Restricted Free Agent
President of the Conor Nash fan club
Saw 8 had a few cool traps I guess, the demogorgan laser slicer thing was pretty cool. In the first couple of movies there wasn't too much explicit gore (bar the needle pit scene) but by Saw III it had just become very explicit gore and duplicate nudity. In saying that, that doesn't mean all the traps after Saw II are bad, they do seem to get less and less winnable as the series progresses thoughYeah...but by Saw V you're already invested so you have to watch the others.
To be fair, Saw 7 wasn't too bad. I used the premise of Saw 6 in one of my professional essays (though luckily the pass bar was pretty low), and Saw 8 was terrible but at least it's back. The new one will be good I think.