Secret of a Great Midfielder

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clean handling of the ball when under pressure
Thanks one and all for those responses. While stamina, toughness and a never-say-die attitude are all essentail ingredients of the successful midfielder, they weren't what I had in mind.

Hellfire, Didaka, wicksy, heavyhitters Inc and Zorbadunde are all on the right track. All of the midfield stars mentioned in the OP are afflicted, or blessed, with every woman's nightmare - BIG bums and thighs.

I first developed this theory when watching Gary Ablett. I was wondering how he managed to keep his feet so well in the midst of affray. I noticed that he had nether regions of almost womanly porportions. Of course his bum etc is all muscle, a woman's is just flubber. I applied the same test to other midfield marvels and discerned similar levels of posterior beef.

I believe that these players benefit from superior core strength and a low-slung centre of gravity, which enables them to keep upright when under heavy pressure and to batter their way out of a pack. Marty Clarke is very hefty around the hindquarters, so I think his midfield potential is as massive as his bum.:thumbsu:

I hope the Presbyterian theory isn't correct; Marty wouldn't stand a chance.:p
Thanks one and all for those responses. While stamina, toughness and a never-say-die attitude are all essentail ingredients of the successful midfielder, they weren't what I had in mind.

Hellfire, Didaka, wicksy, heavyhitters Inc and Zorbadunde are all on the right track. All of the midfield stars mentioned in the OP are afflicted, or blessed, with every woman's nightmare - BIG bums and thighs.

I first developed this theory when watching Gary Ablett. I was wondering how he managed to keep his feet so well in the midst of affray. I noticed that he had nether regions of almost womanly porportions. Of course his bum etc is all muscle, a woman's is just flubber. I applied the same test to other midfield marvels and discerned similar levels of posterior beef.

I believe that these players benefit from superior core strength and a low-slung centre of gravity, which enables them to keep upright when under heavy pressure and to batter their way out of a pack. Marty Clarke is very hefty around the hindquarters, so I think his midfield potential is as massive as his bum.:thumbsu:

I think my arse may contradict your theory Saus
Young Steele has quite large thighs given his age, a good sign. :)


I think most of those guys listed would've been around the same size at his age.

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Thanks one and all for those responses. While stamina, toughness and a never-say-die attitude are all essentail ingredients of the successful midfielder, they weren't what I had in mind.

Hellfire, Didaka, wicksy, heavyhitters Inc and Zorbadunde are all on the right track. All of the midfield stars mentioned in the OP are afflicted, or blessed, with every woman's nightmare - BIG bums and thighs.

I first developed this theory when watching Gary Ablett. I was wondering how he managed to keep his feet so well in the midst of affray. I noticed that he had nether regions of almost womanly porportions. Of course his bum etc is all muscle, a woman's is just flubber. I applied the same test to other midfield marvels and discerned similar levels of posterior beef.

I believe that these players benefit from superior core strength and a low-slung centre of gravity, which enables them to keep upright when under heavy pressure and to batter their way out of a pack. Marty Clarke is very hefty around the hindquarters, so I think his midfield potential is as massive as his bum.:thumbsu:

I hope the Presbyterian theory isn't correct; Marty wouldn't stand a chance.:p

I saw Chris Judd about 6 months ago just outside the Carlton ground, and he has one of the smallest bums you would ever see on a footballer. I imagine that Simon Black and Daniel Kerr are similar to Judd as well.

What elite midfielders have in common is that they are all ball magnets, excellent decision makers, have pace in a football sense(rather than athletic sense), are consistent and are one touch players.

Marty Clarke has a few of those traits but is yet to prove he is a ball magnet or is consistent.
What were you doing looking at Judd's bum Kevin?

He was walking a few steps in front of me so it was hard not to notice what a small bum it was. I thought it ironic that here was one of the greatest midfielders in the modern era with this incredibly small bum and we have a coach who according to recruiting staff wants boys with big bums(unless he has since changed his view).:rolleyes:

In case you are wondering, my preference is female bums:):thumbsu::thumbsu:
He was walking a few steps in front of me so it was hard not to notice what a small bum it was. I thought it ironic that here was one of the greatest midfielders in the modern era with this incredibly small bum and we have a coach who according to recruiting staff wants boys with big bums(unless he has since changed his view).:rolleyes:

In case you are wondering, my preference is female bums:):thumbsu::thumbsu:

What a delightful post! As I haven't had the opportunity to make a first-hand study of Judd's bum I'll defer to your superior knowledge and stand corrected, kevinD. But photographic evidence indictes that he has things of legend - perhaps they compensate for his spindly shanks. Your bum preference, of course, is you own affair, but I trust your assessment of Marty Clarke will change over time.

kevinD eh? Interesting name. If you'd like to buddy a player, there's one who shares it in the Buddy Draft thread.:)
When I saw little Gary Shablett early on I thought, it's got to be a dowagers hump, then I thought maybe socks or sacks.

Speaking of physical attributes helping the game - I have a theory that Jack Anthony's pinched and beaky face allows him some super eagle vision at the big stix and his nose acts as some kind of rudder, setting direction for a nice kick.

Flicking other players NUTsacks seems to give some midfielders an elite burst of power.
When I saw little Gary Shablett early on I thought, it's got to be a dowagers hump, then I thought maybe socks or sacks.

Speaking of physical attributes helping the game - I have a theory that Jack Anthony's pinched and beaky face allows him some super eagle vision at the big stix and his nose acts as some kind of rudder, setting direction for a nice kick.

Flicking other players NUTsacks seems to give some midfielders an elite burst of power.

Another comedian - take note, God.

I think you're on to something re JA's hatchet-like face. That's why I think of him as Jack The Weapon Anthony. I've also noticed that great swimmers have big noses - all the better to breathe with, I presume.

Can't comment on the... er... other matter.
The stocky low center of gravity thing helps to a point but is not an essential. The big thighs thing in terms of midfielders is pretty common Judd's look big and well developed but most midfielders who had been in the system for that long would have similar size in their legs.

As kevin has pointed out guys like Black, Kerr, Lappin lacked it and where all stand out mids. I personally hope marty is given some time tagging. He has the endurance and determenation and the confidence to back himself to hurt his opponent going the other way. I think he'll suit the role very well and as has been the case for many players before him it should teach him a good deal about where the best players put themself to get the ball

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Secret of a Great Midfielder

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