With the further expansion of Football into Queensland and NSW, Football has been marketed as AFL, especially with Rugby fans and Soccer fans referring to Football as AFL, but the game isnt called AFL, its called Football, or Australian Football.
Australian Soccer branded themselves as football 7-8 years ago and it failed miserably costing them millions and alienating Football and Rugby supporters from soccer and still 99% of Australia calls it soccer.
With the failings of Australian Soccer, should Football be marketed as AFL? or has the AFL done the right thing marketing Football as AFL to appeal more the states where Football isnt the dominate code?
Australian Soccer branded themselves as football 7-8 years ago and it failed miserably costing them millions and alienating Football and Rugby supporters from soccer and still 99% of Australia calls it soccer.
With the failings of Australian Soccer, should Football be marketed as AFL? or has the AFL done the right thing marketing Football as AFL to appeal more the states where Football isnt the dominate code?