called, and the convo about schoolies popped up, and theyre like we dont take schoolies. this wasnt referring to our booking
so now we've already booked what do we do?
any chance you can send me that legal letter? i think ill need it.

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Schoolies Accommodation issues

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