SFL - 2018

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Interestingly, Cameron Cloke was one of the boys tested. Others to be tested play for Doutta Stars, coached by Dean Wallis. Definitely target testing

It would be interesting if a metro player refused to provide a sample, there is no agreement or binding contract for the players to submit, how far would this power to demand a sample extend, under 18s, juniors, netball. This is gunna get grubby when a player takes a stand, not to protect his lifestyle choices but to draw a line in the grey. Hey I ain't against cleaning the sports but are we going to see the same approach to metro cricket , soccer or the white coats turning up to the local chess comp. very surprised this has not caused more of a flap
So the final 4 is all but set. anyone care to predict how the season ends? and McLeod fancies..
I think imps are the team to beat, Mildura finals experience may hurt, Irymple can be inconsistent and red cliffs look to lack depth.
McLeod i can see going to J.Eagle even with forwards not polling well a few big bags has to see him up there..
I like The Swallows to come home hard in September, they have the mid field to carve up the others and will go all day. Gunna take some stopping. The medal will hang around Coleman's neck but watch out for the former Imps mid now at Henshilwood. Gets a lot of the leather, under the umps eyes all game and has the X factor

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I did hear during the week that a well known red cliffs player had spat at a merbein player but unsure. Am not naming names as im not 100% sure if it is true or not and dont want to blow things out.
Sharp end of the season approaching quickly, I still believe Imps and Mildura are the ones to play off. Saying that, there's no easy games amongst the top 4. Irymple have rolled Imps twice during the year, and also beat the Demons. The Tigers are building and can't be discounted either, especially with the return of Moncur. The McLeod will probably fall around the neck of either R Hards or Mitch Rogerson, outsiders being Jason Eagle and maybe Stokes from Red Cliffs. The team of the year will again be filled with the bulk of the top 2 sides.....
Any news on the outcomes of last nights tribunal hearings?
Kirby calling the racist card. I heard from fellow Red cliffs players and a committee member that there were no racial comments made from any Mildura players or officials. Kirby gone from the SFL, please. Has he ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?
So what actually happened on the day and the result of it? Has the runner neen susp or did kirby get susp? Does he have any weeks hanging over his head from his last incident? Also what was the result of bell?
So what actually happened on the day and the result of it? Has the runner neen susp or did kirby get susp? Does he have any weeks hanging over his head from his last incident? Also what was the result of bell?
Gee they must have well tuned counsel down there at Quandong Park. The Kirby incident was nothing in it, unbelievably he didn't even throw a punch, was only showing the runner the way to the bench after some less than friendly gobbing off by the Mildura runner. If he wants to go down that path, I suggest he pulls on a jumper and sticks his head over the ball. I don't know how you strike someone and get a suspended sentence, then calling Alvey a protected species? Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not an Alvey fan, but credit where credit is due, the guy can play. Kirby result fair enough, Bell result, who's protected now? Shoulda gone for 1-2.
Gee they must have well tuned counsel down there at Quandong Park. The Kirby incident was nothing in it, unbelievably he didn't even throw a punch, was only showing the runner the way to the bench after some less than friendly gobbing off by the Mildura runner. If he wants to go down that path, I suggest he pulls on a jumper and sticks his head over the ball. I don't know how you strike someone and get a suspended sentence, then calling Alvey a protected species? Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not an Alvey fan, but credit where credit is due, the guy can play. Kirby result fair enough, Bell result, who's protected now? Shoulda gone for 1-2.

The runner you talk about pulled on a jumper over 200 times and never once failed to put his head over the ball.
The runner you talk about pulled on a jumper over 200 times and never once failed to put his head over the ball.
Excellent work, and I'm sure that he had plenty to say during that period. That's whats required. My point is that should be left to the players to target opponents, not runners, otherwise they are also potentially exposed to the same repercussions of their actions. Deliver the message and get off.
Maybe if Kirby sticks his head over the ball instead of looking to belt kids every week, he wouldn't be looking at a de-registration from football. Were you at the game Schnail73? I was told by a Redcliffs supporter that all the runner said to Kirby was "to stop trying to belt up kids"

can anyone at the game confirm/deny? I'm finding it hard to believe that Kirby is the victim here. As we have seen with his previous cases - he normally gets himself in hot water then cries to look like the victim. He should go back to Millewa where he can actually get a kick
Kids? Was he playing U18's? I thought it was senior football. Now... I'm no Red Cliffs fan, far from it. Kirby will only have himself to blame when he is finally deregistered. Currently though, he is one of the better half backs in the league and has made plenty of good local footballers look silly at times. He's no victim, he draws attention in the same way John Jackson does, and his fuse is as short. Hence, his record. My comments were around why a runner was getting caught up in verbals with players on the ground that results in reports. Surely Mildura have enough hard nuts on the field to look after the kids and fly the flag, both verbally and physically, without backup from a non combatant?.... No wasn't at the game, thought it would be a blowout, better side won.

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The tribunal is soft, a suspended sentence with no weeks to be served???, they know he is close to deresignation and are to scared to be the ones to get him closer or in fact have to deregister him. i also have the feeling there will be no case to hear for the investigation into the R/C v merbs game. Very poor from the tribunal i think. Also a suspended sentence until the end of the year is a joke, weeks hanging over your head shouldn't vary depending if you get reported at the start of the year or the end of the year, should be until the same round of report the following year.
The tribunal is soft, a suspended sentence with no weeks to be served???, they know he is close to deresignation and are to scared to be the ones to get him closer or in fact have to deregister him. i also have the feeling there will be no case to hear for the investigation into the R/C v merbs game. Very poor from the tribunal i think. Also a suspended sentence until the end of the year is a joke, weeks hanging over your head shouldn't vary depending if you get reported at the start of the year or the end of the year, should be until the same round of report the following year.
Don't know about that MM, the tribunal will hand out sentences where proven and justified. History tells us that. As for the investigation into the RC v Merbs game, if the evidence is there and its clear rules were broken, the tribunal will sit and listen to the cases. If the tribunal does not sit, then there can't be a great deal of evidence or its overly contradictory. Has the investigation team (not tribunal members) spoken to all the parties? Regardless of all of this, he has this sitting over him until the end of the year, and again, as history tells us, he'll probably slip up, cop the sentence with the 2 weeks hanging over his head and she's all over red rover.....
Don't know about that MM, the tribunal will hand out sentences where proven and justified. History tells us that. As for the investigation into the RC v Merbs game, if the evidence is there and its clear rules were broken, the tribunal will sit and listen to the cases. If the tribunal does not sit, then there can't be a great deal of evidence or its overly contradictory. Has the investigation team (not tribunal members) spoken to all the parties? Regardless of all of this, he has this sitting over him until the end of the year, and again, as history tells us, he'll probably slip up, cop the sentence with the 2 weeks hanging over his head and she's all over red rover.....

I may be wrong and correct me if i am, but i have never seen someone receive 2 weeks suspended sentence after been found not guilty. so he must of been found guilty of the report?, and the tribunal only give him the suspended sentence, that's where i find it a bit soft. 1 week with 1 suspended, at least, i would of thought. and my point on the weeks over his head till the end of the year.. well there is 3 games left so not a very long time until they get cleared, should be for 12 months in every case. as for the investigations, never really see a whole lot get to the tribunal, we saw Dawson receive a broken jaw and still no case to answer. with both teams putting their cases forward there will always be contradicting evidence, tough gig for the investigators..
I may be wrong and correct me if i am, but i have never seen someone receive 2 weeks suspended sentence after been found not guilty. so he must of been found guilty of the report?, and the tribunal only give him the suspended sentence, that's where i find it a bit soft. 1 week with 1 suspended, at least, i would of thought. and my point on the weeks over his head till the end of the year.. well there is 3 games left so not a very long time until they get cleared, should be for 12 months in every case. as for the investigations, never really see a whole lot get to the tribunal, we saw Dawson receive a broken jaw and still no case to answer. with both teams putting their cases forward there will always be contradicting evidence, tough gig for the investigators..
He wasn't found "not guilty", clearly guilt was proven because a sentence was applied. I suggest the suspended sentence was due to the impact of the charge (e.g. rough conduct as opposed to striking) and the fact it was against the opposition teams runner. The investigations have worked in the past, Daniel Hickey (Imps) received several weeks (~4) in 2013 after his round 1 strike on a Mildura defender (Hughes or Dawson?). More and more teams in Country Vic are taping the games, 1 for match analysis, 2 for evidence in case of a report. If there is enough evidence, it'll end up at the tribunal, if not then there is no case to prosecute or defend.
Dear grubs, is the year defined on who gets rubbed out or who gets to play, geez my view, and call me a traditionist, the team that finishes in front on the scoreboard on the last game that league roles out is the winner. Plenty of hallway bleating here lads. Who gives a toss who gets to run out for their jumper. It's all about that day and who wants it more that day. South won a flag with three of their main movers rubbed out so don't start trotting out th excuses in rounds to go
Dear grubs, is the year defined on who gets rubbed out or who gets to play, geez my view, and call me a traditionist, the team that finishes in front on the scoreboard on the last game that league roles out is the winner. Plenty of hallway bleating here lads. Who gives a toss who gets to run out for their jumper. It's all about that day and who wants it more that day. South won a flag with three of their main movers rubbed out so don't start trotting out th excuses in rounds to go
South? Has your butler spiked your nightcap again Vanderhum? South haven't won anything since you were an old grammarian past player....
South? Has your butler spiked your nightcap again Vanderhum? South haven't won anything since you were an old grammarian past player....

Yeah fair point, it was around 1998 ?? But the facts are that there three of their best were rubbed out and they were still holding the the cup in the air at number one around 5.15pm. Just sayen Rick Cashen was one and another was their pivot tough ball magnet, can't remember his name and the other was their vice captain who from memory went on to king hit a Wenty lad next season behind the play and was charged by the coppers. Still say it's the 20 on the day who want it more win
Speaking of who wants it more, any tips on the final round clash between Mildura and Imps? Will they shoulder arms & just go through the motions believing they'll meet in the GF? Or can either Irymple or Reddy lift at the pointy end of the year to upset the comps yardsticks?
Favourites for seniors flag and McLeod medal ?????
Also reserves teams this year have been high quality for anyone watching who will win there flag and medal ??
Favourites should've imps & Mildura for the ones, best teams all year. McLeod will be an interesting one, I reckon Eagle could give it a shove, Mitch Rogerson will poll well and the usual suspects from imps (Hards boys), my smoky is Stokes from Red Cliffs. You would reckon that South and Mildura will play off in the 2s GF.
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