Resource SFA Season 35 Fixture, Ladder and Statistics Thread

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SFA Season 35 Official Premiership Fixture

Round One - 29 January 2023 (Opening Round)

Baghdad Bombers vs Fighting Furies at Abdu Prison
Dragons FFC vs Sin City Swamprats at Ljp86's Lair
East Side Phoenix vs Gold City Royals at The Eyrie
Las Vegas Bears vs Roys FFC at The Stadium in the Sky
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Gumbies FFC at Spotswood Oval
West Coast Wonders vs Mount Buller Demons at The Colosseum
Bye: Coney Island Warriors

Round Two - 5 February 2023

Fighting Furies vs Coney Island Warriors at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Mount Buller Demons vs Roys FFC at Snow Dome
Gumbies FFC vs Dragons FFC at House of Gumby
Las Vegas Bears vs Baghdad Bombers at The Stadium in the Sky
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs West Coast Wonders at Spotswood Oval
Sin City Swamprats vs Gold City Royals at Underground Stadium
Bye: East Side Phoenix

Round Three - 12 February 2023

Mount Buller Demons vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at Snow Dome
Dragons FFC vs Las Vegas Bears at Ljp86's Lair
Gumbies FFC vs Roys FFC at House of Gumby
Coney Island Warriors vs East Side Phoenix at Van Cordlandt Park
Gold City Royals vs Fighting Furies at The Golden Throne
Sin City Swamprats vs Baghdad Bombers at Underground Stadium
Bye: West Coast Wonders

Round Four - 19 February 2023

Mount Buller Demons vs Baghdad Bombers at Snow Dome
Dragons FFC vs West Coast Wonders at Ljp86's Lair
Gumbies FFC vs Gold City Royals at House of Gumby
Roys FFC vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at Brunswick Junction Oval
Coney Island Warriors vs Las Vegas Bears at Van Cordlandt Park
Sin City Swamprats vs East Side Phoenix at Underground Stadium
Bye: Fighting Furies

Round Five - 26 February 2023

Fighting Furies vs West Coast Wonders at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
East Side Phoenix vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at The Eyrie
Roys FFC vs Coney Island Warriors at Brunswick Junction Oval
Las Vegas Bears vs Gumbies FFC at The Stadium in the Sky
Gold City Royals vs Dragons FFC at The Golden Throne
Sin City Swamprats vs Mount Buller Demons at Underground Stadium
Bye: Baghdad Bombers

Round Six - 5 March 2023

Dragons FFC vs Fighting Furies at Ljp86's Lair
East Side Phoenix vs Baghdad Bombers at The Eyrie
Roys FFC vs Sin City Swamprats at Renown Park
Coney Island Warriors vs Gold City Royals at Van Cordlandt Park
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Las Vegas Bears at Spotswood Oval
West Coast Wonders vs Gumbies FFC at The Colosseum
Bye: Mount Buller Demons

Round Seven - 12 March 2023

Baghdad Bombers vs Roys FFC at Abdu Prison
East Side Phoenix vs Mount Buller Demons at The Eyrie
Gumbies FFC vs Fighting Furies at House of Gumby
Coney Island Warriors vs West Coast Wonders at Van Cordlandt Park
Las Vegas Bears vs Sin City Swamprats at The Stadium in the Sky
Gold City Royals vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at The Golden Throne
Bye: Dragons FFC

Round Eight - 19 March 2023

Fighting Furies vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Dragons FFC vs Coney Island Warriors at Ljp86's Lair
Roys FFC vs East Side Phoenix at Brunswick Junction Oval
Las Vegas Bears vs Mount Buller Demons at The Stadium in the Sky
Gold City Royals vs Baghdad Bombers at The Golden Throne
West Coast Wonders vs Sin City Swamprats at The Colosseum
Bye: Gumbies FFC

Round Nine - 26 March 2023

Fighting Furies vs Roys FFC at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Dragons FFC vs East Side Phoenix at Ljp86's Lair
Gumbies FFC vs Mount Buller Demons at House of Gumby
Coney Island Warriors vs Baghdad Bombers at Van Cordlandt Park
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Sin City Swamprats at Spotswood Oval
West Coast Wonders vs Las Vegas Bears at The Colosseum
Bye: Gold City Royals

Round 10 - 2 April 2023

Baghdad Bombers vs West Coast Wonders at Abdu Prison
Fighting Furies vs Sin City Swamprats at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Coney Island Warriors vs Gumbies FFC at Van Cordlandt Park
Las Vegas Bears vs East Side Phoenix at The Stadium in the Sky
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Dragons FFC at Spotswood Oval
Gold City Royals vs Mount Buller Demons at The Golden Throne
Bye: Roys FFC

Round 11 - 9 April 2023 (Easter Round)

Baghdad Bombers vs Dragons FFC at Abdu Prison
Mount Buller Demons vs Fighting Furies at Snow Dome
Roys FFC vs Gold City Royals at Brunswick Junction Oval
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Coney Island Warriors at Spotswood Oval
Sin City Swamprats vs Gumbies FFC at Underground Stadium
West Coast Wonders vs East Side Phoenix at The Colosseum
Bye: Las Vegas Bears

Round 12 - 16 April 2023

Baghdad Bombers v Ophidian Old Boys FFC at Abdu Prison
Gumbies FFC v East Side Phoenix at House of Gumby
Roys FFC v Dragons FFC at Brunswick Junction Oval
Coney Island Warriors v Mount Buller Demons at Van Cordlandt Park
Las Vegas Bears v Fighting Furies at The Stadium in the Sky
West Coast Wonders v Gold City Royals at The Colosseum
Bye: Sin City Swamprats

Round 13 - 23 April 2023 (ANZAC Day Round)

Baghdad Bombers vs Gumbies FFC at Abdu Prison
Fighting Furies vs East Side Phoenix at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Mount Buller Demons vs Dragons FFC at Snow Dome
Roys FFC vs West Coast Wonders at Brunswick Junction Oval
Gold City Royals vs Las Vegas Bears at The Golden Throne
Sin City Swamprats vs Coney Island Warriors at Underground Stadium
Bye: Ophidian Old Boys FFC

Round 14 - 30 April 2023

Baghdad Bombers vs Coney Island Warriors at Abdu Prison
Gumbies FFC vs West Coast Wonders at House of Gumby
Roys FFC vs Las Vegas Bears at Brunswick Junction Oval
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Gold City Royals at Spotswood Oval
Bye: Dragons FFC, East Side Phoenix, Fighting Furies, Mount Buller Demons, Sin City Swamprats

Round 15 - 7 May 2023

Baghdad Bombers vs Mount Buller Demons at Abdu Prison
Dragons FFC vs Gumbies FFC at Ljp86's Lair
East Side Phoenix vs Las Vegas Bears at The Eyrie
Coney Island Warriors vs Roys FFC at Van Cordlandt Park
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Fighting Furies at Spotswood Oval
Gold City Royals vs Sin City Swamprats at The Golden Throne
Bye: West Coast Wonders

Round 16 - 14 May 2023 (Mother's Day Round/Heritage Round)

Fighting Furies vs Gumbies FFC at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Mount Buller Demons vs West Coast Wonders at Snow Dome
East Side Phoenix vs Baghdad Bombers at The Eyrie
Las Vegas Bears vs Dragons FFC at The Stadium in the Sky
Gold City Royals vs Coney Island Warriors at The Golden Throne
Sin City Swamprats vs Roys FFC at Alberton Oval
Bye: Ophidian Old Boys FFC

Round 17 - 21 May 2023

Mount Buller Demons vs Sin City Swamprats at Snow Dome
Dragons FFC vs Gold City Royals at Ljp86's Lair
East Side Phoenix vs Fighting Furies at Flog Oval *doubleheader game
West Coast Wonders vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at Flog Oval *doubleheader game
Bye: Baghdad Bombers, Coney Island Warriors, Gumbies FFC, Las Vegas Bears, Roys FFC

Round 18 - 28 May 2023 (Final Round)

Fighting Furies vs Dragons FFC at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Mount Buller Demons vs Coney Island Warriors at Snow Dome
East Side Phoenix vs Roys FFC at The Eyrie
Gumbies FFC vs Ophidian Old Boys FFC at House of Gumby
Sin City Swamprats vs Las Vegas Bears at Okey's Outhouse (SFA PARK)
West Coast Wonders vs Baghdad Bombers at The Colosseum
Bye: Gold City Royals

Finals Week One - 4 June 2023

First Qualifying Final: 1st vs 4th
Second Qualifying Final: 2nd vs 3rd
First Elimination Final: 5th vs 8th
Second Elimination Final: 6th vs 7th

Finals Week Two - 11 June 2023 (Queen's Birthday Round excl. Qld & WA)

First Semi Final: Loser First Qualifying Final vs Winner First Elimination Final
Second Semi Final: Loser Second Qualifying Final vs Winner Second Elimination Final

Finals Week Three - 18 June 2023

First Preliminary Final: Winner First Qualifying Final vs Winner Second Semi Final
Second Preliminary Final: Winner Second Qualifying Final vs Winner First Semi Final

Finals Week Four - 25 June 2023

Grand Final: Winner First Preliminary Final vs Winner Second Preliminary Final at SFA Park
Last edited:
Season 35 Starting Ladder

Team                   P   W   L   D   Pen   For  Agnst     %     Pts  Streak   L5   Change   GB    Chase

Baghdad Bombers        -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Coney Island Warriors  -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Dragons FFC            -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
East Side Phoenix      -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Fighting Furies        -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Gold City Royals       -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Gumbies FFC            -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Las Vegas Bears        -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Mount Buller Demons    -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Ophidian Old Boys FFC  -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Roys FFC               -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
Sin City Swamprats     -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -
West Coast Wonders     -   -   -   -    -     -     -     00.00    -     -      -      -       -      -


• SFA Season 35 Fixture announced
• Season 35 to take place over 18 rounds, each club to have two byes
• Season 34 Grand Finalists to meet in Round Seven
• Top Eight finals series retained
• Heritage Round to be held in Round 16

Round One Fixtures (Opening Round)

Baghdad Bombers vs Fighting Furies at Abdu Prison
Dragons FFC vs Sin City Swamprats at Ljp86's Lair
East Side Phoenix vs Gold City Royals at The Eyrie
Las Vegas Bears vs Roys FFC at The Stadium in the Sky
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs Gumbies FFC at Spotswood Oval (MOTR)
West Coast Wonders vs Mount Buller Demons at The Colosseum
Bye: Coney Island Warriors

Scoring Averages/Efficiency Season 35

Av Points                SF      SA      HF      HA      AF      AA    Goals  Behinds   Acc%    Rat%

Baghdad Bombers         00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Coney Island Warriors   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Dragons FFC             00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
East Side Phoenix       00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Fighting Furies         00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Gold City Royals        00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Gumbies FFC             00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Las Vegas Bears         00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Mount Buller Demons     00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Ophidian Old Boys FFC   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Roys FFC                00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
Sin City Swamprats      00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00
West Coast Wonders      00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00     -      -      00.00   00.00

Totals                    -       -       -       -       -       -       -      -

Averages                00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00   00.00    00.00  00.00   00.00   00.00

Points Totals            SF   SA    HF   HA   AF   AA    H    A

Baghdad Bombers           -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Coney Island Warriors     -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Dragons FFC               -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
East Side Phoenix         -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Fighting Furies           -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Gold City Royals          -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Gumbies FFC               -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Las Vegas Bears           -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Mount Buller Demons       -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Ophidian Old Boys FFC     -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Roys FFC                  -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
Sin City Swamprats        -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -
West Coast Wonders        -    -     -    -    -    -    -    -

Did you know? Fighting Furies and West Coast Wonders combined for 10 of the first 21 SFA premierships, including 15 GF berths. Since then, both clubs have combined for three GF berths (all Furies) for a total of zero flags.
Grand Final Records by club

Club                   Prem R/Up Spoon GF   LP  LGF   Dr

Baghdad Bombers          6    2    3    8   34   34    -         
Coney Island Warriors    -    1    -    1    -   19   17*
Dragons FFC              3    1    -    5   32   32    2
East Side Phoenix        1    5    2    6   12   33   22     
Fighting Furies          5    7    4   13   20   32   14
Gold City Royals         1    -    2    1   30   30    4
Gumbies FFC              1    2    4    3   16   21   18
Las Vegas Bears          1    1    1    3   22   27   12
Mount Buller Demons      3    5    4    8   31   31    3
Ophidian Old Boys FFC    -    -    -    -    -    -    1
Roys FFC                 3    1    3    4   33   34    1     
Sin City Swamprats       3    3    3    7   29   30    5
West Coast Wonders       5    3    2    8   21   21   13

LP: Season last won premiership
LGF: Last Season contested Grand Final
Dr: Drought - Seasons since last premiership

  • Coney Island Warriors have never won an SFA premiership with 17 representing how many seasons they have contested to date.
  • Ophidian Old Boys FFC debuted in Season 34 and have contested one season to date.

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Season 35 marks the longest consecutive time there has been a Bye in the competition, stretching to its 2nd season. There was a bye in Season 01, but it did not appear again until Season 34. Even the placeholder team (AFL Allstars) failed to extend into 2 consecutive seasons - they appeared on two separate occasions.

Season 35 of the Sweet FA commences in real-time CE 2023, which year marks entry into the 32nd year of the existence of the Qooty Sim and approx the 36th year of footy Simulator predecessors in this scope (1988 - Real Time Footy, 1990ish - QuickFooty, 1992 - Qooty).

In summary, the oldest Sweet FA teams turn 35 seasons or 23 years old, and the Sim itself 32 years old.

Have fun!
And now the season has officially started. Thank you Ljp86

Please don't tell me what to do, Mobbs.

But, as luck would have it, I will have fun! 🥳
Have more fun then.

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  • Bombers title defence off to a promising start
  • 9 goals from okeydoke7 not enough to give Swamprats the win
  • Royals hold off fast finishing Phoenix
  • Supersuns dominates in comfortable Bears win
  • Gumbies last quarter heroics clinch the victory
  • Wonders scoring blitz holds off rivals


Baghdad Bombers 21.6 (132) defeated Fighting Furies 18.6 (114) LINK
Dragons FFC 20.10 (130) defeated Sin City Swamprats 17.14 (116) LINK
East Side Phoenix 14.6 (90) lost to Gold City Royals 17.4 (106) LINK
Las Vegas Bears 14.6 (90) defeated Roys FFC 8.9 (57) LINK
Ophidian Old Boys FFC 11.8 (74) lost to Gumbies FFC 14.8 (92) LINK
West Coast Wonders 18.12 (120) defeated Mount Buller Demons 15.5 (95) LINK
Bye: Coney Island Warriors

Round Two Fixtures
Fighting Furies vs Coney Island Warriors at rfctigerarmy's hippodrome
Mount Buller Demons vs Roys FFC at Snow Dome
Gumbies FFC vs Dragons FFC at House of Gumby
Las Vegas Bears vs Baghdad Bombers at The Stadium in the Sky (MOTR)
Ophidian Old Boys FFC vs West Coast Wonders at Spotswood Oval
Sin City Swamprats vs Gold City Royals at Underground Stadium
Bye: East Side Phoenix

Ladder in previous format
                        P  W  L  D Pen   For  Agst     %    Pts Streak  Last 5  Change   GB  Chase
Las Vegas Bears         1  1  -  -   -    90    57  157.89%   4    W1   W          -    Ldr      -
West Coast Wonders      1  1  -  -   -   120    95  126.32%   4    W1   W          -      -      -
Geelong Gumbies         1  1  -  -   -    92    74  124.32%   4    W1   W          -      -      -
Gold City Royals        1  1  -  -   -   106    90  117.78%   4    W1   W          -      -      -
Baghdad Bombers         1  1  -  -   -   132   114  115.79%   4    W1   W          -      -      -
Dragons FFC             1  1  -  -   -   130   116  112.07%   4    W1   W          -      -      -
Sin City Swamprats      1  -  1  -   -   116   130   89.23%   -    L1   L          -     -1      -
Fighting Furies         1  -  1  -   -   114   132   86.36%   -    L1   L          -     -1    Ldr
East Side Phoenix       1  -  1  -   -    90   106   84.91%   -    L1   L          -     -1      -
Ophidian Old Boys FFC   1  -  1  -   -    74    92   80.43%   -    L1   L          -     -1      -
Mount Buller Demons     1  -  1  -   -    95   120   79.17%   -    L1   L          -     -1      -
Roys FFC                1  -  1  -   -    57    90   63.33%   -    L1   L          -     -1      -
Coney Island Warriors   -  -  -  -   -     -     -    0.00%   -    -               -      -      -

Ladder by win %
Commences next week

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Resource SFA Season 35 Fixture, Ladder and Statistics Thread

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