245kg of Love Muscle
I was having a look at the Sweet F.A+ and reminisced on the players I have put on the qooty boots with and gone into battle with. In going over the names I started to get nostalgic remembering some big nights at Kittens, Carpark Fights, Dumpster Fires, Rookies hazing's, over throwing leaders, building a new club facility at Spotswood etc etc.So for fun I thought I'd put together a side of players I have played with (current and not current). The only issue was not enough spots, so unfortunately some great people had to be chopped, but qooty is a cut throat business so get over it.
Here is my Turbo team sheet of players I have laced the qooty boots on over my 12 seasons.
TURBOs Terrors
B: JackBero / TJASTA / Bastyy
HB: Nuffers /The Half Back / The Greatest Ava
C: Robertio / Elton Johns Wig / ned_Flanders
HF: The Jesus / U2tigers / James Colorado
F: Mrs Turbo / Bonz / kananooks
Foll: Tigerturbulance / Callums_Guns / Braklet
INT: JackNah_8 / Carson Dial
So have ago, the longer you have played the harder it will be!
and for those that want to just post their current team sheet because they think that would be funny
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